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  1. Sudanese Polls a Milestone: un

UN (Reuters) - Presidential and parliamentary elections in Sudan in April marked an important milestone in the implementation of the peace agreement that ended civil war in the country despite some natural challenges, the UN Secretary-General says in a new report, urging both parties to the deal to continue their efforts to expand the democratic process.

“I strongly encourage both Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) partners to maintain and expand the democratic space, including, in particular, the interim constitution of the Sudan,” Mr. Ban says in a report to the Security Council on the implementation of the peace agreement.

In his report to the Security Council, the Secretary-General says that the referendums will require significant international support to be viewed as credible, but notes that while both parties have indicated their desire for extensive United Nations involvement in the processes, they have yet to agree on the precise scope of the UN role.

  1. U.N. Hopes trade talks will restart before year end

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – The U.N. Secretary-General said on Wednesday he hoped the Doha round of global trade negotiations* can be restarted by the end of the year, according to a statement issued by his spokesperson.

Marathon talks on a new global trade pact collapsed on Tuesday as the United States and India refused to compromise over a proposal to help poor farmers in the developing world deal with floods of imports.

The Secretary General spoke on Wednesday to the World Trade Organization chief on the issue, the statement said, and the two leaders stressed the need to ensure the break in negotiations would not be long. "They hoped that by regrouping forces, the Doha negotiations could be revitalized before the end of the year," the statement read. "The Secretary General is convinced that a successful conclusion to the talks was needed to energize international cooperation towards ameliorating conditions for developing countries to derive gains from trade and investment-led globalization," it added.

The Doha round of global trade negotiationsДохийский раунд переговоров по торговле и развитию, инициированный ВТО. Переговоры начались в столице Катара в 2001 году и должны были завершиться в 2004. Однако до сих пор остаются разногласия между развитыми и развивающимися странами по некоторым важным вопросам.

  1. Time now for real, genuine Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, says un chief

Lamenting the lack of progress in the Middle East peace process, the Secretary-General today stressed that it is important now, more than ever, for Israelis and Palestinians to engage in real, genuine and meaningful negotiations.

During a meeting in Rome with the Palestinian Authority President, the UN chief added that achieving the goal of an independent, viable Palestinian state was long overdue, according to information provided by a United Nations spokesperson.

The Secretary-General thanked the Palestinian authority for outlining Palestinian thoughts and plans on what was required for a return to negotiations.

Talks between the two sides have been stalled since late September following Israel’s refusal to extend a 10-month freeze on settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territory. That decision prompted the President of Palestine to withdraw from direct talks with the Israeli Prime Minister, which had only resumed a few weeks earlier after a two-year hiatus.

Упр. 3. Переведите на английский язык:

Квартет посредников по ближневосточному урегулированию; оживить переговоры (вдохнуть новую жизнь в переговоры); включать в себя; принцип сосуществования двух государств; отделение ООН в Вене; прямые (непрямые) переговоры; предложить поддержку; международная организация; в условиях растущей обеспокоенности; важное событие (веха) в осуществлении мирного соглашения; всеобъемлющее мирное соглашение; временная конституция Судана; заслуживающий доверия; они еще не достигли соглашения; вновь начать Дохийский раунд торговых переговоров; подчеркнуть необходимость/потребность.

Упр. 4. Переведите на английский язык:

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