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12. Fruit: apple; pineapple; pear; orange; lemon; lime; peach; plum; avocado; mango; papaya; grapes; grapefruit; coconut; melon; watermelon; cantaloupe;

Dried Fruits: fig - инжир; raison; prune - чернослив; dates - финики

13. Meat: veal; mutton; pork; beef; lamb; poultry; game; chop – отбивная котлета (pork chop — свиная отбивная) ; cutlet – рублена котлета; kidney, liver; tongue; offal – ливер, потроха (pluck); sirloin [‘sə: ləin] – филей;

14. Fish: lobster – омар; crab; crayfish = crawfish – рак; octopus – осьминог; oyster – устрица; clam – моллюск; shrimp – креветка; bream – лещ; mackerel – скмбрия/макрель; pike – сельдь; sprat – мелкая рыба, похожая на кильку; шпрот; eel – угорь; salmon – лосось; perch – окунь (sea bass); trout – форель; sturgeon – осетр; cod – треска; plaice = flounder =sole = flatfish – камбала; herring

15. Sweets: chocolate; a chocolate; ice-cream; jam; marmalade; honey; pudding; candy;

16. Bread: loaf of bread; stale bread – черствый; bun (roll) = puff – сдобная булочка; ring roll - бублик; cake – торт, пирожное; pancake; pie; toast; crumbs – крошки; doughnut ['dəunʌt] – пончик; dough ['dəu] - тесто; flaky dough — слоёное тесто = puff pastry; pastry – выпечка, кондитерское изделие;

17. a pan; bowl; colander ['kʌləndə]- дуршлаг

18. bring to boil; put on fire

19. yolk – желток; zest – цедра (жар, пыл); sauce [so:s] - соус

Translate the following expressions:

  1. overdone fish

  2. fried potatoes

  3. hot chicken broth

  4. cake with honey and nuts

  5. orange peel

  6. pinch of salt

  7. boiling milk

  8. boiled cauliflower

  9. salted mushrooms

  10. pickled cucumbers

  11. smoked bream

  12. fresh fruit

  13. bitter chocolate

  14. a head of cabbage

  15. boiled buckwheat

  16. to be on a diet

  17. to skim the cream off

  18. to stew mutton in its own juice

  19. to make a scratch dinner

  20. the food of the gods

  21. the fish of the day

  22. a second helping

  23. reasonable price

  24. the choice of items

  25. 3 lumps of sugar

  26. a slice of lemon

  27. a piece of rye bread

  28. half a cup of coffee

  29. a mug of light beer

  30. stuffed pepper

  31. to cook in hot oven

  32. to lay the table for a party

  33. mustard-pot

  34. sugar-basin

  35. lavish entertainment

  36. juicy berries

  37. a carton of milk

  38. a jar of peanut butter

  39. a package of hot dogs

  40. a can of sardines

  41. to make an order at the restaurant

  42. to pour the tea into a cup

  43. to suit smb. taste

  44. to leave a tip on the table

45. snow-white napkins

46. bread crumbs

  1. Shopping

  1. shopping area = moll – торговый центр; market - рынок

  2. chain store – сетевой магазин

  3. booth = stoll = kiosk boutique – маленький магазин

  4. shop window – витрина;

  5. counter - прилавок ; show-case – витрина - прилавок

  6. aisle – [ail] – проход в супермаркете (театре, придел в церкви)

  7. queue = line - очередь

  8. receipt [rɪ'siːt] - кассовый чек

  9. to serve = to attend – обслуживать; Are you being served/attended to/ seen to?

  10. shop assistant брит.; salesman, salesperson –

  11. customer - покупатель; consumer - потребитель

  12. check-out point = checkout counter (место для оплаты покупки на выходе из супермаркета)

  13. cash desk; (ящик для хранения денег) till; (аппарат) cash register; cashier;

  14. to change – разменивать; change – мелочь, сдача

  15. to wrap – заворачивать покупку

  16. to do shopping – делать покупки; to go shopping – ходить по магазинам;

  17. shopping spree - покупательский бум

  18. bargain – выгодная покупка ; to buy at a bargain — покупать по дешёвке; a bargain is a bargain — уговор дороже денег; hate bargaining. — Терпеть не могу торговаться.

to bargain about the price — торговаться из-за цены

  1. impulse buying - незапланированная

  2. to be in stock – быть в продаже; to be out of stock - распродать; to have sold out - кончиться

  3. to sell (sold); продавать to purchase - покупать, закупать (приобретать что-л. за деньги)

  4. discount – скидка; clearance – распродажа = sale; special offer – спец. предложение

  5. sell-by-date -

  6. to deliver – доставлять; to supply – снабжать

  7. expensive – дорогой; cheap – дешевый

  8. to cost – стоить; price – цена; attractive price; to reduce - снижать

  9. How much is it? / How much does it cost?/ What the price? / What price is this?

  10. can’t afford smth, to buy smth – не посредствам что-либо купить (не могу себе позволить)

  11. to run out of smth – закончиться

  12. to stock up for a week – запасать на неделю

  13. to buy/sell …loose – покупать в развес He buys fresh fruit loose not wrapped in plastic.

