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Complete the sentences with the correct adjective.

  1. I was tired / tiring after the long journey.

  2. The hotel is situated in a charmed / charming village.

  3. The new bonus means staff are now very motivated / motivating.

  4. The inspector was revolted / revolting by the state of the kitchen.

  5. The training course was hard work but very fulfilling / fulfilled.

  6. The lack of hygiene in the kitchen was disgusted / disgusting.

  7. They were both amused / amusing by the manager’s funny stories.

  8. They found the receptionist’s attitude confused / confusing.

  9. They were surprised / surprising to see the size of the bill.

  10. The guests were very satisfied / satisfying with their stay.


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.

Do you think Mars 37) ……… (colonise) by humans one day? The planet Mars 38) ……… (know) as ‘the red planet’. The soil there is red and its surface 39) ……… (cover) in volcanoes. Until recently, it 40) ……… (believe) that nothing could live on Mars, but during a recent space mission, tests 41) ……… (carry out), and now it 42) ……… (think) that life on Mars might be possible one day. During the space mission, special equipment 43) ……… (use) to examine the planet. No form of life 44) ……… (find) yet, and so far, the planet 45) ……… (consider) unsuitable for inhabitation. However, we 46) ……… (tell) by scientists that, by 2020, humans 47) ……… (send) to Mars, and that one day, special cities 48) ……… (build) so that we can live there. It 49) ……… (hope) that by 2150, Mars will be a wonderful place to live. If a colony 50) ……… (build) on Mars, would you like to live there?


Comprehensive reading

Read the text and choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph.

  1. The site and construction team

  2. The land station

  3. The hotel

  4. The architect

  5. Life under the see

A holiday in the sea, not by the sea

A ………

The idea of colonizing the sea has been around for centuries. It 6) ………in literature and was the inspiration for Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea in 1870. But at that time such an idea was purely science fiction. Now science fiction is about to become ‘science fact’. At last a consortium of companies has decided 7) ……… ‘Hydropolis’ – the world’s first luxury underwater hotel.

B ………

Hydropolis will contain 220 rooms 20 metres below the surface of the sea. the hotel will have no foundations but will float in the sea, held down by 7,000 anchors. At sea level there will be a large circular building which will create a lagoon, containing restaurants and meeting rooms. 8) ……… a ballroom with a roof that can be opened. From the ballroom, ramps and elevators will connect with the guest rooms and suites situated below the water.

C ………

9) ……… long tunnel will connect the underwater hotel with the land station, a high-rise building situated on the beach. Guests 10) ……… the hotel and the land station on special silent trains which 11) ……… by steel cables. The land station will contain a reception area, a clinic, a marine biology laboratory and conference rooms. There are plans to build a restaurant and the company is considering 12) ……… more facilities, such as cinemas, at a later stage.

D ………

Hydropolis 13) ……… close to the Jumeirah beach coast in Dubai. The land belongs to the Crown Prince of Dubai, who 14) ……… several years ago. The prince believes Hydropolis will be 15) ……… and his enthusiasm has been crucial to its development. Covering over 260,000 square metres, the project is expected 16) ……… around $550 million. The main contractors are Dutch and German but there are more than 150 different companies involved in the project.

E ………

The hotel 17) ……… by Joachim Hauser. Hauser claims the design is based on the human nervous system. He wants the hotel to be a place where those that do not enjoy swimming of diving will still be able to experience e life in the sea. One of his main aims is to raise awareness of the importance of marine life and the dangers of ecological destruction, such as the loss of coral reefs.

Read the text again and complete the gaps with the words below.

6 a) frequently has appeared

b) has frequently appeared

c) has appeared frequently

7 a) to build b) build c) building

8 a) There will in the centre be

b) There will be in the centre

c) In the centre there will be

9 a) An absolutely

b) A completely

c) A very

10 a) will travel rapidly between

b) will travel between rapidly

c) rapidly will travel between

11 a) will be pulled

b) will pull

c) will to be pulled

12 a) add b) to add c) adding

13 a) is be built

b) is been built

c) is being built

14 a) had surveyed the land and the sea bed

b) had the land and sea bed surveyed

c) the land and sea bed had surveyed

15 a) very unique

b) absolutely unique

c) a bit unique

16 a) to cost b) cost c) costing

17 a) has been designed

b) was being designed

c) designed