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2. Read and translate text a and text b.

Text A.

Employment Agencies

In Britain there is a special service for school leavers, the Careers Advisory Service, which helps young people who are looking for their first job. Careers Officers give practical advice on interview techniques, application forms, letters, pay, National Insurance and Trade Unions.

One business organization that you may use when you are job-hunting(I) is an employment agency. There are the state employment services and nonprofit agencies that do not receive fees for finding jobs for people. There exist also some private employment agencies which receive a fee. These include the state employment services and nonprofit agencies. Counselors there may spend a few minutes with each applicant.

But an agency that deals with technical and higher-salaried jobs, spends much more time with each applicant. Appointments are necessary in this type of agency, where a counselor may be able to see only a few applicants a day.

An interview for any kind of job, whether the interview is obtained through a friend, classified advertisement, or an agency, generally requires an appointment. It is important to be on time for your appointment. If you have made an appointment and cannot keep it, or if you will be more than ten minutes late, you should always call the interviewer. If you do not cancel the appointment or notify the interviewer that you will be late, you will create a negative impression on your possible employer.

To make efficient use of time, American business people schedule their days hour by hour. In most American business situations, appointments are a necessary courtesy.


job-hunting – looking for work

Text B.

“… They Live by the Appointment Book”

Victor had recently arrived in the United States, and he did not completely understand the need for appointments. He thought his friend was exaggerating. One day he went to an employment agency. This agency specialized in placing people according to their qualifications. Victor wanted to start working as soon as possible so that he could afford his own apartment.

When he arrived at the agency at 10 a.m. the receptionist said to him, "Do you have an appointment?" Victor looked around the office and said, "No, I don't, but I see that there are very few people waiting here. I'm sure the counselor can see me. "The receptionist answered, "I'm sorry. This agency works by appointment only." She told him to leave his resume, fill out an application, and make an appointment. Victor did not have a resume, but he was able to get an appointment in two days.

Before dinner that evening, Victor dropped in on his friend Andre. He told Victor again why sometimes in America you cannot just drop in. Victor then turned to his friend and said, "Andre, you are right. In America you don't live from day to day — you live from appointment to appointment!"

(adapted from "Working World" by Boston M.)

3.Find in texts A , B equivalents for the following words and phrases.

1) быть готовым к переменам (изменениям); 2) создать положительное/ отрицательное впечатление; 3) заполнить анкету для поступления на работу; 4) решить, принять решение; 5} приобрести знания/опыт работы; 6) дать детальную информацию; 7) час за часом; 8) эффективно использовать; 9) предлагать что-либо (советовать); 10)подбирать работу согласно квалификации; 11) специализироваться в области; 12) самооценка; 13) обратиться к кому-либо; 14) изучать что-либо (пойти на курсы).