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How well do yoy know great britain

And english speaking countries?

Test 1

  1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain consists of several countries. What are they?

  1. England, Scotland, Iceland and Wales.

  2. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  3. England, Northern Ireland, Scotland.

  4. England, Wales, Southern Ireland.

  1. The area of Great Britain is

  1. 56, 000 sq.km.

  2. 126, 000 sq.km.

  3. 82, 000 sq.km.

  4. 242, 000 sq.km.

  1. The main areas of highland are in:

  1. Scotland and Wales

  2. England and Wales

  3. England and Northern Ireland

  4. The Southern part of Ireland.

  1. What is the highest mountain in Great Britain?

  1. Ben Nevis

  2. Snowdon

  3. Mount Columbia

  4. Elbrus

  1. What is the currency of Great Britain?

  1. Euro

  2. Dollar

  3. Pound

  4. Guinea

  1. The flag of the U.K. is known as

  1. St. Andrew

  2. The Union Jack

  3. The Thistle

  4. The Union Monarchy

  1. How many crosses are there in the flag of Great Britain?

  1. 2

  2. 4

  3. 5

  4. 3

  1. St. Patrick is the patron saint of:

  1. Ireland

  2. England

  3. Scotland

  4. Wales

  1. What is the royal coat-of-arms of Great Britain?




  1. What is the royal motto of the coat-of-arms of the U.K.?

  1. Fame and honour

  2. God save the Queen

  3. God and my right

  4. Liberty and fraternity

  1. In the 5th century Britain was invaded by:

  1. The Greeks

  2. The Anglo-Saxons

  3. The Tatars

  4. The French

  1. What is the national Emblem of Great Britain?

  1. the thistle

  2. the rose

  3. the shamrock

  4. the tulip

  1. The U.K. is ruled by

  1. the Queen’s husband

  2. the Majesty’s Government

  3. the Prime Minister

  4. the President

  1. Trooping the Colour takes place

  1. in December, two days before Christmas

  2. in March, on St. Patrick’s Day

  3. in June, on the official Birthday of the Queen

  4. in August, on Bank Holiday

  1. What is Royal Ascot?

  1. a fly-past by the Royal Air Force

  2. Traditional game

  3. A parade near Buckingham Palace

  4. Horse racing

Test 2

    1. What does the British Parliament consist of?

  1. the House of Lords and the House of Peasants

  2. The House of Lords and the House of Commons

  3. The Duma and the Cabinet

  4. The Cabinet and the House of Commons

    1. Who works in the House of Commons?

  1. The Party that has won the general election

  2. People elected in the House of Lords

  3. People appointed by the Queen

  4. Peers and bishops

    1. The Speaker is the Chairman of

  1. the Cabinet

  2. the House of Lords

  3. the House of Commons

  4. Parliament

    1. Who sits on a Woolsack?

  1. Lord Chancellor

  2. MP’s

  3. Prime Minister

  4. The Queen

    1. Where is the official London House of the Prime Minister?

  1. Buckingham Palace

  2. №1, Oxford Street

  3. Kensington Palace

  4. № 10, Downing street

    1. What two Parties dominate in the British political system?

  1. the Liberal Party and the Democratic Left

  2. the Conservative Party and the Labour Party

  3. the National Front Party and the Conservative Party

  4. the Labour Party and the Liberal Party.

