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People and facilities at attractions. Match these descriptions of people who work at attractions and things you find at attractions in A with the words in B.




  1. shows tourists or travelers where to go

  2. looks after a forest or park

  3. looks after things that are kept in a museum

  4. translates what someone has said into another language

  5. supervises and rescues people who are in difficulty in the water (at a beach or swimming pool)

  6. protects a building


  1. the art of moving a lifelike figure or person by electronic means

  2. a written board that gives directions and distances

  3. repeating the actions of a past event

  4. activity in which you take the part of someone else

  5. exhibition of models of people (not moving)

  6. piece of paper to write down answers to questions as you visit an attraction

  7. clothes from the past

  8. recorded description of an attraction

    1. activity sheet

    2. animatronics

    3. audio-tour

    4. curator

    5. guide

    6. interpreter

    7. lifeguard

    8. period costume

    9. ranger

    10. re-enactment

    11. role-play

    12. security guard

    13. signpost

    14. waxworks

Exhibitions. Complete each guided tour extract with words from the box.

pottery watercolour arrows portrait landscape helmet shield sketch sword

  1. And in this display cabinet we have some fragments of ………dating from the 12th century, together with the crossbow and ……….

  2. This is Richard II, the boy king and earliest known ……… of the English king.

  3. Medieval armour was very heavy and consisted of a steel ……… with a visor to protect the head and a ……… which soldiers used to prevent them being injured by the opponent’s ……… .

  4. Here you can compare the preliminary ……… with the final product, a ……… done in ………, which the artist preferred instead of oil paint.


Fill in the correct relative pronoun.

Hay-on-Wye is a charming town 32) ……… lies on the river Wye in South Wales. The town, 33) ……… has existed since Roman times, is known throughout Wales for its colourful well-kept gardens. The people, for 34) ……… gardening is more than a hobby, take part in a national competition 35) ……… decides which town has the best gardens. The town is also popular with people 36) ……… enjoy fishing, especially for the trout and salmon 37) ……… swim in the river. The Bull Inn, 38) ………you can find a wide selection of fish, is ideal for those 39) ……… like to eat fish but don’t enjoy fishing. The owner, 40) ……… grandparents opened the inn in 1920, only serves fish 41) ……… have been caught that day.

Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets, using the passive.

New gallery for Shelby Museum

Members of the public 42) ……… (invite) to the opening of Shelby Museum’s new Whittaker Gallery next Wednesday, 18th March, at 6 pm. The gallery, on the top floor of the museum, 43) ……… (complete) in February, and 44) ……… (will / open) by the Mayor of Shelby.

The gallery 45) ……… (build) to display the Oriental Collection, which 46) ……… (give) to Shelby Museum by Mrs Whittaker in 1998. The collection 47) ……… (have / recognize), and many paintings and statues 48) ……… (have not / show) to the public before.

Opening hours at the museum are from 9 am to 6 pm daily. Admission is $250 for adults and $100 for children. Members of the Shelby Museum Society 49) ……… (admit) free of charge. Please note that cameras 50) ……… (not / allow) inside the museum.
