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Indirect speech(1) Reporting questions

I. 1. Indirect questions are not real questions so they do not have the word order of questions or a question mark(?):

I said: 'Where does Penny live?' (direct)

I asked (them) where Penny lived. (indirect)

Neil said: 'Are you from Sweden?' (direct)

Neil asked (me) if I was from Sweden. (indirect)

2. As well as ask, we can use wonder and want to know to report questions, e.g.:

'When will I hear from David?' Liz asked herself.

Liz wondered when she would hear from David.

'Who has opened my mail?' asked Clare.

Clare wanted to know who had opened her mail.

3. Many questions begin with a question word (what, where, etc.). These also appear in the indirect question:

'What are you doing, Tim?' said the teacher.

The teacher asked Tim what he was doing.

'Where does Peter work?' my mother asked.

My mother asked me where Peter worked.

4. When the original question does not have a question word, the indirect question has if or whether:

'Do you know the answer?' she asked.

She asked me if/whether I knew the answer.

'Is Isabel Spanish or not?' said Ian.

Ian asked if/whether Isabel was Spanish or not.

5. We can use indirect questions to summarize conversations such as job interviews or meetings:

I asked all the candidates if they had university degrees and which languages they could speak. Then I asked them what experience they had and how they felt about working in a team.

Exercise 68. Write the words in the correct order to make reported questions. Start with the underlined word or phrase.

Would be asked my mother I home when

My mother asked when I would be home.

  1. my friend don’t want to come why to his party asked I

  2. had to know the officer if wanted the keys I

  3. how long she it asked had taken to get there

  4. Maria to know if liked her hairstyle we wanted

  5. the salesman whether we the car or not asked wanted to buy

Exercise 69. Read the dialogue and then complete how Suki later reported the meeting to a friend. Use say, tell or ask for the reporting verb and standard changes in the tenses.

ERIC Hello, Suki. What are you doing in Brighton?

SUKI I came to visit my aunt but I've decided to stay for a couple of days. Do you live here?

ERIC Yes, I've lived here since 2004. Where do you live?

SUKI Near Gatwick Airport. I have a small flat there.

ERIC This afternoon I'm going to the aquarium. Do you want to join me?

SUKI I can't. Some friends are coming to see us.

ERIC OK. See you next week at work then.

I saw a colleague called Eric when I went shopping. He…asked… me …what I was doing … in Brighton. I ………. him that…… …. I to visit my aunt. I also ….. …….that I …….…..to stay for a couple of days. I …….. …..him ……….in Brighton and he …….. me that he…….…..here since 2004. Then he ….….me …….…and I …….… that I …………..a small flat near Gatwick Airport. He …………..me he ………….to the aquarium later and …………..me ……………to join him. I …………that I …………because some friends ……..to see us. We’ll see each other next week, anyway.

Exercise 70. After leaving school, Zara has an interview for an administrative job . Read the interview and then complete what she said to her parents.

HELEN Let me start by asking you some questions about school. Did you like school?

ZARA I enjoyed some subjects more than others . I've always preferred science subjects .

HELEN Yes, that's clear from your report. But do you have any language qualifications?

ZARA No, I don't, but I speak French fairly well. You see, my father's French and I often visit my cousins in France.

HELEN I see. What about hobbies? What do you do in your spare time?

ZARA I'm a voluntary paramedic.

HELEN Really? What does a paramedic do?

ZARA Well, I work at the weekends helping ambulance staff.

HELEN Did you do a course to become a paramedic?

ZARA Yes, everybody has to do a course before they can start.

HELEN I'm not sure that you'd like administrative work.

There isn't much opportunity for you to use all of your skills.

ZARA Are there any other vacancies?

HELEN The company doctor is looking for a new assistant, I'll speak to him and I'll let you know what he says.

The interviewer asked me if I had liked school and I told …….….some subjects more than others. I also said…………science subjects. She asked …………..any language qualifications and I said …………….French fairly well because of you, Dad, and because I often ………..my cousins in France. Then she asked me ………in my spare time and I told …………..a voluntary paramedic. I said …………….at the weekend with the ambulance staff. She asked me………..a course and I told her ………a course before they ………. .at the end of the interview, she said she ………sure that …………….like administrative work and she said that there …………..much opportunity for me to use all of my skills. I asked …………..any other vacancies. She said the company doctor …….and assistant and she said that ……………..and let me know what he ………. .

Exercise 71. Read the reporter's questions and complete the text with reported questions.

  1. Are you going to leave the show?

  2. Who caused the break-up?

  3. Why can't you sort out your problems?

  4. Are you unhappy because Annette gets more money than you?

  5. Do you think Annette's a better singer than you?

  6. What will you do next?

  7. Have you thought about giving up singing?

"That reporter was horrible. He wouldn't go away. He asked so many questions. He asked me whether .(1)I was going to leave the show or not. . He wanted to know who

(2) ................................ .................... and also why (3) ........................... ............... ....................

Obviously, I didn't say anything. Then he asked me (4) .......................................................... .because Annette got more money than me, and he was so rude - he asked

(5) ... .. ............. ................... ............................................... Imagine that! He wanted to know (6)…………………….. ......................... and then he asked………………………

(7) .............................................................................! At that point I told him I wasn't going to answer any more questions and shut the door in his face.”

Exercise 72. Think of for questions that people have recently asked you, and report them.

  1. My wife asked me what I wanted to have for dinner last night.

  2. …………………………………………………..

  3. …………………………………………………….

  4. ……………………………………………………..

  5. ……………………………………………………..

Exercise 73. Put the following questions into indirect speech.

  1. 'Where is the ticket office?' asked Mrs Jones.

  2. 'What platform does the train leave from?' asked Bill.

  3. 'When does it arrive in York?' he asked.