  14. rag fair = flee market - барахолка, толкучка

  15. yard or garage sail -

What you can buy in these shops:

Cosmetics: Perfumery: perfume=scent; lotion, cream; lipstick; lip shine; mascara; powder; eye-shade; nail polish (varnish)

Jewelry: gold rings; wedding rings; ear-rings; necklaces; brooch; pendants; bracelets; silverware; decorations made of semiprecious stones; pendant; candlestick; silverware

Haberdasher’s = haberdashery: reels of threads; balls of wool; tapes; ribbons; needles; pins; buttons; zip fastener; scissors;

Stationery - канцелярский магазин: pencils, pens, paper; paper clips, markers; glue; post cards, posters,

Linen (bed): sheet; pillow-case; bed-cover; blanket slip = cover; quilt slip; table cloth; napkins;

Kitchen utensils: electric appliances; iron; mincing machine = chopper; mixers; blenders; juice extractor; vegetable slicer = cutter; toasters;

Electrical Equipment: chandelier; portable lamps, sconce [skɔn(t)s] - канделябр; бра; vacuum cleaner; bulbs, dish-washer; toaster;

Hardware goods - скобяные товары:

Tableware - столовая посуда china and glassware: cutlery (forks, knives); spoons; plates deep plates, dessert plate; cups with sauces; butter dish; sugar basin; salt cellar; crystal glasses; tea pot; kettles (whistling); bowls; trays; corkscrew; frying pans; saucepans; mob; broom; bulb; plastic buckets;

Furniture shop: living room suit; cabinet, bedroom

Newsagent’s: paperback (книга в бумажной обложке, в мягком переплёте); post cards, envelopes; stamps; newspapers; magazines;

Antique shop: bric-a-brac = безделушки; старинные вещи = miscellaneous objects and ornaments of little value. knick-knack - безделушка

Bakers = Bakery: loaf of bread; buns; cakes; biscuits, cookies; pastry ['peɪstrɪ] -выпечка, мучные кондитерские изделия

Sweet-shop = confectionery: bar of chocolate; jar of honey/ jam;

Dairy products: carton of milk; sour milk (простокваша); cream (сливки); sour cream (сметана); butter; cheese; cream cheese; processed cheese (плавленый); cottage cheese (творог); eggs; yogurt;

Butcher’s = butcher shop: joint of beef (кусок); mutton; veal; pork; turkey; палка колбасы — stick of sausage; ham; bacon; cold pork (буженина); smoked ribs (копченая грудинка); poultry (птица); game (дичь); chicken; duck; goose; turkey; hazel goose (рябчик); partridge (куропатка); pheasant (фазан); rabbit; kidney (почка); liver; tongue; cops (отбивная); cutlets (рубленые)

Fishmonger’s = fish store; fish and sea-food: can/tin of sardine, salmon; pike; cod (треска); trout (форель); herring; perch; plaice (камбала); sprat (килька, салака); sturgeon (осетр); turbot (палтус); lobster; crabs; oysters (устрицы); shrimps; clams (моллюски)

Grocery’s = grocery store: flour; tea; coffee; oil; sunflower oil; vinegar; salt; sugar; pepper; mustard; cereals: wheat (пшеница); barley (ячмень); pearl barley (перловая крупа) buck wheat (гречневая); rice; semolina (манная); corn; cornflakes; maize (кукуруза, маис); millet (просо, пшено); oats (овес)

Greengrocer’s = vegetable:

vegetables –tomatoes; cucumbers; potatoes; onion; garlic; paprika; carrots; beet; cabbage; egg plants; marrow (zucchini); turnip; cauliflower; lettuce; green peas; beans; asparagus; spinach; reddish; white or house reddish; pumpkin; bunch of parsley; celery; dill; leeks; mushrooms

fruit – bunch of grapes; a couple of big apples;

berries – strawberry; raspberry; black, red, white currant, gooseberry; bilberry (черника); blueberry (черника, голубика); blackberry (ежевика); cranberry (клюква); mulberry (шелковица)

nuts – walnut (грецкий); peanut (земляной); hazel nut (фундук или лесной); almond (миндаль); nutmeg мускатный), cashew (nut); seeds

Frozen food: chicken wings;

Liquor store: beverages; soft drinks – canned beer; bottled fruit juice; mineral water; spring water; lemonade; strong drinks – brandy; cognac; whisky; dry vine; table vine; sweet wine; champagne

Nursery = florist’s: plants; bunch of flowers; seeds; pot plant

Chemist’s = pharmacy

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