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МУ для основ. разделов граматики (ан.яз).doc
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Оборот there is, there are

Информация 5:

Этот оборот служит для указания наличия или отсутствия какого - либо предмета, лица, явления в определенном месте или в определенное время. Предложения с этим оборотом отве­чают на вопросы: что имеется? Кто находится? Что бывает? Что наблюдается в определенном месте?

there is (are)... - настоящее время

there was (were)... - прошедшее время

there will be ... - будущее время

Утвердительная форма

There is a beautiful park in this part of the city. There are some industrial enterprises in this part of the city. There was an old building at this place. There were some old building at this place. There will be a park here. There will be some bus routes in a new district.

Вопросительная форма

Is there a park in this part of the city? Are there any industrial enterprises in this city? Was there any new building at this place? Will there be any bus routes here? Отрицательная форма

There is no park in this part of the city. There are no industrial enterprises here. There was no old building here. There will be no park here.

Перевод предложений с оборотом there is (are) следует начинать с обстоятельства.

There are many higher schools in our town.

В нашем городе много вузов.

There were many wooden houses in this street.

На этой улице было много деревянных домов.

There will be about 100 persons at the conference.

На конференции будет около 100 человек.

Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. There are some interesting articles on this problem in this issue (выпуск). 2. There is great ac­tivity among young research workers of our university. 3. There are students of different departments in the scientific society of the university. 4. There are many interesting robots at the exhibition of stu­dents works. 5. There are many people at popular lectures organized by the Komsomol Committee. Составьте предложения с оборотом there is, there are, добавив обстоятельства

a) в настоящем времени.

Образец: There is a language laboratory at our university.

There are many laboratories in the building

(a computing center, a good dining room, a big library, many books about scientists, classroom, many pictures, drawing halls)

б) в прошедшем времени.

Образец: There were some students in this classroom.

There was a car near the building.

(a small garden, an old building, old equipment, only wooden houses, bus - stop)

в) в будущем времени.

Образец; There will be a new park at this place.

(a big stadium, metro, a conference in April, diagrams, computers)

г) с отрицанием no (not any).

Образец: There is no English class today.

There were no classes yesterday.

(meeting today, concert at our club, students in the lecture - room, dance to - night, devices on the shelf)

Задайте вопросы, содержащие оборот there is (are). Дайте краткие ответы. Работайте в парах.

Вопросы: Is there a ... ?

Are there (any) ... ?

How many ... s are there?

Ответы: Yes, there is (are).

No, there isn't (aren't).

There are many (some) ... s.

(a telephone in your apartment, a TV - set in your room, a machine - building faculty at the uni­versity, museum, stadium, plants and factories in our city, foreign students in your group, cinema in your street)

Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, употребляя оборот there is (are) в нужном времени:

1. В нашем университете много факультетов. 2. На факультете имеются отделения. 3. В России много учебных заведений. 4. Есть ли в Омске университет? 5. Какие фа­культеты есть в Омском университете? 6. На моем столе была книга. 7. Есть ли стулья в той комнате? 8. В вашей работе много ошибок. 9. На этой улице будет новый кинотеатр. 10. Здесь были старые деревья.