    1. What are the most common British hobbies?

  1. fishing, gardening and reading

  2. horse racing, skating and fitness

  3. gardening, horse racing and fox-hunting

  4. fitness, fishing, chess

    1. What is a traditional British meal?

  1. fish an chips

  2. rice and potatoes

  3. rice and fish

  4. pancakes and honey

    1. What do the British give each other at Easter?

  1. chocolate eggs

  2. strawberry puddings

  3. sweets

  4. wooden dolls

    1. When do the British celebrate Boxing Day?

  1. March, 14th

  2. January, 1st

  3. July, 4th

  4. December, 26th

    1. Hogmanay is celebrated in

  1. England

  2. Scotland

  3. Wales

  4. Nothern Ireland

    1. What holiday is “first-footing” connected with?

  1. Christmas

  2. New Year

  3. Easter

  4. Pancake Day

    1. Poppy Day is also known as

  1. Remembrance Day

  2. St. David’s Day

  3. Ash Wednesday

  4. All Fools’ Day

    1. When do children say “Trick or Treat”

  1. Halloween

  2. Christmas

  3. St. Patrick’s Day

  4. Guy Fawkes night

    1. On November, 5th the British

  1. collect sweets from their neighbours

  2. dress up in strange costumes and pretend they are ghosts and witches

  3. burn dummies on a bonfire

  4. have a two-minute silence in commemoration of the million British soldiers who lost their lives during the two World Wars

