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Англ. мова 1 курс м/с, Ф. Ортопед. стоматол..docx
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Vocabulary and Speech Exercises

I. Give English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations.

Допомагати лікарю; інструктор; видавати, приймати ліки; надавати першу медичну допомогу; дбати про себе; фізичні вправи; операційна кімната; працювати на дільниці; астма; сусідство; приходити до пацієнта додому; дбати про людину в цілому; підтримка; медична галузь; місцева лікарня; військова база; в небі; на морі; перевозити хворих людей; потребувати медичної допомоги.

II. Substitute the words in bold type by a word or a combination of words from the text.

  1. Doctor’s office nurses are also frequently instructors as well.

  2. School nurses give the first medical help to children.

  3. School nurses do sight, audition, and scoliosis tests.

  4. Hospital nurses give all-day patients’ care.

  5. A number of nurses work directly at a definite district.

  6. They also might go to a person’s house to offer care for those who are too aged or ill to go out.

  7. Nurses also give patients and their relatives sympathetic support.

  8. They do their work in all kinds of settings – from local hospitals to distant military bases.

  1. Read and translate the following text. Complete the sentences by choosing appropriate prepositions from those in the brackets.

Florence Nightingale (English nurse, writer and statistician) was born (at/in) 1820. She was named (after/before) her birthplace, Florence, Italy. She became famous because (to/of) her pioneering work (in/on) nursing during the Crimean War, where she helped wounded soldiers. Florence Nightingale earned the nickname “The Lady with the Lamp” because (to/of) her nightly rounds of the wards. An Anglican, Nightingale believed that God had called her to be a nurse.

Nightingale laid the foundation (of/with) professional nursing with the establishment, (at/in) 1860, of her nursing school (at/on) St. Thomas’ Hospital (in/at) London, the first secular nursing school (on/in) the world, now part (of/to) King’s College London. The Nightingale Pledge (обітниця) taken (of/by) new nurses was named (in/on) her honour, and the annual International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary (of/by) Florence Nightingale’s birth.

IV. Translate into English.

  1. Щорічно 12 травня ми святкуємо Всесвітній день медичних сестер.

  2. Батьки Флоренс Найтінгейл були багатими людьми, які дали їй хороше виховання та освіту.

  3. В 1856 р. Флоренс Найтінгейл за свої кошти поставила на високій горі в Криму великий білий хрест на згадку про солдатів, лікарів і медсестер, що загинули у Kримській війні.

  4. Міжнародна рада медсестер – перша у світі професійна організація жінок.

  5. Медик – одна з найгуманніших професій на землі, але серед медиків найлюдяніша, найпочесніша та, інколи, найважча професія – медична сестра.


Grammar Exercises

Types of Questions

This nurse works at the hospital.

  1. Does this nurse work_ at the hospital?

  2. Where does this nurse work_?

  3. Does this nurse work_ at the hospital or at school?

  4. This nurse works at the hospital, doesn’t she?

  5. Who works at the hospital?