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7. Form words with the help of negative prefixes. Translate them into Russian.

In-: complete, visible, vertebrate, curable, accessible, sensitive.

Im-: patient, mobile, mortal, movable.

Il-: legal, logical, literate, legible.

Ir-: reversible, responsible, relevant, respirable, responsive, rational.

Un-: natural, able, healthy, sound, conscious, equal.

8. Guess the meanings of the words of Latin origin. Practice reading them.

abdomen [’æbdəmen]

cardiovascular [ka:diəu’væskjulə]

cavity [’kæviti]

diaphragm [’daiəfræm]

digestive [d(a)i’dʒestiv]

endocrine [’endəkrin]

epithelial [‚epi’θi:liəl]

intestine [in’testin]

muscle [’mÙsl]

muscular [’mÙskjulə]

nerve [nə:v]

nervous [’nə:vəs]

respiratory [ris’pirətəri], [ris’paiərətəri], [’respərətɔ:ri]

skeletal [’skelitl]

thorax [’θɔ:rəks]

urinary [’juərinəri]

9. Learn the words from the Vocabulary List 1.

Vocabulary List 1

make up [’meik’p] v составлять, собирать

cell [sel] n биол., физиол. клетка

tissue [¢ti∫u:], [¢tisju:] n ткань

basic [’beisik] а основной, главный, самый существенный

compose [kəm’pəuz] v сочинять, создавать (произведение); (обыкн. pass) составлять; to be composed of - состoять

perform [pə¢fɔ:m] v выполнять, делать; представлять, играть (пьесу)

chief [tòi:f] а главный, руководящий; основной, важнейший n глава, руководитель; начальник; шеф

human [¢hjumən] a человеческий

trunk [trŋk] n туловище

limb [lim] n конечность

extremity [iks’tremiti] n конечность

enclose [in’kləuz] v окружать, окаймлять; заключать

brain [brein] n мозг

connect [kə’nekt] v соединять, связывать

neck [nek] n шея

consist [kən’sist] (of) v состоять (из)

chest [t∫est] n грудная клетка

belly [’beli] n живот, брюшная полость

back [bæk] n спина

divide [di’vaid] v делить, разделять

upper [’pə(r)] a верхний

lower [’ləuə(r)] a нижний

contain [kən′tein] v содержать в себе, вмещать

heart [ha:t] n сердце

lung [lŋ] n легкое

stomach [’stmək] n желудок

liver [’livə] n печень

gallbladder [’gɔ:lblædə] n желчный пузырь

kidney [’kidni] n почка

urinary bladder [’juərinəri ’blædə] мочевой пузырь

bowel [’bauəl] n кишка; pl кишечник

shoulder [’∫ouldə] n плечо, плечевой сустав

forearm [’fɔ:ra:m] n предплечье

elbow [’elbəu] n локоть

finger [’fiŋgə] n палец

thumb [θÙm] n большой палец руки

tip [tip] n верхушка, кончик

fingernail [’fiŋgəneil] n ноготь пальца (руки)

thigh [θai] n бедро, бедренная кость

hip [hip] n бедро

lower leg [’ləuə’leg] / leg / shin голень

foot [fut] n ступня; нога (ниже щиколотки)

calf [ka:f] n икра (ноги)

wrist [rist] n запястье

knee [ni:] n колено

joint [dʒɔint] n сустав; а соединенный, объединенный; совместный

ankle [’æŋkl] n лодыжка

heel [hi:l] n пятка

sole [səul] n подошва

ball of the foot – подъем свода стопы

instep [’instep] n подъем (стопы), плюсна

toe [təu] n палец ноги

10. Name the organs and parts of the body localized in:

  • Thoracic cavity

  • Abdominal cavity

  • Upper extremity

  • Lower extremity

11. Find in the Vocabulary List 1 the organs which are included into the following systems:

  • Digestive system

  • Urinary system

  • Cardiovascular system

  • Nervous system

  • Respiratory system

  • Skeletal system

12. Translate the derivatives.

1) human, humane, inhumane, humanism, humanity, humanities; 2) to connect, connected, connection, connective; 3) to be composed of, composing, composer, composition, to decompose; 4) to divide into, divisible, division, to subdivide, subdivision; 5) to contain, container; 6) basic, basically, base, basement, baseless; 7) back, backache, backbone; 8) to perform, performance, performer.

13. Make up the sentences.

1. organ, is, of, system, brain, nervous, the, central, the.

2. father’s, baby, on, knees, the, his, sat.

3. patient, stomach, lying, on, was, the, his.

4. two, in, cavities, large, are, the, trunk, there.

5. kidneys, are, urinary, the, parts, the bladder, and, the, of, system, excretory.

14. Fill in the gaps with suitable words (from the Vocabulary List 1).

1. The woman’s … was beating strongly. 2. This book … all the information you need. 3. The United Kingdom … of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 4. Every tissue and every organ of the body is made up of … . 5. Smoking can cause … cancer. 6. A histologist is a specialist who studies … . 7. Atoms … all the substances around us.

15. Read and translate the text.

The Human Body

The human body is made up of cells. The cells form tissues. There are four basic tissues: epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue and nerve tissue. Each organ is composed of several kinds of tissue. Organs working together to perform complex functions are grouped into systems. There are the following systems: digestive, respiratory, urinary, reproductive, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, muscular, and skeletal.

There are three chief parts of the human body: the head, the trunk and the limbs (or extremities). The head encloses the brain. The head is connected to the trunk by the neck. The trunk consists of the chest, the belly (or abdomen) and the back. The trunk is divided into two large cavities by the diaphragm. The chest (or thorax) is the upper of these cavities, the abdomen is the lower. The chest contains the heart and lungs. In the abdomen there is the stomach, the liver, the gallbladder, kidneys, the urinary bladder and the bowels (or intestines).

We have four limbs: two arms and two legs. The upper extremity is divided into the shoulder, the upper arm, the forearm and the hand. Between the upper arm and the forearm there is the elbow. The joint between the forearm and the hand is called the wrist. Each hand has four fingers and one thumb. At the tips of the fingers there are fingernails.

The parts of the lower extremity are the thigh (hip), the lower leg and the foot. The back of the lower leg is called the calf. Between the thigh and the lower leg there is the knee. The joints between the lower leg and the feet are the ankles. The foot consists of the heel, the sole, the ball of the foot, the instep and the toes.