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Brochure language

Add descriptive words from the box to the following passage.

well-appointed real bustling impressive fine marvelous charming welcoming beautiful unspoilt


Tangier with its 14) ……… bazaars and 15) ……… architecture provides a 16) ……… taste of the Orient. It has 17) ……… sporting facilities, including golf, tennis and sailing. Watersports can be enjoyed along its 18) ……… coasts which have 19) ……… beaches. You can try your luck in the 20) ……… casino or window-shop down the boulevards of the 21) ……… quarter. The Mendoubia Gardens, a 22) ……… palace and antiquities are just some of the 23) ……… attractions that Tangier has to offer.


Synonyms. Use the words in the box to replace small in sentences 24 -27.

miniature compact minute slight

  1. Children love to visit Beaconsfield village where all the small houses are smaller than the children themselves.

  2. There has been a small improvement in occupancy rates this year in the region of 5 per cent.

  3. The budget-priced motel’s rooms were all small but comfortable, complete with bunk beds, cupboards and washing facilities.

  4. The new air-conditioning equipment is so sensitive it will respond to small changes in temperature.

Opposites. Complete the sentences with the words form the box.

life-size famous plain old-fashioned comfortable recorded weird wide

  1. The show was much better live than the one I saw ……… on video,

  2. The new web design exhibition is state-of-the art but I found the photo gallery rather ……….

  3. Some of the decorations are very ornate, others are just ……….

  4. The models of the monsters were gigantic, but the actors and actresses were ……….

  5. There’s a ………variety of things to do downtown but in the suburbs the choice is more restricted.

  6. We saw some of the really ……… Hollywood stars when we went to the premiere.

  7. The hotel was only three-star but it was very ………

  8. Some of the things in the museum were so ……… it was difficult to work out what they actually were.


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

Chris Weaver is thought 36) ……… (be) one of the best modern artists in the world. 37) …… (paint) and 38) ……… (make) statues are his favourite types of art but he also enjoys 39) ……… (draw). So far, he has managed 40) ……… (sell) the best pieces to collections and galleries all over the world. As a result, he has made a lot of money. At the moment he is planning 41) ……… (hold) an exhibition. He would like 42) ……… (have) it at the National Gallery in London, but he isn’t sure whether he can 43) ……… (do) that or not. As well as 44) ……… (plan) his exhibition, Chris is also busy 45) ……… (work on) his latest statue, which was ordered two months ago by a famous actress for the new mansion in Miami.

Choose the correct preposition.

  1. He has a reputation for / on / by doing excellent work.

  2. That information is hardly relevant to / for / of the subject.

  3. The management will not be held responsible of / from / for any damage.

  4. His successful career was the result of / from / in hard work.

  5. We were very proud on / in / of Martin when he won the competition.
