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Lesson 3

The lesson plan

  1. Active vocabulary (10 min)

  2. Lead-in (7 min)

  3. Reading the text, reading comprehension (20 min)

  4. Listening (20 min)

  5. On/offline activity. Speaking practice (25 min)

  6. Homework


I. Before listening ask students to try to guess the meanings of the following words and word combinations from the text, giving, first, their synonyms or explanation in English, and then, if they can’t guess themselves, give the translation of the words.

to carry out - to do a particular piece of work (выполнить, завершить, провести);

discoverysomething that is found, or something new that is learned (открытие);

nephew a son of your brother or sister, or a son of your husband’s or wife’s brother or sister (племянник);

quarrel an argument (ссора);

fortune 1) a large sum of money;2) good luck (судьба, фортуна; богатство, состояние);

iron a hard heavy metal that is used for making steel (железо);

powerful with a lot of physical strength or force (сильный,мощный, могущественный);

dynamite – a substance that is used for causing explosions (динамит);

to explode to burst with a lot of force and a loud noise, or to make something do this, usually in a way that causes a lot of damage (взрываться, взрывать).

II. Ask students to give synonyms or close meanings to the following words and word combinations (this task is given for advanced students, week level students may be asked to guess the meaning of this words in Russian)

industrialista person who owns or runs a factory or an industrial company (промышленник, фабрикант);

bankrupta person who is officially admitted bankrupt (someone who has no money and cannot pay he owes (банкрот);

to manageto succeed in doing or dealing with something, especially something difficult or something that needs a lot of effort (управлять, заведовать; справляться, уметь обращаться);

idealist someone who is idealistic (идеалист);

cheerful – behaving in a happy friendly way (веселый, жизнерадостный);

sad – feeling unhappy (печальный);

mankind all humans considered as a single group. Some people avoid using this word because it seems not to include women, and they use humankind instead (человечество);

native landthe country where you were born (отчизна);

explosivea substance or object that can cause an explosion (взрывчатый);

explosion an occasion when something such as bomb explodes (взрыв);

peacetimethe time when a country is not involved in a war (мирный);

weapon something that you use to fight with or attack someone with, such as a knife, bomb or gun (оружие);

landminea bomb hidden in the ground that explodes when someone walks or drives over it (мина);

plenty a lot or enough (изобилие, избыток);

skillthe ability to do something well, usually as a result of experience and training (мастерство, искусство, сноровка);

imaginative - creative, able to produce new, different, or exciting ideas (одаренный воображением);

luck – success that you have by chance (судьба, удача, счастье);

will – what someone wants to happen (воля, желание);

outstanding – extremely good or impressive (выдающийся);

promotion – the activity of encouraging or supporting something (продвижение; содействие, поощрение).

Macmillan Essential Dictionary, International Student Edition,

Paul Falla Collin Howlett, The Oxford Russian Dictionary, Oxford-Moscow


This information may be useful to interest students and help to prepare for reading and further work at the lesson.

This is the photo of Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1883 – 1896), the great Swedish inventor and industrialist.


Chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite


October 21, 1833(1833-10-21)


Stockholm, Sweden


December 10, 1896


Sanremo, Italy

The foundations of the Nobel Prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will, leaving much of his wealth for its establishment. Since 1901, the prize has honored men and women for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and for work in peace.

Alfred Nobel is buried in Norra begravningsplatsen in Stockholm.

Recommended resources:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Nobel

Reading comprehension


  1. Alfred Nobel had deep knowledge in different fields of science.(T).

  2. He studied at the University where he learned languages.(F).

  3. He got interested in chemistry and by the time he was twenty became a skillful chemist.(T).

  4. His father was a very successful businessman and died very rich.(F).

  5. Alfred Nobel was a man of imagination and at the same time showed great financial and business sense.(T).

  6. Nobel was very happy in his private life (F).

  7. He was always cheerful and lived a life of a very rich man.(F).

  8. He spent much time and money for the cause of peace and brotherhood between nations.(T).

  9. His famous will in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding work in Science and Peace is a memorial to his ideals (T).


  1. He was an industrialist but remained an idealist.

  2. He was cheerful in company but was sad in private.

  3. He loved all mankind but didn’t have a wife or a family to love him.

  4. He invented a dynamite to improve peacetime industries but saw it was used as a weapon to kill people.

  5. He was a Swede but lived more than 20 years in Russia.

  6. He was a patriot of his native country but died alone in a foreign land.

  7. Never studied at school or University but was a skillful chemist and an excellent linguist.

  8. He was a man of imagination but showed great business and financial science.


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