Test 3

  1. Is Britain a member of NATO?

  1. it was in the90s, but now it’s not

  2. It’s going to be

  3. Yes

  4. No

  1. What newspapers are considered to be “quality papers”?

  1. The Daily Telegraph and The Times

  2. The Daily Mail and The Daily Express

  3. The Times and The Sun

  4. The Daily Express and The Daily Mirror

  1. What sports are typically British?

  1. cycling, skating, rowing

  2. cricket, rowing, golf

  3. sailing, cycling, cricket

  4. athletics, sailing, basketball

  1. What county in Britain is called “The Garden of England”?

  1. Dorset

  2. Essex

  3. Lancashire

  4. Kent

  1. Why is Windsor popular in Britain?

  1. famous horce-racing championships take place here

  2. It’s the territory where fox-hunting is legal

  3. It’s an industrial centre of the U.K.

  4. The Queen often stays there at her castle

  1. What is the best-known Public School in the U.K.?

  1. St. Andrew’s School

  2. Eaton College

  3. London Public School

  4. Avon College

  1. Stonehenge is situated

    1. In the lake District

    2. In North Yorkshire

    3. On Salisbury Plain

    4. In London

  1. What city is an industrial town and a trading centre?

    1. Bristol

    2. Oxford

    3. Bath

    4. Brighton

  1. Which of the cities is known as a place of refreshment because of hot springs?

    1. Dover

    2. Bath

    3. Plymouth

    4. Glasgow

  1. Oxford University is over

    1. 200 years old

    2. 800 years old

    3. 450 years old

    4. 1300 years old

  1. Oxford University consists of

    1. 5 colleges

    2. 12 colleges

    3. 38 colleges

    4. 118 colleges

  1. What is the first University in Britain?

    1. Oxford University

    2. Cambridge University

    3. The University of London

    4. Lancaster University

  1. Birmingham is

    1. a big industrial city

    2. a famous British resort

    3. an education centre known for it’s big libraries

    4. Shakespeare’s place of birth

14. What is the “Mayflower”?

a. a picture by a famous British artist

    1. a newspaper

    2. a ship that sailed to America

    3. an Art Gallery in Boston

15. The great Sherwood Forest is popular due to…

  1. Queen Elizabeth I

  2. Robin Hood

  3. Mary Stuart

  4. Hamlet

Test 4

      1. What authors are British?

  1. L.G. Byron and Ch. Dickens

  2. Ag. Christie and V. Hugo

  3. M. Twain and G. Eliot

  4. E. Bronte and F.S. Fitzgerald

      1. What automobile company is British?

  1. Ford

  2. Nissan

  3. Rolls-Royce

  4. Reno

      1. Liverpool is a home-town of

  1. Madonna

  2. Scorpions

  3. The Beatles

  4. Britney Spears

      1. What city is the centre of textile industry?

  1. London

  2. Manchester

  3. Cardiff

  4. Southampton

      1. What animals are important in the British culture?

  1. cats and snakes

  2. cows and dogs

  3. rabbits and geese

  4. horses and sheep

      1. Which of the poets is not British?

  1. S.T. Coleridge

  2. W. Wordsworth

  3. E. Pound

  4. R. Burns

      1. Where is the Lake District?

  1. South of England

  2. Kent

  3. Cumbria

  4. North of Scotland

      1. Scotland is the land of

  1. chocolate and skiing

  2. beer and sausages

  3. roses and horses

  4. tartans and whisky

      1. What is a Scottish “bagpipe”?

  1. a kind of a bag

  2. musical instrument

  3. Scottish drink

  4. national game

      1. Robert Burns is

  1. a musician from England

  2. an Irish writer

  3. a Scottish poet

  4. a singer from Wales

      1. The Lowlands are

  1. in the western part of England

  2. in the eastern part of England

  3. in the southern half of Scotland

  4. in the Northern half of Scotland

      1. The capital of Scotland is…

  1. Edinburgh

  2. Cardiff

  3. Glasgow

  4. Belfast

      1. What dynasty belongs to the history of Great Britain?

  1. the Smiths

  2. the Stuarts

  3. the Browns

  4. the Carolingians

      1. Where is Loch Ness?

  1. Scotland

  2. England

  3. Northern Ireland

  4. Wales

      1. What does the word “loch” mean in the Scottish language?

  1. mountain

  2. lowlands

  3. river

  4. lake

Test 5

    1. What kind of language is English?

  1. Germanic

  2. Romanic

  3. Celtic

  4. Slavic

    1. What kind of language is Welsh?

  1. Gaelic

  2. Romanic

  3. Celtic

  4. Arabic

    1. What is the national flag of Wales?





    1. “Ulster” is the name of…

  1. Scotland

  2. England

  3. Northern Ireland

  4. Wales

    1. Londonderry is in

  1. England

  2. Wales

  3. Scotland

  4. Nothern Ireland

    1. The English Channel separates

  1. England from France

  2. England form Germany

  3. Scotland from Ireland

  4. Ireland from Wales

    1. The first name of London was

  1. Londonerry

  2. Lonely Done

  3. Londum

  4. Londinium

    1. What happened in London in 1666

  1. a war

  2. a fire

  3. a coronation

  4. the first carnival

    1. Who is known as the “Architect of London”?

  1. Christopher Wren

  2. Antoni Gaudi

  3. John Nash

  4. Irving Gill

    1. What is Heathrow?

  1. a railway station

  2. a city

  3. an airport

  4. a park

    1. What is the oldest building in London?

  1. St. Paul’s Cathedral

  2. Buckingham Palace

  3. The Houses of Parliament

  4. The Tower

    1. What is the most famous department store in London?

  1. Belk

  2. Macy’s

  3. Harrods

  4. Rossy

    1. Big Ben is actually the name of

  1. tower

  2. bell

  3. palace

  4. a spire on the tower

    1. What building is in the picture?

  1. Westminster Abbey

  2. The Houses of Parliament

  3. St. Paul’s Cathedral

  4. The British Museum

    1. What is the architectural style of the House of Parliament?

  1. Neoclassical

  2. Neo-gothic

  3. Futurism

  4. Romanesque

Test 6

    1. What is shown in Madame Tussaud’s?

  1. wax figures

  2. animals

  3. plants

  4. pictures

    1. Who is an American politician?

  1. Lloyd George

  2. Winston Churchill

  3. Margret Thatcher

  4. Theodore Roosevelt

    1. Scotland Yard is…

  1. the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police

  2. a Royal park in Scotland

  3. the Central Criminal Court

  4. a famous pub

    1. The Tower of London dates from

  1. the French Conquest

  2. the Norman Conquest

  3. the times of Queen Victoria

  4. the times of Queen Elizabeth I

    1. Which picture shows the Tower of London?


  1. b.

  2. c.


