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BUSINESS_Unit 5_Competition.docx
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Translation skills

Exercise № 20

Translation of headlines (Revision)

  1. Look at the headlines in the left column and say whether the statements about them in the right column are true or false.

1. Vendome jewelry and watch sales leap.

Sales have risen by a small amount.

2. Sterling plummets as US dollar weakens.

The British pound has fallen a lot in value, but the US dollar has fallen less.

3. ELI Lilly surges on hopes for drug approval.

The share price has increased because one of the company’s new drugs will probably be approved for use.

4. AMB jumps 13% on bid hopes.

Shares in AMB have fallen because it may be a takeover target.

5. Japanese trade surplus soars.

The difference between Japanese imports and exports has increased a lot.

6. Paradiso president axes finance minister.

The president has asked the finance minister to stay in his job.

7. Poles aim to slash next year’s budget deficit.

The Polish government wants to reduce the difference between what is spent and what is received.

8. Paradiso inflation skyrockets.

Prices in Paradiso have risen sharply.

9. Nasty numbers.

Siemens, one of Europe's biggest engineering companies is in trouble.

  1. Translate the following headlines:

  1. BT shares advance in active trading.

  2. China’s trade surplus jumps to record level.

  3. 1,000 jobs axed as defence plant closes.

  4. Petrol prices set to skyrocket.

  5. European Central Bank cuts rate in surprise move.

  6. Unemployment leaps to ten-year high.

  7. Megacorp eases on profits warning.

  8. Yahoo! soars as Internet explosion continues.

  9. September retails plummet.

  10. VW profits up as car sales continue to surge.

  11. Government slashes income tax to 10%.

  12. Euro dives to new lows.

Exercise № 21

Подлежащие с обстоятельственным значением “вызывать что-либо», «(с)провоцировать», «дать толчок», «послужить стимулом для чего-либо» (prompt, encourage, spark, spur, trigger)

  1. Croatia's return to stability has prompted a sharp rise in hotel prices.

Возвращение Хорватии к стабильности дало толчок к повышению цен на проживание в отелях.

  1. Japan’s stimulus package may trigger yen avalanche, warns George Soros.

Джордж Сорос предупреждает, что пакет стимулов Японии может вызвать спад курса йен.

  1. China’s industrial profits prompt slowdown concerns.

Промышленная прибыль Китая провоцирует замедление.

  1. A Mars Inc. Wrigley chewing gum with added caffeine has sparked U.S. regulators to review how food with the added stimulant affects children. Компания Марс со своей жевательной резинкой с добавлением кофеина спровоцировало пересмотреть как пища с добавлением стимуляторов влияет на детей.

  2. Besides, Wrigley energy gum has prompted FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) review of some caffeinated foods.

Кроме того,энергетические жевачки спровоцировали FDA обозреть некоторые накофеиненные продукты.

  1. “You know that we take employee satisfaction very seriously as a company – creating a sense of community and pride within our hotels is a top priority. The Renaissance Providence hotel actually has a number of employee programs in place that encourage health, wellness and employee satisfaction.”

  2. The complex choice boils down to two main options. Either Obama approves the construction of the pipeline – an economic boon and substantial move towards energy security and stability. Or he could call off the project to appease the demands of environmentalists who are incensed that the US would encourage even more large-scale fossil-fuel production and the spewing of more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

  3. Children going into smaller classes for the new school term will gain financially for the rest of their lives, says a study by a leading economic think tank. Class size – measured as the ratio of pupils to teachers – has a significant effect on future earnings at work, and the bigger the class a child is in the less they will be paid. It seems the smaller classes help children enjoy lessons more and encourage them to stay on at school.

Exercise № 22

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