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Деловой английский.doc
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2. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases:

1) двигатель, 2) опаздывать, З) система оповещения, 4) сдать билеты (аннулировать полет), 5) взлетное поле, 6) прибытие, 7) объявлять (по радио), 8) пройти таможенный досмотр, 9) выруливать, 10) взлетная полоса 11) набирать скорость.

3. Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

1) The voice announced ... French and English that the plane had been delayed 2) The information will be announced ... the public-address system. 3) The flight ... New York had been put...... half an hour. 4)Everybody was waiting comfortable... the take off. 5) He looked as if he could cancel his flight and go ... boater ... train. 6) The passengers were instructed to pass ... Customs. 7) The man hurried ... the Customs ... the waiting plane. 8) His wife arid children were standing ... the restaurant now, waving, then he settled ... his seat.

4. Math the words which have something in common:

landing, scales, flight, take off, delay, overweight, luggage, plane, stewardess, additional charge, weather, airsickness, seat belts, suit case.

5. Give a word or a phrase for the following definition.

1. get on/into a plane;

2. reach a place/the end of a journey;

3. area of land for an aircraft to take off from;

4. height (above sea level);

5. fall on the ground suddenly, violently and noisily.

6. Translate the words in brackets. Render the story in English.

All on Board?

All of us who (путешествовать на самолете) probably find reasons to complain about (воздушные линии), but it is less common for airlines to complain about us! At 2.35 p.m. (рейс 767) was ready to leave for Ibiza and nearly all the passengers were (на борту). At 6.10 p.m. the plane was still on ( взлетная полоса ). Two passengers hadn't boarded. If people (зарегистрироваться ) but don't board all the luggage must be unloaded. All the passengers had ( сойти с самолета ) and all of them identified their ( багаж). At the end there were two pieces of luggage left. Just then, both missing passengers appeared. "We went to the bar and we had something to drink and a sandwich", they explained. We had been sitting in the bar for hours! The captain scolded the men severely and the other passengers were very angry with them.

  1. Read and translate dialogues.

  1. Airport official: Oh, madam, where are you going? Mrs. Stone: Passport Control. Airport official: That way, madam. Mrs. Stone: Oh, which one do I go through? Airport official: That one — the second one on the left is for

Foreign passports. (A few minutes later) Immigration officer: Your passport, please. Thank you. Have you got

a visa? Mrs. Stone: A visa? Do I need a visa? Immigration officer: How long will you be staying in Warsaw?

Mrs. Stone: Oh, I'll only be staying three weeks.

Immigration officer: No, you don't need one then.

Mrs. Stone: Well, why did you ask?

Immigration officer: It's my job (He stamps her passport). There you

are madam.

Mrs. Stone: Where do I collect my luggage?

Immigration officer: I don't know, madam. It's not my job.

  1. John: Hallo, Pete! I'm sorry I'm late. When did you arrive? Pete: Hi, John. I got here at 7.30. We were half an hour early. John: Did you get your suit-cases? Pete: No, I didn't pick them up. They are in the baggage-room. John: I got your telegram yesterday. Did you have a jolly trip? Pete: Well, it was a great fun, but in the end I got home-sick. John: That's why they say: East or West — home is best.