  4. 'When was the timetable changed?' I asked.

  5. 'Why has the 2.30 train been cancelled?' said Ann.

  6. 'How much does a day return to Bath cost?' Mrs Jones asked.

  7. 'Why does the price go up so often?' she wondered.

  8. 'How can I get from the station to the airport?' said Bill.

  9. 'When are you coming back?' I asked them.

  10. 'Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?' said my aunt .

  11. 'Do puppies travel free?' asked a dog owner.

  12. ‘Does this train stop at York?' asked Bill.

  13. 'Does the 2 .40 have a restaurant car?' he enquired.

  14. 'Are there smoking compartments?' said the man with the pipe.

  15. 'Have you reserved a seat?' I asked him.

  16. 'What country do you come from?' said Bill.

  17. 'How long have you been here?' said Ann.

  18. 'Are you working as well as studying?' asked Peter.

  19. 'Have you got a work permit?' Bill wanted to know.

  20. 'What are you going to study?' asked Ann.

  21. 'Do you want to buy any second-hand books?' said Bill.

  22. 'Have you seen the library?' asked Ann.

  23. 'Do you play rugby?' said Peter.

  24. 'Will you have time to play regularly?' he went on.

  25. 'Did you play for your school team?' said Bill.

  26. 'Are you interested in acting?' asked Ann.

  27. 'Would you like to join our Drama Group?' she said.

  28. 'What do you think of the canteen coffee?' asked Peter.

  29. 'How long has it been a mixed school?' asked Tom.

  30. ‘Is the food good at school?’ mother asked her son.

Exercise 74. Put the following into indirect speech. The following questions require no change of order:

He said, 'What is happening?'

He asked what was happening.

  1. 'What happened to Mr Budd?' said one of the men.

  2. 'Which of his sons inherited his estate?' asked another.

  3. 'Who is going to live in the big house?' enquired a third.

  4. 'What will happen to his racehorses?' asked someone else.

  5. 'Which team has won?' asked Ann.

  6. 'Which team won the previous match?' said Bill.

  7. ‘Who is playing next week?' he asked.

  8. 'Who will be umpiring that match?' asked Tom.

  9. 'Who wants a lift home?' said Ann.

  10. 'Who has just dropped a £10 note? ' I asked.

Exercise 75. Put the following questions into indirect speech.

  1. 'Did they understand what you said to them?' he asked me.

  2. 'Are you being attended to, sir?' said the shop assistant.

  3. 'Do you see what I see, Mary?' said the young man.

  4. 'Who left the banana skin on the front doorstep?' said my mother.

  5. 'Have you gone completely mad?' I asked. 'Do you want to blow us all up?'

  6. 'Why is your house so full of antiques?' she asked. 'Was your father a collector?'

  7. 'Are you leaving today or tomorrow morning?' said his secretary.

  8. 'How far is it?' I said, 'and how long will it take me to get there?'

  9. 'Are you sorry for what you did?' the mother asked the little boy .

  10. 'Are you going to see him off at the station?' I asked her.

  11. Why do you think it may be dangerous?' he asked her.

  12. 'Do you know that the shoes you are wearing aren't a pair? ' I asked him.

  13. 'Why are you looking through the keyhole?' I said.

  14. 'Who put salt in my coffee?' he asked.

  15. 'Which of you knows how to make Irish stew?' said the chief cook.

  16. 'Why did you travel first class?' I asked him.

  17. 'How can I run in high-heeled shoes?' she enquired.

  18. 'What is your new house like?' I asked them.

  19. 'Whose car did you borrow last night?' I said to him.

  20. 'What was she wearing when you saw her last?' the policeman asked me.

  21. 'Who owns this revolver?' said the detective.

  22. 'Where were you last night, Mr Jones?' he said.

  23. 'What else did you see?' I asked the boy.

  24. 'Have you done this sort of work before? ' said his new employer.

  25. “Have you seen him lately?’ I asked Mary.

Exercise 76. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Мы спросили его, куда он идет.

  2. Мы спросили его, когда он свободен.

  3. Мы спросили его, где его машина.

  4. Мы спросили его, в чем дело.

  5. Мы спросили его, какой язык он учит.

  6. Мы спросили его, где он работает.

  7. Мы спросили его, сколько он весит.

  8. Мы спросили его, во сколько он встает.

  9. Мы спросили его, почему он нам не помогает.

  10. Мы спросили его, почему он не отдыхает.

  11. Мы спросили его, когда ему в голову пришла эта идея.

  12. Мы спросили его, почему он не позвонил нам после того, как нашел работу.

  13. Мы спросили его, как он будет пользоваться этим компьютером.

  14. Мы спросили его, где он будет учиться.

  15. Мы спросили его, в какую игру он будет играть.

  16. Мы спросили его, что он уже сделал.

  17. Мы спросили его, какой фильм он недавно видел.

  18. Мы спросили его, где еще он недавно был.

  19. Мы спросили его, что он будет делать завтра в 5 часов.

  20. Мы спросили его, когда он напишет статью.

Exercise 77. Translate into English.

  1. Мама спросила меня, почему я не прочитала эту книгу.

  2. Журналист спросил писателя, над какой книгой он сейчас работает.

  3. Он спросил меня, когда я в последний раз видел Мери.

  4. Редактор газеты спросил меня, когда я закончу свою статью.

  5. Я спросил своего друга, когда он собирается закончить свою работу.

  6. Иностранный корреспондент спросил премьер министра, где он провел свой отпуск.

  7. Редактор газеты спросил, кто из нас знает три иностранных языка.

  8. Они спросили меня, когда начинается мой робочий день.

  9. Переводчика спросили, перевел ли он уже эту статью с испанского на русский.

  10. Мы спросили нашего преподавателя, как мы написали тест.

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