    1. Who built the Tower of London?

  1. Henry VIII

  2. Elizabeth II

  3. William the Conqueror

  4. Anne Boleyn

    1. The Crown Jewels are kept in

a. Buckingham Palace

b. Winsor Castle

c. The Tower of London

d. Westminster Abbey

8. The British Museum is in…

a. Oxford

b. London

c. Manchester

d. Cambridge

    1. The Tate Gallery represents

  1. only British art

  2. British and International art from the 12th century

  3. only international art

  4. British art from the 16th century and international modern art

    1. Where is the Whispering Gallery?

  1. St. Paul’s Cathedral

  2. St. James’s Palace

  3. Kensington Palace

  4. Westminster Abbey

    1. Where have all the English monarchs been crowned for over 600 years?

  1. the Tower of London

  2. St. Martin-in-the-Fields

  3. Westminster Abbey

  4. St. Paul’s Cathedral

    1. What was the 1st bridge in London?

  1. Tower Bridge

  2. London Bridge

  3. Westminster Bridge

  4. Lambeth bridge

    1. What street is the former home of the British leading newspapers?

  1. Fleet Street

  2. Newgate street

  3. Oxford street

  4. Victoria street

    1. What birds are honoured in the Tower of London?

  1. Pigeons

  2. Ducks

  3. Turkeys

  4. Ravens

    1. Who are the guides in the Tower?

  1. the Royal Soldiers

  2. policemen

  3. the Beefeaters

  4. Horse Guards

Test 7

  1. What stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

  1. the Marble Arch

  2. the monument in honour of lord Nelson

  3. the statue of Eros

  4. Cleopatra’s Needle

  1. Which of the parks is in London?

  1. Marvin Gaye Park

  2. Hyde Park

  3. Retiro Park

  4. Florence Park

  1. Covent Garden is

  1. a park

  2. a Palace

  3. a market

  4. a hunting area

  1. Visiting Trafalgar Square you can feed

  1. squirrels

  2. pigeons

  3. horses

  4. ravens

  1. The Changing of the Guard happens

  1. daily

  2. Every Sunday

  3. On the 1st of May

  4. Once a month

  1. What ceremony is regularly attended by the Queen?

  1. The ceremony of the Keys

  2. Flower show

  3. Punch and Judy show

  4. Trooping the Colour

  1. Hats are an essential part of…

  1. Henley Royal Regatta

  2. Wimbledon Tennis Championship

  3. Royal Ascot

  4. The Notting Hill Carnival

  1. The Queen puts on the Imperial State Crown and royal robes with long red train on…

  1. the State Opening of Parliament

  2. the Royal Garden party

  3. Michaelmas Day

  4. The Changing of the Guard

  1. What is the right order of invasions?

  1. the Normans, the Saxons, the Romans

  2. the Saxons, the Romans, the Normans

  3. the Romans, the Saxons, the Normans

  4. the Romans, the Normans, the Saxons

  1. What British king had 6 wives?

  1. Eduard IV

  2. Henry VIII

  3. Richard II

  4. Henry IV

  1. Oliver Cromwell was…

  1. the leader of the Army in Britain

  2. the US President

  3. the speaker in the British Parliament

  4. the husband of Queen Elizabeth I

  1. In the battle of Trafalgar Nelson’s fleet beat

  1. The Germans

  2. The Normans

  3. The Irish

  4. The French

  1. The countries of the former British Empire are

    1. Australia, Canada, the USA, Island

    2. Canada, Australia, the Union of South Africa, New Zealand

    3. New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Chili

    4. Malta, Australia, turkey, Norway

  1. Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in

    1. 1952

    2. 1936

    3. 1984

    4. 1988

  1. Protestant and Catholic extremists caused a conflict between

    1. England and Wales

    2. Scottish and English troops

    3. Wales and the government of Northern Ireland

    4. Northern Ireland and the British forces

Test 8

  1. In the 15th century Britain came across

  1. The Roman Conquest

  2. The War of the Roses

  3. Industrial Revolution

  4. The War of the Birds

  1. In order to protect feudal rights against royal abuse King John signed

  1. Act of Union

  2. Magna Carta

