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Unit VII

Chapters 17- 19 (pp. 109- 132)

The list of words and words-combinations under study:

1) to figure (p.109)- (амер.) считать, полагать, думать

2) to bore (p.109)- наводить скуку, тоску

boring- скучный, наводящий скуку

bored- заскучавший

a bore- зануда, скука

3) to get dizzy(p.112)- чувствовать головокружение

  1. checkered (p.112)- клетчатый, в клетку

  1. to nausiate (p.113)- тошнить

  1. on account of (p.115)- из- за, по причине

  1. at the rear door (p.116)- через заднюю дверь (автобуса)

  1. brand- new(p.116)- новенький, “с иголочки”

  1. to be in bad shape (p.117)- быть в плохой форме

  1. to chop wood (p.117)- колоть дрова

  1. to starve to death (p.118)- голодать до смерти

  1. newsreels (p.118)- короткометражные фильмы о последних новостях, показываемые перед художественным фильмом

  1. to cut/ to horn in on smb's date (p.120)- вмешиваться, помешать чьему- либо свиданию

  1. to hang up (p.121)- повесить телефонную трубку

  1. to have the highest IQ (p.121)- получать наивысший балл; быть самым умным

  1. Kettle drum (p.122)- литавра

to play the Kettle drums- быть ударником в оркестре

  1. to move one's seat (p.122)- уйти со своего места, пересесть

  1. homey (p.123)- домашний, уютный

  1. to run one's business (p.123)- управлять делами

  1. to get smb (p.124)- выводить из себя, доставать

  1. to behave oneself (p.124)- вести себя прилично

  1. to appreciate (p.125)- оценить

  1. to swear (swore, sworn) (p.125)- клясться, ругаться

  1. student adviser (p.126)- наставник; старшеклассник, помогающий новичку

  1. overnight (p.127)- за ночь; в течение ночи

  1. trait (p.127)- черта характера

  1. to turn into (p.127)- превратиться

  1. to pursue (p.127)- преследовать

  1. in her late thirties (p.129)- ей к сорока годам

  1. since (p.130)- коль скоро, раз уж

  1. to keep one's voice down (p.130)- говорить тише, понизить голос

  1. it's up to you (p.131)- твое дело; тебе решать

  1. I couldn't care less (p.131)- мне совсем было неинтересно; мне было все равно


  1. Read chapters 17- 19 paying attention to the given list.

  1. Look up the pronunciation of the following words:

couch; raspy; whistler; couple; celebrity; nervous; rear; clique; entirely; chimpanzee; dumb; bicycle; royal; malted; muscles; conceit; wealthy; enlightening; audience; applaud; precision; crucifixes; putrid; fiancee; squad; sewed; trait; pursue; chew; psychoanalyst; to tear.

  1. Reproduce the situations in which the words under study are used.

  1. Make up a situation of your own; use from five to ten words and word- combinations from the list of active vocabulary.

  1. Give synonyms or synonymous expressions to the following:

1)mean (adj.)

2)to room with smb.

3)to get dizzy

4)to interrupt smb.

5)to nauseate

6)on account of

7)a brand- new car

8)a couple of weeks

9)an inferiority complex

10)to be wealthy

11)to move one's seat


13)to appreciate smth

14)a bartender



17)take it easy

  1. a) Translate the following into Russian:

  1. “She had one of these very loud, embarrassing voices when you met her somewhere”. (p. 110)

  1. “Promise me you'll let your hair grow. Crew cuts are getting corny”. (p.111)

  1. “Old Sally's ankles kept bending in till they were practically on the ice. They not only looked stupid as hell, but they probably hurt like hell, too. I know mine did”. (p. 114-115)

  1. “Boy, did she hit the ceiling when I said that. I know I shouldn’t’ve said it, and I probably wouldn’t’ve ordinarily, but she was depressing the hell out of me. Usually I never say crude things like that to girls.” (p. 119)

  1. Translate in writing the following pharagraph into:

“ What we could do is, ... Will you do it with me? Please!” (p. 117)

  1. Translate the following sentances into English:

  1. Телефон все звонил, а мне лень было встать. Наконец, он вывел меня из себя. Но когда я подошел и снял трубку, было уже поздно, я услышал короткие гудки (гудки занято). Я повесил трубку и поклялся, что больше никогда не подойду к телефону (не отвечу на звонок).

