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Test 12 how well do you know the usa?

1. How many states are there in the USA?

a. 48

b. 50

c. 52

2. What is the American flag called?

a. Union Jack

b. Union Flag

c. Stars and Stripes

3. When did Christopher Columbus discover America?

a. in 1492

b. in 1592

c. in 1692

4. Which of the following is not a US state?

a. Alaska

b. Hawaii

c. Tahiti

5. When is the birthday of the United States celebrated?

a. on December, 25th

b. on July, 4th

c. on March, 8th

6. The Statue of Liberty was designed by Frederic Bartholdi and was given to the US by France in 1884 as a symbol of Franco-American friendship. But who was the model for the statue?

a. Bartholdfs wife

b. Bartholdi's mother

c. Bartholdi's daughter

7. Which country is bigger: Canada or America?

a. Canada

b. America

8. The 'Big Apple' is a popular nickname — but for what?

a. Los Angeles

b. New York

c. Chicago ?

9. Your American friends say to you, 'Let's go see a ball game’. What do they mean?

a. volleyball

b. basketball

c. baseball

10. Where in the United States can you find the Golden Gate Bridge?

a. San Francisco

b. San Diego

c. New Orleans

11. The two largest political parties in the US are the Republicans and the Democrats. The Republican Party is traditionally represented by an elephant. What animal represents the Democratic Party?

a. a monkey

b. a donkey

c. a tiger

12. What colour are the taxis in New York?

a. black

b. green

c. yellow

13. The man in the picture is a symbol of the USA. What's his name?

a. Uncle Ben

b. Uncle Tom

c. Uncle Sam

14. What is the New York underground called?

a. the metro

b. the subway

c. the tube

15. How often do American people choose a new President?

a. every 4 years

b. every 5 years

c. every 3 years

16. British people call them chips. What do Americans call them?

a. English fries

b. German fries

c. French fries

17. Which University did Bill Gates go to?

a. Harvard University

b. Yale University

c. Columbia University

18. The average American girl has ten Barbie dolls. But when was Barbie created?

a. in 1959

b. in 1979

c. in 1989

19. What do American people call their police officers?

a. bobbies

b. cops

c. dogs

20. What was the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to New England in 1620?

a. Titanic

b. Sunflower

c. Mayflower

21. Who said: 'We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal'?

a. Bill Clinton

b. George Washington

c. Richard Nixon

Test 13 how well do you know scotland?

1. Scotland's national costume is the kilt. What kind of clothing is it?

a. a shirt

b. a skirt

c. a pair of pantaloons

2. What's the name of the famous lake where a monster is said to live?

a. Loch Lomond

b. Loch Monstro

c. Loch Ness

3. In Scotland, you can get married at the age

of 16. True or false?

a. True

b. False

4. What's the national Scottish dish?

a. fish and chips

b. haggis

c. pizza

5. What connects Sherlock Holmes to Scotland?

a. The author Arthur Conan Doyle was Scottish

b. Sherlock Holmes was Scottish

c. Doctor Watson was Scottish

6. Many Scottish names begin with 'Mac' or 'Mc' which means 'son of. True or false?

a. True

b. False

7. What's the name of Scotland's traditional musical instrument?

a. balalaika

b. bagpipes

c. guitar

8. What colour is the Scottish flag?

a. Red with a white cross

b. White with a blue cross

c. Blue with a white cross

9. What's the name of Scotland's national poet?

a. Walter Scott

b. Robert Louis Stevenson

c. Robert Burns

10. Scotland has its own Parliament. True or false?

a. True

b. False