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More you can do Do the independent stylistic analysis of the following texts.


Then came to his mind the memory of a quaint scene in the Soudan. A soldier had been nearly hacked in two by a broad-bladed Arab spear. For one instant the man felt no pain. Looking down, he saw that his life-blood was going from him. The stupid bewilderment on his face was so intensely comic that both Dick and Torpenhow, still panting and unstrung from a fight for life, had roared with laughter, in which the man seemed as if he would join, but, as his lips parted in a sheepish grin, the agony of death came upon him, and he pitched* grunting at their feet. Dick laughed again, remembering the horror.

R. Kipling


The introduction of the notion of prototype into the categorization literature by Rosch and colleagues was a revolution. The basic idea was that a concept, for example, bird was not defined by a set of necessary and sufficient features – with all members that met the criteria being equals – but rather that the concept had a graded structure, with fuzzy boundaries, in which some members played a privileged role.

P. Ibbotson, M. Tomasells


Why, if one wants to compare life to anything, one must liken it to being blown through the Tube at fifty miles an hour – landing at the other end without a single hairpin in one’s hair! Shot out at the feet of God entirely naked! Tumbling head over heels in the asphodel meadows like brown paper parcels pitched down a shoot in the post office! With one’s hair flying back like the tail of a race-horse. Yes, that seems to express the rapidity of life, the perpetual waste and repair; all so casual, all so haphazard…

V. Wolf


O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn’s being

Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead

Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,

Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,

Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou,

Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed

The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low,

Each like a corpse within its grave, until

Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow

Her clarion o’er the dreaming earth, and fill

(driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)

With living hues and odours plain and hill:

Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;

Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh, hear!

Percy B. Shelley


When I have fears that I may cease to be

Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain,

Before high-piled books, in character,

Hold like rich garners the full-ripened grain;

When I behold, upon the night’s starred face

Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,

And think that I may never live to trace

Their shadows with the magic hand of chance;

And when I feel, fair creature of an hour!

That I shall never look upon thee more,

Never have relish in the faery power

Of unreflecting love! – then on the shore

Of the wide world I stand alone, and think

Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.

J. Keats



Goals are funnels

with walls that narrow

and finally at the neck –

the achievement –

a guillotine.

Better than goals are dreams

that can never be attained,

only lived.

Or dreamed.

Sc. Baxter


To contemplation’s sober eye

Such is the race of man:

And they that creep, and they that fly,

Shall end where they began.

Alike the busy and the gay

But flutter thro’ life’s little day,

In fortune’s varying colours drest:

Brushed by the hand of rough mischance,

Or chilled by age, their airy dance

They leave, in dust to rest.

T. Gray


Whose a) Textbooks and b) Books Were Used in Exercises


  1. Arnold I.V. The English Word. M., 1973.

  2. Biber D., Conrad S. Register, genre, and Style. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

  3. Bowler В., Parminter S. Literature. Making Headway. Upper-Inter­mediate. Oxford University Press, 1993.

  4. Cottle B. The Language of Literature. English Grammar in Ac­tion. London, 1985.

  5. Cunningham S., Bowler B. Headway. Upper-Intermediate. Oxford University Press, 1992.

  6. Fonagy I. Form and Function of Poetic Language // Diogenes, Fall, 1965, № 51.

  7. Ford B. (ed.) The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. Vol. 8. The Present. NY, 1983.

  8. Galperin I. R. Stylistics. M., 2010.

  9. Gordon I. The Movement of English Prose. London, 1966.

  10. Gude K., Duckworth M. Proficiency Masterclass. Student's Book. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.

  11. Hooper A.G. An Introduction to the Study of Language and Litera­ture. London, 1961.

  12. Kukharenko V.A. A Book of Practice in Stylistics. M., 1986.

  13. Leech G. Language in Literature. Style and Foregrounding. Edinburgh Gate, Pearson, 2008.

  14. Martin A., Hill R. Modern Poetry. L., 1991.

  15. Martin A., Hill R. Modern Short Stories. L., 1991.

  16. Mostkova S., Smikalova L, Tchernyavskaya S. English Literary Terms. L, 1967.

  17. Prokhorova V., Soshalskaya E. Oral Practice Through Stylistic Analy­sis. M., 1979.

  18. Skrebnev Y.M. Fundamentals of English Stylistics. M.: Высшая школа, 1994.

  19. Rae J.M., Boardman R. Reading Between the Lines. Integrated Language and Literature Activities. Cambridge University Press, 1990.


