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21. Inspire loyalty and team spirit

"You can always find reasons to work. There will always be one more thing to do. But when peo­ple don't take time out, they stop being produc­tive. They stop being happy, and that affects the morale of everyone around them." Carisa Bianchi, Chief Strategy Officer, TBWA/Chiat/Day

If you work together, chances are you are seeing more of your team than you are of your family. And your team is seeing more of you than of their families. If this is the case you had better all get on. Now you don't have to love each other, but you do have to be a family. And the best way to do that is to inspire loyalty and create a team spirit. You, as the manager, have to be the head of the family. You have to be respected, looked up to, trusted and relied upon. Tall order. Strong stuff. Can you do all that? Course you can. All you have to do is:

reward them

praise them

* be kind to them * trust them

inspire them

lead them

* motivate them * grow them

* genuinely care about them.

These are the kinds of things that are easier to say than to do, and there's a temptation for you to skip down the list saying 'Yes, yes, I do that'. Now take a minute and go back and really think about each one. Do you really do that? Could you do it better? Are you absolutely sure you don't think you do it, but perhaps not actually do it? What people think they do and what they actually do can be very different indeed. Find somebody you can ask for honest feedback. Ideally one of your team - if not, somebody who sees you with your team. What do they say you do?

I once worked in competition with another company. One of that manager's team lived with one of my team. She told John, my team member, all her boss's plans, figures, results, future promo­tions, etc., and I was able to beat him every time. Now why didn't she pass on all my stuff to her boss, seeing as she obviously discussed work with John? Simple. She didn't like her manager. And that was his fault entirely. He was rude to his staff, abusive, uncooperative and unkind. Was I a soft touch? No way. I was strict and businesslike but I treated my team with respect. I didn't have to do much because my competitor was doing enough wrong to make me look good.

22. Fight for your team

"It's a very difficult job and the only way through it is we all work together as a team. And that means you do everything I say." Michael Caine in The Italian Job

At some point you'll have to fight for more resources, extra staff, more money, bigger and better offices, better facilities, more flexible hours, bigger doughnuts, whatever it takes to keep your team happy and content. And that means you have to be possessed with lots of self-confidence because you are going to have to go to your boss and ask - nay, demand - that your team is the best, deserves the best, needs the best, will carry on giving of its best if it gets given the best and you aren't going until they agree to provide the best.

And boy had you better be able to back this up. This means you have to have a great team delivering great results. You have to be one brilliant manager. And that's why most managers don't fight for their teams. Not because they don't think the team deserves it but because they don't have the confidence in themselves to demand it. They are frightened they will have to justify it and they can't.

First build your team, then build your case, and then you can go and demand better and bigger. You have to be able to back up your demands - sorry, polite requests. Better still, have the figures to justify them. If you don't get what you ask for, don't sulk - merely ask, 'So what do I have to do to get this?' If they say, 'Increase productivity by 0 per cent' you've got them. All you have to do then is make those figures and you've got what you wanted. To fight for your team means you have to get your team to fight for itself.

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