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Unit I education system in russia and english speaking countries

prepared by

Marina Berezina

e-mail: marina_berezina_@inbox.ru

Lesson 1

The lesson plan

  1. Lead-in (10 min)

  2. Active vocabulary (10 min)

  3. Reading text (10 min)

  4. Reading comprehension (15 min)

  5. Speaking practice (25 min)

  6. Writing (10 min)

  7. Homework


b) Work in pairs. Match the questions in A with their answers in B:

This exercise helps students with vocabulary developing and this is the preliminary work before making dialogues on the topic about their study and prereading work about education.



I. What faculty are you in?

I’m in the (civil engineering) faculty.

2. How old are you?

I’m seventeen

3. What are you?

I’m a student.

4. What’s your name?

My name is...........

5. Where do you study?

I study at the State Technical University.

6. What year are you in?

I’m a first-year student (a fresher, in my first year).

7. What are you going to become (to be)?

I’m going to become a (civil engineer).

8. What subjects are you good/poor at?

I’m good at maths and poor at chemistry

9. Do you get a grant (scholarship)?

Yes, I do. I’m getting on well at the University.

10. What subjects are taught at the University?

Well, it depends on the faculty and the year.


Ask students to give synonyms or close meanings of the following words and word combinations and to try to pronounce them correctly:

Secondary school– a school for pupils aged from 6-7 to 17-18.

Private school a school providing education that the children’s parents pay for directly.

Higher education– the education, which you get after secondary.

Natural science- sciences that deal with the physical world, considered as a group or as individual subjects such as physics, chemistry, or biology.

Total number– general quantity.

Entrant– someone who enters the competition or examination.

Entrance exam– exam which you need to pass before to be accepted by some school.

To pay for tuition– teaching cost.

Non-government– something, which doesn’t belong to the government.

Applicant– someone who applies for something.

Graduate– someone who has finished their studies at university or college, usually by getting a degree.

Employers– a company or a person that employs people.

Link– a connection between two people, places or facts.

Optional – elective.

Compulsory – obligatory.

Macmillan Essential Dictionary, International Student Edition


Prereading discussion

This is the building of MGU (Moscow State University), one of the greatest educational centres in Russia. It is situated in Moscow.MGU was founded in 1755 by Michael Lomonosov.

Find out more: http://www.msu.ru/en


I. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

  • Free education in Russia is the most common; there also exist ..........schools and universities which charge tuition fees. (non-government)

  • Gymnasium is a kind of secondary school which concentrates mainly on the (humanities).

  • The competition for entering universities is very……… (tough).

II. Match the words and their definitions given below:

curriculum; tuition fee; applicant; fresher; department; graduate from; employers; term; scholarship; a graduate.

person who wants to be a student – applicant;

payments for teaching – tuition fee;

successfully complete an academic course – graduate from;

one of the periods into which the academic year is divided – term;

person who gives work, usually for payment – employer;

course of study in a school, college, etc.- curriculum;

yearly grant given to a student to continue his study – scholarship;

person who has completed the course at an educational institution – a graduate;

one of several divisions of a university – department;

first-year student – fresher.

III. Answer the following questions and be ready to discuss the main ideas of the topic:

  • Is education at Russian schools and universities free?

  • Is there also a fee-paying-form of education at government universities?

  • What is the difference between a gymnasium and an ordinary school?

  • Why is the competition so tough at government universities as compared with private ones?

  • Has the number of students in Russia been increasing lately?

  • How do students who graduate from universities find jobs?

IV. Retell briefly about education in Russia.

Speaking practice

Remind the students to ask indirect questions if they want to use these phrases. We advice to give the opportunity to speak to all students of all levels: if the level is weak, the students may use ready phrases given before; and to encourage the students who can speak, to give them more freedom to create their own dialogues – logical and real to life!


This task helps to develop students’ writing skills and also speaking skills on the topic about their study.


  1. Write a letter to your penfriend about yourself and your study at the University following this scheme:

1) Your name, age; 2) the name of your University; 3) the date of its foundation; 4) its faculties; 5) the faculty you are in; 6) the subjects you study; 7) your success in studies; 8) exams; 9) whether you get a grant or not; 10) the place you live in...

  1. Do revision test.

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