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VI. Answer the questions.

  1. What are the points of a fax message form?

  2. What is usually indicated in a fax head?

  3. Where is the fax head usually written?

  4. What else is written in the top right-hand corner?

  5. What is written in the top left-hand corner?

  6. What points are missing in the above sample message and what do these points imply (предполагают)?

  7. What should you bear in mind to make your fax message more readable and inviting?

  8. What comes first after a complimentary close: a signature or a sender's position or his/her status in the company?

  9. Is it always necessary to fill in the "attention point"?

  1. What would you write in point 5 if you addressed a particular (конкретный) person?

  2. What points are not filled in the above fax message?

  3. What do these points imply?

  4. What does a reference indicate?

  5. What is typed on the same line as the date?

Dates, Salutations and Complimentary Closes


1. tendency - тенденция

2. amount - количество

3. punctuation - знаки препинания

4. also - кроме того

5. salutation - приветствие

6. frequently - часто

7. omit - пропускать

8. colon - двоеточие

9. formal - официальный

10. routine - обычный

11. Dear Sir - уважаемый сударь

12. Dear Madam - уважаемая сударыня (мадам)

13. Gentlemen - господа

14. informal - неофициальное (обращение)

15. personal - личное (обращение)

16. Yours faithfully - с уважение (преданный Вам)

17. Yours sincerely - искренне Ваш

18. Yours truly - с уважение (преданный Вам)

19. both ... and - как … так и

20. single - незамужняя

I. Read and translate the following information.

The methods of writing dates are different. There is a tendency to decrease the amount of punctuation in correspondence, so that it has become usual to write the date as 24 April 2005.

Also in the address, salutation and complimentary close, commas are frequently omitted.

For computer use the International Standards Organization (ISO) recommended writing the date in all-numeric form, with the year first, followed by the month and the date as 2005-04-24 or 20050424. But nowadays the date is very often written in the opposite order as 24.04.2005 or 24.02.05. In writing dates there is some difference between the British style and American style.

British style

American style

12th November, 200_

12 November 200_

12 Nov. 200_

November 12, 200_

Beginning and ending of a fax message.

Every fax message needs a salutation (e.g. Dear Sirs) and a complimentary close (e.g. Yours faithfully).

Here there is also some difference between the two styles. In American style a colon follows the salutation.

a) Salutation (greeting)



1. Formal or Routine

Dear Sir,

Dear Sirs,

Dear Madam,


Dear Sir: Gentlemen:

Dear Mr.Brown:

Dear Miss Smith:

Dear Mrs.Brown:

2. Informal

Dear Mr.Brown,

Dear Miss Smith

Dear Mr.Brown:

Dear Miss Smith:

3. Personal

Dear Mr.Brown,

My dear Brown,

Dear Jim

Dear Mr.Brown,

My dear Brown,

Dear Jim

b) Complimentary Close



1. Formal or Routine

Yours faithfully,

Faithfully yours

(Very) truly yours,

Sincerely yours,

Yours (very) truly

2. Informal

Yours sincerely,

Yours truly,

Sincerely yours,

Cordially yours

3. Personal

Yours sincerely,


(With) best wishes,


Sincerely yours,

With kind regards,


With best regards,


The salutation dear madam is used when addressing both a married and a single woman. Dear Miss is never used as a salutation. Such salutations as Sir or Madam (without the word Dear) are very formal and you shouldn’t use them often. If you know a person, you may use informal salutations such as Dear Mr. Brown or Dear Miss Smith.

American formal and informal salutations end with a colon.

Bear in mind (помните) that the most formal (official) complimentary closes are Yours faithfully (Yours truly). Yours sincerely expresses friendliness and informality.