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Chapters 15-16 (pp. 93 - 109)

The list of words and word-combinations under study:

  1. a freshman (p.94) – первокурсник

  2. to make a date with (p.95) – назначить свидание кому-либо

  3. to check out (p.95) – выписаться (из гостиницы)

  4. ransom (p.95) – выкуп

  5. spendthrift (p.95) – расточитель, транжира

  6. at heart (p.95) – в глубине души

  7. to be well off (p.95) – богатый, зажиточный

  8. to flop (p.95) – провалиться (о пьесе)

  9. a light eater (ant.: a hearty eater) (p.96) – быть плохим едоком; мало


  1. to give smb a hand (p.96) – помочь к-л.

  2. inexpensive (p.96) – недорогой

  3. quite a pretty penny (p.96) – довольно-таки большая сумма денег

  4. inferiority complex (p.96) – комплекс неполноценности; ущербность

  5. a nun (p.97) – монахиня

  6. to collect money for charity (p.97)- собирать деньги на благотворительные


  1. charitable (p.101)- милосердный, благотворительный

  2. iron rims (p.97) – железная оправа очков

  3. to make a contribution (p.97) – вносить вклад

  4. moving (p.99) – трогательный

  5. to stab (p.99) – убить, заколоть

  6. let it pass (p.99)- пропустить мимо ушей, не возражать, не ответить, не спорить

  7. prejudice (p.100)- предубеждение

  8. to do smb good (p.100)- пойти на пользу

  9. beat-up old straw basket (p.101) - потрепанная старая соломенная корзина

  10. to have lipstic on (p.101)- красить губы

  11. a record store (p.102)- магазин грампластинок

  12. a sidewalk (p.102)- тротуар

  13. a curb (p.102)- обочина (тротуара)

  14. to be mobbed and messy (p.103)- беспорядочно толпиться

  15. to dress up (p.103)- разодеться

  16. to charge smb 5 dollars for (p.103)- брать плату 5 долларов за…

  17. orchestra seats (p.104)- (амер.) места в партере

  18. a benefit performance (p.104)- бенефис

  19. sophisticated (p.104)- сложный

  20. to rave about (p.104)- увлекаться чем- либо

  21. to tease (p.104)- дразнить

  22. every once in a while (p.105)- время от времени

  23. goose flesh (p.105)- гусиная кожа

  24. in pitch dark (p.106)- в кромешной тьме

  25. cosy (p.107)- уютно

  26. to give smb the creeps (p.107)- вызвать мурашки по телу

  27. to weave (p.107)- ткать

  28. upside down (p.108)- вверх тормашками

  29. to let smb alone (p.109)- оставить кого- либо в покое

  30. to appeal to smb (p.109)- взывать к; обращаться к


I. Read chapters 15-16 paying attention to the given list.

II. Look up the pronunciation of the following words:

naturally; nature; restaurant; haul; inexpensive; inferiority; pretty; cousin; fault; generous; especially; Catholic; infirmary; physicals; prejudiced; charitable; ignore; swanky; whore; pearl; orchestra; sophisticated; marvelous; auditorium; Columbus; mutiny; museum; weave; routine; Escimo; squaw; bosom; naked.

III. Reproduce the situations in which the words under study are used.

IV. Make up a situation of your own; use from five to ten words and word-combinations from the list of active vocabulary.

V. Give synonyms or synonymous expressions to the following:

1)a couple of weeks

2)to keep thinking


4)a freshmam

5)to check in

6)to flop

7)a spendthrift

8)to be a light eater


10)to room tegether

11)to collect money for


13)to spoil

14)a sidewalk (Am.)

15)to pay no attention to

16)to rave about

17)to give smb a hand with smth

18)in a row

19)to look forward to smth

VI. a) Translate the following into Russian:

  1. “He's a corporation lawyer. These boys really haul it in”. (p.95).

  2. “You couldn't get a word in edge-wise”. (p.94).

  3. “But we had to read outside books for extra credit once in a while”. (p.98).

  4. “Goddam money. It always ends up making you blue as hell”. (p.101).

  5. “There were even more [glass cases] upstairs, with deer inside them drinking at water holes, and birds flying south for the winter”. (p.108).

  1. Translate in writing the following paragraph into Russian:

“It wasn’t as cold as it was … not so depressed any more” (pp.102-103).

VII. Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Джон купил билеты на утренний спектакль и позвонил Фионе, чтобы назначить ей свидание. Они сидели в партерe. Это был благотворительный спектакль, и в нем играли не ведущие актеры; наверное, поэтому он провалился.

  2. Теперь часто можно увидеть монаха (monk) или монахиню на улице, собирающих деньги с благотворительной целью. Многие люди бросают деньги в коробку (вносят свой вклад), хотя большинство не верят в глубине души, что эти деньги будут употреблены по назначению.

  3. Я возвращался домой очень поздно, когда свет отключился. В кромешной темноте я продвигался на ощупь (I felt my way…) по лестнице и попытался открыть дверь ключом и вошел. Вдруг кто-то дотронулся до моей ноги. У меня по телу поползли мурашки. Я вскрикнул и зажег спичку. Все в моей уютной комнате было перевернуто. Около меня стоял огромный кот и смотрел на меня как бы подразнивая. Я стоял как завороженный. Вдруг зазвонил телефон. Я очнулся, пожал плечами и понял, что надо вызывать полицию.

VIII. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why didn’t Holden phone for some breakfast?

  2. Who did he phone in the long run?

  3. Was Sally intelligent or stupid?

  4. Was Sally willing to go to the theatre?

  5. What did they talk about on the phone?

  6. Why did Holden go to Grand Central Station?

  7. How much money did Holden spend in two weeks?

  8. What was Holden’s father?

  9. What drove his mother crazy?

  10. Why was Holden so skinny?

  11. Who did he give a hand to with their suitcases?

  12. What was the reason why he usually roomed with such students as


  1. Did Holden like the nuns? Why?

  2. How much money did Holden give them as a contribution?

  3. What did the nuns have for breakfast? Why did it depress Holden?

  4. What did Holden learn about the nuns?

  5. What were Holden’s outside books for extra credid?

  6. What was his attitude towards “Romeo and Juliet”?

  7. Why was Holden afraid that the nuns would try to find out if he was a Catholic?

  8. What stupid and embarrassing thing did Holden do at the and of their conversation?

  9. In what way do people collect money for charity?

  10. Why did Holden want to find a record store?

  11. What was the weather like that morning?

  12. What made Holden feel not so depressed any more?

  13. Where did Holden buy the record he had been looking for?

  14. Why did Holden have to hang up when he phoned Jane?

  15. What kind of performance did he buy seats for?

  16. How did he find Sir Laurence Olivier?

  17. What was Holden’s favorite place in “Hamlet”?

  18. Why did Holden go to the park?

  19. Who did he inquire about Phoebe?

  20. Why did Holden know the Museum of Natural History well?

  21. Did he like it there?

  22. Were there any changes in the museum?

  23. Did Holden go into the museum? Why not?

IX. Give a summary of chapters 15-16.

X. Describe in detail:

  1. Two nuns.

  1. The kid singing “If a body catch a body”.

  1. Holden’s attitude to films and actors.

  1. Speak on the following points:

  1. The episode with two nuns.

  1. Buying the record “Little Shirley Beans”.

  1. The Museum of Natural History.

  1. Comment on the following:

1) “Everybody was all dressed up, because it was Sunday, and that made it worse”.(p.103)

2) Charity begins at home. (Proverb)