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In Christian architecture the baptistry or baptistery is the separate centrally-planned structure surrounding the baptismal font. The baptistry may be incorporated within the body of a church or cathedral and be provided with an altar as a chapel. In the early Church, the catechumens were instructed and the sacrament of baptism was administered in the baptistery.

The sacramental importance and sometimes architectural splendor of the baptistry reflect the importance of baptism to Christians. The octagonal plan of the Lateran Baptistery, the first structure expressly built as a baptistry, provided a widely-followed model, which might be twelve-sided, or even circular as at Pisa. In a narthex or anteroom the catechumens were instructed and made their

confession of faith before baptism. The main interior space centered upon the baptismal font (piscina), in which those to be baptizedИwere immersed thrice.

Three steps led down to the floor of the font, and over it might be suspended a

commonly of the scenes in the life of Saint John the Baptist. The font was at first always of stone, but latterly metals were often used.

gold or silver dove. The iconography of frescosДor mosaics on the walls were

Задание 1. Дайте определение понятию cathedral по схеме,

предложенной во введении. Используйте следующие модели:

The concept of …can be determined as…




The notion under review coversАsuch points as...

The notion “…” covers such points as…





The notion “…” containsбsuch ones as…












Задание 2. Разделите текст на смысловые части и озаглавьте








Задание 3.






Заполните пустую графу таблицы.



























странах баптистерий



часто отдельное сооружение, круглое или



многогранное в плане, завершенное куполом.



Внутри баптистерии украшались мозаикой,



скульптурой; посредине находилась купель



для крещения









Задание 4. Опишите, какие объекты архитектуры вы видите на рис. 19. Используйте следующие модели:

The first picture illustrates …

We can see a…in the second picture.

The buildings, we can see on the …picture, are...

The characteristic features of the object are… The figure illustrates the…










Рис. 19




Monastery (plural:иmonasteries) denotes the building, or complex of buildings, comprising the domestic quarters and workplace(s) of monastics,

whether monks or nuns, and whether living in communities or alone (hermits). The monastery generally includes a place reserved for prayer which may be a chapel, church or temple, and may also serve as an oratory.

Monasteries may vary greatly in size, comprising a small dwelling accommodating only a hermit, or in the case of communities anything from a single building housing only one senior and two or three junior monks or nuns, to vast complexes and estates housing tens or hundreds. A monastery complex typically comprises a number of buildings which include a church, dormitory, cloister, refectory, library, balneary and infirmary. Depending on the location, the monastic order and the occupation of its inhabitants, the complex may also include a wide range of buildings that facilitate self-sufficiency and service to


the community. These may include a hospice, a school and a range of agricultural and manufacturing buildings such as a barn, a forge or a brewery.

In English usage, the term "monastery" is generally used to denote the buildings of a community of monks. In modern usage "convent" tends to be applied only to institutions of female monastics (nuns), particularly communities of teaching or nursing Religious Sisters. Historically, a convent denoted a house of friars, (reflecting the Latin), now more commonly called a "friary". Various religions may apply these terms in more specific ways.

In most religions the life inside monasteries is governed by community rules that stipulate the gender of the inhabitants and require them to remain celibate and own little or no personal property. The degree to which life inside a particular monastery is socially separate from the surrounding populace can

monastic community may spend most of their time isolated even from each

also vary widely; some religious traditions mandate isolation for purposes of contemplation removed from the everyday world,Иin which case members of the

other. Others focus on interacting withДthe local communities to provide

services, such as teaching, medical care, or evangelism. Some monastic communities are only occupied seasonally, depending both on the traditions involved and the local weather, Аand people may be part of a monastic community for periods ranging from a few days at a time to almost an entire lifetime. б

The life within the walls of a monastery may be supported in several ways: by manufacturingиand selling goods, often agricultural products, by donations or alms, by rental or investment incomes, and by funds from other organizations withinСthe religion, which in the past formed the traditional support of monasteries. There has been a long tradition of Christian monasteries providing hospitable, charitable and hospital services. Monasteries have often been associated with the provision of education and the encouragement of scholarship and research, which has led to the establishment of schools and colleges and the association with universities. Christian monastic life has adapted to modern society by offering computer services, accounting services and management as well as modern hospital and educational administration.

Задание 1. Дайте определение понятию monastery по схеме, предложенной во введении. Используйте следующие модели:

The concept of …can be determined as…

The notion under review covers such points as...

The notion “…” covers such points as… The notion “…” contains such ones as…


Задание 2. Разделите текст на смысловые части и озаглавьте каждую.

Задание 3. Найдите избыточную информацию в тексте и исключите ее из текста.

Задание 4. Постройте развернутый план текста, отразив в нем ключевую информацию.

Задание 5. Продолжите предложения:

-Monastery denotes…

-The monastery generally includes…

-Monasteries may vary…

Задание 6.





Заполните пустую графу таблицы.













Монастырь – общины монахов (мужские



монастыри) или монахинь (женские



монастыри), принимающие единые правила



жизни (устав)






Задание 7.






Опишите, какие о ъекты архитектуры вы видите на рис.






20–22. Используйте соответствующиеАмодели описания и информацию,

представленную в тексте Parts of religious architectural ensemble.







Рис. 20

Рис. 21


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