  1. Adindton R. Death of a Hero.

  2. Anderson Sh. Hands.

  3. Blake W. Gwin, King of Norway.

  4. Bradbury R. Eating People Is Wrong.

  5. Bronte E. Wuthering Heights.

  6. Burney F. Evelina.

  7. Burns R. Bonnie Bells.

  8. Capote T. The Grass Harp.

  9. Cheever J. О Youth and Beauty.

  10. Christie A. The Pale Horse.

  11. Christie A. Why Don't They Ask Evans?

  12. Davies R. Love Kept Waiting.

  13. Day Lewis S. I’ve Heard Them Lilting at Loom and Belting.

  14. Day Lewis S. Now She Is Like the White Tree-rose.

  15. Dickens Ch. The Misplaced Attachment of Mr. John Dounce.

  16. Dickinson E. Because I Couldn’t Stop For Death.

  17. Eliot G. The Mill on the Floss.

  18. Fielding H. Joseph Andrews.

  19. Fielding H. Tom Jones.

  20. Fitzgerald F. Scott. The Great Gatsby.

  21. Galsworthy. The Forsyte Saga.

  22. Ghose Z. The Mystique of Roots.

  23. Glasgow E. Barren Ground.

  24. Golding W. Lord of the Flies.

  25. Golding W. The Pyramid.

  26. Goldsmith. The Vicar of Wakefield.

  27. Graham W. The Four Swans.

  28. Gray T. Ode On the Spring.

  29. Greene G. Doctor Fischer of Geneva or the Bomb Party.

  30. Greene G. Journey Without Maps.

  31. Hailey A. The Moneychangers.

  32. Hartley LP. Won by a Fall.

  33. Hemingway E. The Undefeated.

  34. Heyer G. Faro's Daughter.

  35. Jerome J.K. Three Men in a Boat.

  36. Keats J. Sonnets.

  37. Kipling R. The Light That Failed.

  38. Lodge D. Small World.

  39. London J. Koolau the Leper.

  40. London J. The Chicago.

  41. London J. The Mexican.

  42. Mansfield K. Taking the Veil.

  43. Maugham W.S. Lord Mountdrago.

  44. Maugham W.S. The Force of Circumstance.

  45. Maugham W.S. The Romantic Young Lady.

  46. Maurier D. du. Frenchman's Greek.

  47. Milne A.A. The world of Winnie-the-Pooh.

  48. O’Henry. Jeff Peters as a Personal Magnet.

  49. O’Neill E. The Hairy Ape.

  50. Plath S. The Applicant.

  51. Poe E.A. The Eye.

  52. Pope A. The Rape of the Lock.

  53. Priestley J.B. Angel Pavement.

  54. Prutchett T. Lords and Ladies.

  55. Prutchett T. Night Watch.

  56. Richardson S. Pamela.

  57. Salinger J.D. De Daumier-Smith's Blue Period.

  58. Salinger J.D. For Esme - With Love And Squalor.

  59. Salinger J.D. Franny.

  60. Salinger J.D. Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes.

  61. Scannel V. Dead Dog.

  62. Segal E. Love Story.

  63. Shakespeare W. A Midsummer Night 's Dream.

  64. Shakespeare W. As You Like It.

  65. Shakespeare W. Hamlet.

  66. Shakespeare W. Macbeth.

  67. Shakespeare W. Romeo and Juliet.

  68. Shakespeare W. The Tempest.

  69. Shakespeare W. The Two Gentlemen of Verona.

  70. Smith D. I Capture the Castle.

  71. Smollett T. The Adventures of Roderick Random.

  72. Sterne L. A Sentimental Journey.

  73. Sterne L. Tristram Shandy.

  74. Stevenson R.L. The Bottle Imp.

  75. Stevenson R.L. The Pavilion on the Links.

  76. Swift J. Gulliver’s Travels.

  77. Swift J. Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift.

  78. Thackery W.M. The History of Pendennis.

  79. Thomson J. The Seasons.

  80. Thurber J. The Evening's at Seven.

  81. Tolkien J.R.R. The Hobbit.

  82. Turner P. Dunkirk Summer.

  83. Walker F. Lots of Love.

  84. Warren R.P. All the King's Men.

  85. Waugh E. Decline and Fall.

  86. Wells H. The War of the Worlds.

  87. Williams T. Sweet Bird of Youth.

  88. Wolf V. The Mark on the Wall.

  89. Woodford P. The Real Thing.

  90. Young E. Night Thoughts.


58. New Testament. Freed-Hardeman Un., Henderson, 1993.

59. The Guardian, Febr. 3, 1997.

60. Time, June, 19, 1995.