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Health Insurance act (без изменений).docx
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§ 32. Payment to health care providers

The procedure for the assumption of a payment obligation of an insured person by the health insurance fund and the methods for calculation of the payments to be made to health care providers shall be established by a regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs on the proposal of the supervisory board of the health insurance fund.


§ 33. Dental care benefit for insured person under 19 years of age

(1)        The health insurance fund shall assume a payment obligation arising from a contract for the provision of dental care services entered into by or for the benefit of an insured person under 19 years of age, on the condition that the dental care service provided is entered in the list of health services.

(2)        Subsection (1) of this section applies to an insured person under 19 years of age and the provider of the dental care service is required to enter into a contract for the provision of dental care services with the insured person if:

1)         provision of the dental care service to the insured person within one year after the person attains 19 years of age is based on therapeutic indications and if such indications were or should have been evident at the time of the insured person’s last visit to the provider of the dental care service before the person attained 19 years of age;

(19.06.08 entered into force 1.08.08 - RT I 2008, 34, 210)

2)         provision of the dental care service to the insured person is based on therapeutic indications and if such indications have arisen from the need to treat the effects of dental care services provided to the person before he or she attained 19 years of age or due to the fact that the expected recovery did not occur within one year after he or she attained 19 years of age.

(28.06.2004 entered into force 01.08.2004 - RT I 2004, 56, 400)


§ 34. Disease prevention

The health insurance fund shall participate in financing projects specifically aimed at disease prevention to the extent of the amounts prescribed for such purpose in the budget of the health insurance fund and with approval of the Ministry of Social Affairs.


Subdivision 2

Contract for Financing Medical Treatment


§ 35. Contract for financing medical treatment

(1)        By a contract for financing medical treatment, the health insurance fund assumes the obligation of an insured person to pay for the provision of health services under the conditions provided for in the contract and in legislation.

(2)        A contract for financing medical treatment is a contract under public law. The provisions of Chapter 7 of the Administrative Procedure Act together with the specifications provided by this Act apply to contracts for financing medical treatment.


§ 36. Entry into contract for financing medical treatment

(1)        The health insurance fund enters into a contract for financing medical treatment with a health care provider or providers.

(2)        The health insurance fund is not required to enter into a contract for financing medical treatment with all health care providers.

(3)        The health insurance fund has the right to enter into a contract for financing medical treatment with health care providers located in foreign states. The reference prices and limits provided for in the list of health services apply to a contract for financing medical treatment which is entered into with a health care provider located in a foreign state if the health insurance fund undertakes to assume the obligation to pay for the provision of a health service entered in the list of health services.

(4)        In order for a decision to be made on entry into a contract for financing medical treatment and on the term of the contract, the health insurance fund shall take into account the following circumstances:

1)         the need of the insured persons for the service, and the availability of the service;

2)         the quality of and conditions for the provision of the service;

3)         the price of the service;

4)         the possibility of the service being provided in accordance with the standard conditions of accommodation;

5)         the maximum number of health care providers providing the health service;

6)         figures regarding the average density of provision of the health service;

7)         developments in national health policy;

8)         whether the health care provider has performed previous contracts for financing medical treatment or other similar contracts as required;

9)         the existence or absence of tax arrears and the general financial situation of the health care provider;

10)       compliance with legislation regulating health insurance and health by the health care provider or the employer thereof.

(41)      The health insurance fund shall enter into contracts for financing medical treatment, taking account of the circumstances specified in subsection (4) of this section, with a term of at least three years.

(28.06.2004 entered into force 01.04.2005 - RT I 2004, 56, 400)

(42)      If the health insurance fund, taking account of the circumstances specified in subsection (4) of this section, enters into a contract for financing medical treatment with a health care provider for the first time, the contract shall be entered into for a term of at least three years.

(28.06.2004 entered into force 01.04.2005 - RT I 2004, 56, 400)

(5)        The health insurance fund shall enter into a contract for financing medical treatment for a term of at least five years with a person who owns a hospital specified in the development plan of the hospital network established by a regulation of the Government of the Republic pursuant to subsection 55 (1) of the Health Services Organisation Act.

(28.06.2004 entered into force 01.08.2004 - RT I 2004, 56, 400)

(6)        (Repealed - 28.06.2004 entered into force 01.04.2005 - RT I 2004, 56, 400)