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II. Dialogues.

1. Read, translate and learn them:

1).- Excuse me!

- Yes?

- How do I get to the nearest underground station?

- Cross the street and walk straight as far as the bridge. Cross the

bridge and turn to the right.

- Is it far from here?

- No, not so far.

- Thank you.

- You are welcome.

2).- Excuse me!

- Yes?

- Can you tell me the way to the nearest post-office?

- Well, let me see... Take trolley-bus number two and get off at the

second stop. Turn to the left and walk straight on. At the end of the

block you will see the post-office on your right.

- Oh, then, I think, it is near the cinema, isn`t it?

-That’s right. The cinema is just across the street from the post-office.

- Thank you very much.

- No thanks at all.

3).- I say!

- Yes, what is it?

- How far is Piccadilly Circus from here?

- I think it’s something like a mile. You can walk to it if you are not in

a hurry.

- Yes, I think I’d better walk. You see, it’s my first visit to London, so

I shall see the town.

- Then you can go and see Trafalgar Square with the Nelson Column.

It is worth seeing.

- Oh yes, I know. It has a world-wide fame. How do I get there?

- It’s not far. Just walk straight on and take the first turning to the left.

- Thank you very much. You are very kind.

- Oh, no thanks at all.

4).- Excuse me!

- Yes?

- It’s our first day in St. Petersburg, and we don’t know our ways.

Where are we now?

- You are at the corner of Nevsky Prospect and the Griboyedov Canal.

There’s the Kazan Cathedral across the street.

- Ah, yes, of course! I know the Kazan Cathedral: I have seen it on a

postcard. What a beautiful building, isn’t it?

- Yes, it has a world-wide fame.

- Look here, and how do we get to the Russian Museum from here?

I think it’s somewhere near.

- That’s right. Just walk along the embankment and take the first

turning to the right.

- Yes? And then?

- Then walk as far as the corner, and you will see the Russian Museum

on your left.

- Oh, thank you very much. It was most kind of you.

- It was a pleasure.

2. Practice reading the following sentences:

1). Is there a bus from here to Trafalgar Square? – Отсюда идёт автобус

до Трафальгарской площади?

2). The bus stop is just across the street. – Остановка на другой стороне.

3). Will it take me long to get there? – Мне долго туда добираться?

4). It’s quite near. – Это совсем близко.

5). It won’t take you more than five minutes. – У вас уйдёт не больше

пяти минут.

6). quite a long way off – очень далеко

7). a five-minutes’ walk – пять минут пешком

8). walk under the arch – пройдите под аркой

3. Working in pairs. Dramatize the dialogues:

1. - Excuse me, sir.

- Yes?

- Is there a bus from here to Trafalgar Square?

- Yes, sir. Any bus will take you there.

- Thank you. And where is the bus stop?

- Just across the street. Can you see that big building of grey stone

with columns?

- Yes.

- Cross the street and you will be there.

- Will it take me long to get to Trafalgar Square?

- Oh no, it’s quite near. It won’t take you more than five minutes.

Get off at the third stop.

- Thank you very much.

- You are welcome.

2. - Is your place of work far from your home?

- Oh yes, quite a long way off.

- How long does it take you to get there?

- It takes me about thirty minutes to get there by bus. I take bus № 7

and go as far as Pushkin Square, where I change to bus № 45.

- And how far is the office from the bus stop?

- It is just a five-minutes’ walk.

- And can you get there by tram?

- Yes, quite easily. It is even more convenient to go by tram, for the

tram takes me right there.

- Then why do you go by bus?

- Just to save time. I am always in a hurry.

3. - How do I get to the Winter Palace?

- Oh, it’s quite near. It won’t take you more than five minutes.

- You see, it’s my first visit to St. Petersburg. This is Nevsky

Prospect, isn’t it?

- That’s right. Walk straight on and take the first turning to the right.

You will be in a short street with a big arch at the end.

- Oh, I remember seeing that arch on a postcard.

- Walk along the street and under the arch. You will find yourself in

Palace Square.

- You know, I am so glad to be in St. Petersburg. I’ve read about

Palace Square and seen pictures of it, with the Alexander Column.

It will be so nice to see it in reality.

- You are right. Well, if you stand with your back to the arch, you

will see a beautiful green palace with white columns across the

square in front of you. It is the Winter Palace.

- Thanks a lot.

- The pleasure is mine.