  3. Anglo-Irish Treaty

  4. Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

  1. What mountains are the British ones?

  1. the Alps

  2. The Rockies

  3. The Andes

  4. The Pennines

  1. What is the longest river in Britain?

  1. the Severn

  2. the Thames

  3. the Avon

  4. the Spey

  1. The founder of the lake school of poets is …

  1. W.B. Yeats

  2. W. Wordsworth

  3. A.C. Doyle

  4. M. Strand

  1. The most important ports in the U.K. are

  1. Manchester, Birmingham, Reading

  2. Liverpool. Southampton, Cardiff

  3. Glasgow, Cambridge, Brighton

  4. Leeds, Stanford, Canterbury

  1. The Daffodils and the leek are the emblems of…

  1. England

  2. Scotland

  3. Wales

  4. Northern Ireland

  1. Which of these capital cities is not the capital of the 4 parts of Britain?

  1. Dublin

  2. Cardiff

  3. Belfast

  4. Edinburgh

  1. Which is the biggest country of the British Isles?

  1. England

  2. Scotland

  3. Wales

  4. Northern Ireland

  1. The present dynasty in Great Britain is

  1. the Hanoverians

  2. the House of Windsor

  3. the Plantagenets

  4. the Tudors

  1. Ben Jonson called him “Sweet swan of Avon”

  1. G. Chaucer

  2. R. Bradbury

  3. W. Shakespeare

  4. B. Show

  1. Who tried to blow up parliament during the reign of James I?

  1. Guy Fawkes

  2. O. Cromwell

  3. B. Britten

  4. L. Oliver

  1. The centre of night life is

  1. Trafalgar Square

  2. Piccadilly Circus

  3. The Albert Hall

  4. Regent’s park

  1. The events such as putting the stone, throwing the hammer, playing bagpipes and dancing Highland dances take place in

  1. Scotland

  2. Wales

  3. England

  4. Northern Ireland

  1. Which sentence is not true about Britain

  1. Shipbuilding is a prosperous industry in the U.K.

  2. Welsh is spoken by 20 % of the population of Wales

  3. “Titanic” was built in Belfast

  4. The first fast-food chain in the World appeared in Britain

Test 9

  1. Terraced houses …

  1. are built in rows

  2. are built in pairs

  3. are also called detached houses

  4. have large gardens

  1. The two Houses of Parliament, the Lords and the Commons work

  1. in the same room

  2. in the same building

  3. in different buildings

  4. in different cities

  1. A “Shadow Cabinet” is formed by

  1. the Queen

  2. the leader of the official opposition

  3. the Prime Minister

  4. Lord Chancellor

  1. Which of these people is not elected?

  1. a peer in the House of Lords

  2. an MP

  3. the Prime Minister

  4. the Speaker

  1. Secondary Education in Britain starts at the age of…

  1. 7

  2. 16

  3. 11

  4. 9

  1. The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an exam for

  1. 18 year-olds

  2. 14 year-olds

  3. 11 year-olds

  4. 16 year-olds

  1. What degree isn’t it possible to get at the British University?

  1. Bachelor’s Degree

  2. Master’s Degree

  3. Candidate’s Degree

  4. Doctor’s Degree

  1. What is Oxbridge?

  1. a city

  2. an old bridge in Oxford

  3. a collective name for both Universities: Oxford and Cambridge

  4. the Local Educational Authority

  1. The most popular University sport is

  1. rowing

  2. football

  3. boxing

  4. swimming

  1. Bookmakers are associated with

  1. Publishing Companies

  2. Horse-racing

  3. Writers

  4. Higher education

  1. Sherlock Holmes was created by

  1. Agatha Christie

  2. Arthur Conan Doyle

  3. George Gordon Byron

  4. Walter Scott

  1. Where can people see some “speakers”, each standing on a box that he has brought with him?

  1. Hyde Park, “Speakers Corner”

  2. Buckingham Palace, front gates

  3. St. James’s Park, “Discussion Corner”

  4. The Houses of Parliament, near Big Ben

  1. What is a national British habit?

  1. shouting

  2. smoking

  3. working on Sundays

  4. queuing

  1. Tea in Britain is almost always drunk with

  1. lemon

  2. milk

  3. honey

  4. fruits

  1. A red Double-decker is

  1. a ship

  2. a building

  3. a bus

  4. a monument