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65. Remember the object of the exercise

"Happy, fulfilled, stretched but supported people generally achieve the most at work and get the most from life. They drain a lot of swamps - and have a pretty good time doing it (strange though it may seem swamp drainage is a Very Enjoyable Occupation). However, many of us face a few alligators . . . those subversive obstacles that get in the way of a productive, high achieving but low-stress kind of life. Some of them we make ourselves, some of them are placed there by other people. Some of them just are." Get Ahead; Give a Damn*

And the object of the exercise, my friend, is what? We all have a different agenda. You may say, To make profits for the share­holders' (Rule 48), but you're just trying to curry favour by giving an answer you think I want. 1 don't.

Remember that even when you are up to your arse in alligators the object of the exercise was to drain the swamp. There are many objectives, many swamp-draining exercises. You might see it as the next project, setting the next budget, getting through the next interview, week or disciplinary interview. It might be long-term stuff, career in general, etc. And the alligators who bite your bum could be colleagues, customers, clients, bosses, staff, family, you name it/them. But they do get in the way of draining the swamp.

This is a Rule about focusing so you don't get side-tracked by all the nonsense that goes on around you. Stay focused and keep the objective in your sights at all times - whatever it may be.

* Get Ahead; Give a Damn is a little book of big ideas about how to be more suc cessful and happier at work. Every penny of the cover price goes to help homeless unemployed people get back on their feet. You can get a copy from www.pearson-boofo.com if you are interested.

66. Remember that none of us has to be here

"There is no formula for success, but there is formula for failure and that is trying to please everybody." Man Ray, painter, photographer, sculptor, illustrator, film-maker, inventor, philosopher

I once worked with a fabulous manager. Sadly he is no longer with us but I remember all the managerial stuff he taught me. He was one of us - seemingly. On the surface he played the company game, discreet, charming, efficient, hard-working, but deep down this man worked for no one but himself. Bob was a individualist, a rule breaker (but not these Rules - most of these came from him), non-conformist, maverick. He trod a fine line. He was Mr Cool Dude. Mr Management Should Never Be Seen To Be Done.

Sure he got the job done and done extremely well, but he was a managerial rebel. He and 1 were scheduled once to go on a managers training course. Guess who failed to show up? Yep, Bob. He wasn't going to make Lego models for anyone.

1 went. I made Lego models. I toed the company line. Guess who got promoted? Yep, right again. Bob.

So how did we get here? Ah, moaning. I moaned. Bob would say, 'None of us has to be here'. And he meant it. Literally Literally none of us has to be here. We don't have to do the job. We can walk any time we want. This means we are here by choice. We have chosen to be here. We choose to be here each and every day.

It is our choice. If we have chosen to be here then surely it means we are enjoying It - or we wouldn't be here? Right? If we aren't enjoying it then we should choose not to be here.

Basically what Bob was saying to me was, 'Stop moaning - enjoy it or leave'. This doesn't mean you can't point out the things that are wrong, but if they aren't going to get solved you'd better learn to live with them. Enjoy it or move over and let someone else do the job who will. None of us has to be here.

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