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BUSINESS_Unit 5_Competition.docx
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Useful terms and expressions

  • clout – власть; вес большое влияние, связи

  • antitrust watchdogs – антимонопольные службы

  • tread – шагать, наступать

  • spread their tentacles – простирать, распространять, протягивать щупальца

  • packed to the gills with – битком набит, упакован по горло, забит до предела

  • behind-the-scenes- закулисный, скрытый

  • to mint money - печатать деньги, чеканить монеты, сколотить состояние

  • gobbling up – поглотить, хватать, «сожрать»

  • to splash out – раскошелиться, выложить кругленькую сумму, транжирить

  • to attract / draw intense scrutiny from – побудить к-л произвести тщательный критичекий анализ; спровоцировать, вызвать критику

  • surgical strikes – «хирургические» точечные удары

  • butchery – кровавая бойня, резня, массовое побоище

  • eclipsing – затмевая, затмив собой

  • to rebuff marriage offers from – отвергнуть предложение о браке (объединении компаний)

  • vital –(жизненно) важный

  • squid – кальмар

  • currents – течения, тенденции

  • trustbuster – представители антимонопольной службы, поборник правительственных мер против трестов

  • to keep sb at bay – удерживать, держать на (безопасном) расстоянии


  1. to stymie competition – тормозить, препятствовать конкуренции

  2. to choke off competition – подавлять, не давать развиться конкуренции

  3. antitrust - антимонопольный

Vocabulary practice

Exercise № 15

Suggest the Russian for the following usages of the word BUSINESS (Revision)

a) Give the Russian for the following words and word combinations:

flourishing business, businesses, big business, core business, non-core businesses, side business, farm business, government business, banking business, commercial business, one-man business (one-woman business), retail business, overseas business, well-established business, start-up business, small business, medium business, SMB/SME (small and medium-sized business/enterprise), business executives, to be on business, to go on business, business interests, to start/set up/establish a business, to do business with sb, to go into business, to go out of business; business jets.

b) Suggest the Russian for the the following sentences:

    1. Small businesses drive our economy by providing millions of jobs.

    2. Businesses may be classified according to which industry they are in: for example construction, oil, banking, food.

    3. Foreign competitors could well steal more business from Hong Kong.

    4. A rising yen hurts Japanese companies that do a lot of business overseas.

    5. Business has not been very good since the last budget when taxes were increased.

    6. Tourism in Hong Kong is big business: it is the third largest source of foreign exchange and employs 180,000 people.

    7. The Adelaide Steamship Group yesterday announced plans to sell many of its assets and concentrate on the core business of retailing.

    8. The result is that many German companies, especially smaller businesses are struggling to get bank finance.

    9. Reforms at state and local level point the way for improving the national business climate.

    10. Encouragingly, business investment in new equipment and software grew at 6.5 percent rate in 2011, the Commerce Department said.

    11. For businesses, data mining is used to discover patterns and relationships in the data in order to help make better business decisions. Data mining can help spot sales trends, develop smarter marketing campaigns, and accurately predict customer loyalty.

    12. Data rich, information poor: In today's fiercely competitive business environment, companies need to rapidly turn these terabytes of raw data into significant insights into their customers and markets to guide their marketing, investment, and management strategies.

    13. For businesses, data mining is used to discover patterns and relationships in the data in order to help make better business decisions. Data mining can help spot sales trends, develop smarter marketing campaigns, and accurately predict customer loyalty.

    14. Europeans have long pitied Americans for their rotten passenger trains. But when it comes to moving goods America has a well-kept freight network that is the most cost-effective in the world. It is, however, a capital-intensive business.

    15. Last year $23 billion was spent, a record in real terms. The plan has been to modernize the network while business is relatively quiet.

    16. By 2035 the demand for rail freight is expected to double, with a great deal of new business coming from shifting consumer goods.

    17. With improvements in scheduling and timekeeping, America’s trains are now winning more business and may soon nibble at trucks’ market share - particularly for journeys that take longer than a day by road.

    18. Containers are lifted off ships and trucks, loaded onto trains and whizzed to their destination. This business pays well and is growing fast.

    19. The chief business of the American people is business. (John Coolidge, 30th US President)


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