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Test 10

  1. Where can you watch the Changing of the Guard?

  1. near Buckingham Palace

  2. near the Tower of London

  3. near Westminster Abbey

  4. near the Houses of Parliament

  1. Where can you see a very large clock?

  1. Hyde Park

  2. The Royal Albert Hall

  3. The Houses of Parliament

  4. Trafalgar Square

  1. Where can you see pandas?

  1. Regent’s park

  2. Trafalgar Square

  3. Hyde Park

  4. The British Museum

  1. How do ships pass Tower Bridge?

  1. they can’t pass

  2. the bridge is very high

  3. there is no such bridge in London

  4. the bridge opens

5. The guards at Buckingham palace wear a red coat and a black helmet made of…

a. lambskin

b. bearskin

c. steel

d. wool

6. The British say “Many happy returns of the day” to wish

a. a Happy New Year

b. Merry Christmas

c. Happy Birthday

d. a lucky All Saints’ Day

7. How did the name “Bank Holidays” appear?

a. People used to spend them on the bank of the river

b. On these days banks were to be closed

c. They were introduced by a politician Bank

d. Banks were open 24 hours and people could come there at any time of the day

    1. Jack-o’-lantern is

  1. a pumpkin on Halloween

  2. a special Easter cake

  3. a candle which is burnt on Queen’s Birthday

  4. a Christmas tree

    1. Compulsory education in Britain begins at the age of

  1. 7

  2. 5

  3. 9

  4. 8

    1. The heir of the monarch is given the title

  1. Prince of England

  2. Prince of Scotland

  3. Prince of Windsor

  4. Prince of Wales

    1. What is called “Cymry”?

  1. Wales

  2. Scotland

  3. England

  4. Great Britain

    1. the Emerald Isle is

  1. Ireland

  2. Great Britain

  3. The Isle of Wight

  4. New Zealand

    1. What is the capital of Australia?

  1. Melbourne

  2. Canberra

  3. Sydney

  4. Ottawa

    1. What is the capital of New Zealand?

  1. Auckland

  2. Wellington

  3. Dallas

  4. Atlanta

    1. What is the capital of Canada?

  1. Sydney

  2. Toronto

  3. Ottawa

  4. Quebec

Test 11 London Quiz

1. Who gave London its first name?

  1. the Egyptians

  2. the Greeks

  3. the Romans

2. Which river runs through London?

  1. the Thames

  2. the Severn

  3. the Seine

3. Who founded the Tower of London?

  1. Charles I

  2. William I

  3. Henry VIII

4. Who said 'When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life'?

a. Charles Dickens

    1. William Shakespeare

    2. Samuel Johnson

5. Which is the oldest part of London?

  1. Westminster

  2. the City

  3. the West End

6. How much of London did the Great Fire of London destroy in 1666?

  1. a quarter of London

  2. three quarters of London

  3. the whole city

7. Who designed St Paul's Cathedral?

  1. Christopher Wren

  2. Benjamin Hall

  3. Francis Drake

8. Where are the British kings and kings crowned?

  1. St Paul's Cathedral

  2. Westminster Abbey

  3. the House of Lords

9. Which birds, according to legend, protect the Tower of London?

  1. pigeons

  2. ravens

  3. swans

10. Which is the most famous shopping street in London?

  1. Oxford Street

  2. Downing Street

  3. Baker Street

11. What is a 'double-decker'?

  1. a bus

  2. a lorry

  3. a ship

12. Where can you make a speech in Hyde Park?

  1. Poet's Corner

  2. Speaker's Corner

  3. Revolutionary Comer

13. What is 'the Globe' in London?

  1. the largest department store in Europe

  2. Cockney rhyming slang for 'hope'

  3. a Shakespearean theatre

14. Which is the only London Bridge that can be raised?

  1. Tower Bridge

  2. London Bridge

  3. Waterloo Bridge

15. Where are the Crown Jewels kept?

  1. Buckingham Palace

  2. The Tower of London

  3. The Bank of England

16. 1f you visited Number One, London, where would you be?

  1. Buckingham Palace

  2. Main Post Office

  3. Apsley House

17. Which museum is situated at 221B Baker Street?

  1. Tate Modern

  2. Madam Tussaud's

  3. Sherlock Holmes Museum

18. What colour is the traditional London taxi?

  1. yellow

  2. black

  3. green

19. What’s the popular name for the underground system in London?

a. The Funnel

b. The Channel

c. The Tube

20. Which bridge over the Thames was pulled down in 1970 and transported, piece by piece, to Arizona in the United States?

a. London Bridge

b. Tower Bridge

c. Westminster Bridge

21. What is the London Eye?

a. a telescope

b. an observation wheel

c. a newspaper

22. How much will it cost you to visit the British Museum, the National Gallery, the Tate Modern Gallery, the Science Museum and the Imperial War Museum?

a. 10 pounds

b. 30 pounds

c. Nothing. They are all free.

23. Which former London resident has been voted 'the greatest Briton of all time'?

a. Sir Winston Churchill

b. Charles Darwin

c. John Lennon

24. Who built the first bridge across the Thames?

a. the Egyptians

b. the Greeks

c. the Romans

25. What's another name for 'the City of London'?

a. the Square Mile

b. the Square Kilometer

c. the Centre

26. What is Big Ben?

a. a clock tower

b. a clock face

c. a bell

27. Two of Henry VIII's wives were beheaded in the Tower of London. Which ones?

a. Catherine of Aragon and Anne of Cleves

b. Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard

c. Jane Seymour and Catherine Parr

28. What's the name of the man who wanted to blow up Parliament in 1605?

a. Boy Hawkes

b. Gay Forks

c. Guy Fawkes

29. When did the Great Fire of London break out?

a. in 1066

b. in 1666

c. in 1766

30. What is the name of Shakespeare's famous theatre?

a. the World

b. the Globe

c. the Universe

31. Where did Prince William and Prince Harry use to live?

a. Buckingham Palace

b. Kensington Palace

c. Clarence House

32. What does the word 'dungeon' mean?

a. an old castle

b. an underground prison

c. a wine cellar

33. Which is the largest and oldest museum in Britain?

a. the British Museum

b. the National Gallery

c. Madame Tussaud's

34. In Cockney rhyming slang, what does 'loaf of bread' mean?

a. head

b. bed

c. red

35. What are the famous guards of the Tower of London called?

a. beefeaters

b. bobbies

c. pearlies