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Деловой английский.doc
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counter-proposal - контр-предложение

therefore - поэтому

concession - уступка

reduce - уменьшать

unconditionally - безусловно

quote - назначать

reason - причина

quality - качество

object - цель

per cent - процент

obtain - получать

as far as ... concerned - что касается ...

as a result - в результате

settlement - расчёт

negotiations - переговоры

suggest - предлагать

supplier - поставщик

amount - сумма

introductory sale - зд. начальная продажа

against an invoice - по счёту

place an order - делать заказ

deduct - вычитать

be suitable - подходить

discount - скидка

disadvantage - недостаток

admit - признать

when compared - по сравнению

delicious - очень вкусный

housewife - домохозяйка

let know - извещать

be used (to) - привыкать (к)

term - условие

mention - упоминать

I. Read and translate this introduction and the fax mes­sage:

A buyer need not accept the prices and terms offered by the seller unconditionally. There will often be good reason to make a counter-proposal with the object of obtaining better prices or terms, or a shorter time of delivery. As a result of these negotia­tions the supplier could make a concession, particularly for an in­troductory sale, or if the customer places a large order.

Here is a fax containing a counter-proposal:

Roberts Import Company (RIC) Av: Rio Branco 198


Rio de Janeiro


16th November, 19__


Sales Manager

Farmers Fruit Products

010 Mortimer St.

London Wl.


Dear Sir,

Subject: Fruit Products Supply

Thank you for your letter of 10th November, enclosing your price-list. The 2 lb tins of marmalade would not be suitable for our customers, but we should like to buy 15,000 1 lb jars. However, there is one disadvantage when com­pared with local produce. Housewives here are used to a jar containing 500 grammes; the English pound is only 454 grammes. Therefore we would ask you to reduce the prices quoted for quality A2 by ten per cent.

As far as settlement is concerned, we would suggest paying half the amount against your invoice on receipt of the goods, and the second half within 30 days, deducting two per cent discount.

The samples arrived yesterday, and we must admit that your marmalade is delicious. Would you kindly let us know as soon as possible if you can supply us on the terms men­tioned.

Yours faithfully,

/ signature/