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I ________________ soon. (to leave)

I shall be leaving soon. Or I will be leaving soon.

  1. Will you be making coffee? (to make)

  2. He will not be using the bus. (to use)

  3. He will be learning a new language. (to learn)

  4. Will you not be mending your jacket? (to mend)

  5. He will not be staying here. (to stay)

  6. Shall we not be mailing them a card? (to mail)

  7. They will be answering the telephone. (to answer)

  8. Will you be going downtown? (to go)

  9. I shall not be stopping at the school. (to stop)

  10. Will she not be planning a trip? (to plan)

  11. I shall be making the arrangements. (to make)

  12. Shall we be meeting at the library? (to meet)

Exercise 3. Ask students to read the following sentences aloud and to translate them from English into Russian.

  1. Nobody will see us at this time of the day, because everybody will be having their lunch. Никто не увидит нас в это время дня, потому что все обедают.

  2. The plane that they have sent for me will be waiting on April 8th in the desert south of the city. Самолет, который отправили за мной, будет ждать 8 апреля в пустыне к югу от города.

  3. I shall be thinking of you day and night. Я буду думать о тебе день и ночью

  4. Have you any idea how long you’ll be staying there? Ты имеешь представление о том, как долго будешь там оставаться,

  5. Well, I mean I shall be working as a mechanic most of the time. Ну, я имею в виду, что буду работать механиком большую часть времени.

  6. I’ll be expecting you. Я буду ждать тебя.

  7. Ann will be looking for me. Энн будет искать меня.

  8. Pitt will be waiting for me in the hall. Питт будет ждать меня в холле.

  9. I shall be reading for the exam day and night. Я буду готовить к экзамену день и ночь.

Exercise 4. Ask students to write a ten sentences story about their future plans using the Future Continuous.

Revision test

  • Students should ask written questions to all parts of the sentence.

Sample questions:

  1. Where will he be coming in an hour?

  2. What will I be coming to Rutherford Hall presently for?

  3. What time will he be experimenting by?

  4. Who will be working for Mr Kelly as the manager of this shop?

  5. What will he be waiting to do with his work?

  6. What will inspector be asking you?

  7. Who will the boys be seeing one of these days?

  8. When will Sean be ringing up?

  9. Who will be visiting you regularly this week?

  10. What will be arriving tomorrow?


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