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71. Don't bad-mouth your team

"Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves." Eleanor Chaffee

So you can't bad-mouth the company and you can't slag off your boss. 'Surely', I hear you ask, 'I can criticize my team?' Not in public you can't. Behind closed doors when there is no one there but you and you alone, then and only then are you allowed one small silent scream when things really hit the fan, but apart from that, nothing.

It's a poor work person who blames their tools. Your team is your tool to getting your management job done. If your team is useless it is you who hasn't sharpened the tool, oiled it, cleaned the rust off, repaired the handle, replaced worn out bits, checked for damage, that sort of thing.

Your team will make mistakes, that's a given. Things will go wrong, that too is a given. You're dealing with people; they screw up from time to time, get emotional, let you down, fail to work as a team, goof off and generally behave completely normally. You'd be a fool not to expect this, to plan for it, to build it into your plans. Look, things go wrong and slagging off your team doesn't help. Learn from it and move on.

You have to 'publicly celebrate those who move the organization closer to the attainment of its vision and strategic goal' - that's your team, that is. If you slag your team off you are focusing on the negative, which will spiral them downwards. If you praise them it's an uplifting experience.

If you slag your team off you are slagging yourself off and admitting publicly you are a crap manager. Don't do it - you're not.

72. Accept that some things bosses tell you to do will be wrong

"I find it rather easy to portray a businessman. Being bland, rather cruel and incompetent comes naturally to me." John Cleese

Just because you do your job well doesn't mean everyone else does. Some bosses are useless and there's no getting away from that. Sometimes they will tell you to do stuff that is crazy Sometimes they will issue orders that are so obviously off the wall you can't help but gasp. Sometimes they will tell you to do things that are completely wrong. What are you to do? You have various options:

* refuse * leave

" seek advice from your union/management advisory body/ trade body if you are in one

ask advice from Human Resources

ask advice from other managers

ask advice from your boss's boss

put your concerns in writing

* get on and do it but grumble a lot

* get on and do it with a cheerful smile and a whistle * talk to your boss about your misgivings.

Initially it might be politic to go and talk to your boss in person, face-to-face, over an informal coffee; a bit of a chat, nothing too heavy. Point out you think you have a problem with their order. Don't make it personal. Don't attack them. Don't tell them they are crap. Explain that it is you that has the problem. The order and your boss are fine but you feel uncomfortable. Put the ball firmly back in their lap. If they insist, end by saying you still feel uncom­fortable about it and would like time to seek further advice. Ask if you can put your fears in writing and whether they would do the same.

Sometimes you have to accept that bosses don't know what they are doing, ain't going to change and you have to put up with it. Or you could simply refuse or leave. Your call. The Rule is that you should accept it happens from time to time.

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