  2. У тебя есть плохая черта характера, я тебе об этом говорил неоднократно (repeatedly). Надо много работать над собой, чтобы преодолеть этот недостаток, а ты хочешь прямо за ночь превратиться в образцового мальчика (a model boy) и быть самым умным в классе. Веди себя прилично, соответствуй своему возрасту (be your age). Не доверяешь мне, поговори со своим школьным наставником.

  3. Марсии /Marcia/ было к тридцати годам. Она считала себя толстухой, по этой причине всегда сидела на диете. Однажды ее пригласили на день рождения, и она хотела надеть совершенно новенькое платье, но решила, что находится в очень плохой форме, так как думала, что оно плохо на ней сидит. Она готова была голодать до смерти, чтобы через неделю иметь успех на вечеринке. Поэтому она решила попробовать новую диету, которую ей посоветовала подруга. Через пару дней она почувствовала головокружение, ее тошнило. Слава богу, она во-время отказалась от этой диеты.

  1. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of girls did Holden see at the Biltmore?

  1. Why did he regret that they would marry some guys?

  1. What was wrong about Harris Macklin, his roommate at Elkton Hills?

  1. How did Sally Hayes impress Holden when she appeared?

  1. Why did he tell Sally he loved her?

  1. What was the show about?

  1. How well did the Lunts act?

  1. Who horned in on Holden’s date?

  1. What marvelous idea did Sally have?

  1. Why did she want to go ice-skating at Radio city?

  1. Were Sally and Holden good at skating?

  1. Why did peple sticking together in different groups annoy Holden so much?

  1. What was his idea?

  1. Did Sally see eye to eye with him ? What were her reasons against Holden’s idea?

  1. How did Holden picture his future life if he didn’t go away right at the moment?

  1. Why did he get rude to her?

How can you account for it?

  1. Did Sally allow him to take her home?

Would you in her place?

18. Where was Holden going to take Jane if he got her on the phone?

  1. What did Holden think about girls’ attitude towards boys?

  1. Why were there only three people in his address book?

  1. Who did he give a buzz finally?

  1. Why was Carl Luce surprised to hear from Holden?

  1. What kind of stage show was on before the film at Radio City?

  1. What was the film about?

  1. Why do you think Holden didn’t like the film?

  1. What got him while he was watching it?

  1. Could Holden’s brother D.B. shoot anybody when he was in the army?

  1. What would Holden do if there was another war?

  1. Where was Holden to meet Carl Luce?

  1. Did Carl Luce really help Holden as his Student Adviser?

  1. What is the trouble with intellectual boys like Luce from Holden’s point of view?

  1. What did you learn about Luce’s girl?

  1. What was Luce afraid of, to Holden’s mind, when he finished giving a talk on sex to younger boys?

  1. What was Luce’s advice to Holden about his sex life?

  1. What else attracted Holden to Luce?

  1. Give a summary of chapters 17-19.

  1. Describe in detail:

  1. Girls and guys Holden watched at the Biltmore.

  1. The show with the Lunts.

  1. Ice-skating at Radio City.

  1. The movie at Radio City.

  1. Speak on the following points:

  1. Holden’s idea of going to Massachusettes.

  1. Holden’s attitude towards war.

  1. Carl Luce, Holden’s Student Adviser.

  1. Comment on the following:

  1. 1. “The worst part was, the jerk had one of those very tired, snobby

voices.” (p.113)

  1. “The trouble with girls is, if they like a boy, no matter how big a bastard he is, they’ll say he has an inferiority complex, and if they don’t like him, no matter how nice a guy he is, or how big an inferiority complex he has, they’ll say he’s conceited. Even smart girls do it”. (p. 121)