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6. Recent results in french research on reinfoced concrete

Reinforced earth, invented in 1966 by the French engineer Vidal, is a material which has been often used in the civil engineering field in recent years. It is a composite material, a combination of earth and reinforcements, the latter generally consisting of metal strips arranged horizontally and able to withstand high tensile stresses.

The principle of reinforced earth is analogous to that of reinforced concrete; it is economical means of improving the mechanical properties of the basic material, earth, by reinforcing it in the directions in which it is subject to the greatest stresses. The essential phenomenon in reinforced earth is the friction between the earth and the reinforcements.

Reinforced earth has been mainly used for the construction of retaining structures and foundation rafts. The influence of the fine fraction of the fill on the friction between earth and reinforcements has been studied in laboratory tests on samples of sand and powdered clay mixtures.

Задание 1. Закончите предложения в соответствии с текстом. Полученные предложения переведите.

1. Reinforced earth was invented…

2. It is a composite material…

        1. The principle of reinforced earth is …

        2. The essential disadvantage is …

        3. Reinforced earth is mainly used in …

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос:

What method of designing concrete buildings is used now and why?

Designing of concrete buildings

Buildings of reinforced concrete may be constructed with load-bearing walls or with a skeleton frame. According to the first method, the exterior walls are designed of sufficient strength to carry the loads of the girders, beams, floors and roofs, which rest on them. The interior supports may consist also of load-bearing walls or of columns, but this method does not utilize the full potentialities of concrete. By the second method, the floors and roofs rest directly on exterior and interior columns or are carried on beams and girders, which, in turn, rest on the columns. The walls and partitions are simple enclosures of brick or reinforced concrete supported by the beams and girders. Most concrete buildings of any size are now designed according to this second or skeleton frame method.

Тексты для чтения.

Read additional texts and give main ideas using the following expressions:

The text is about …

At the beginning of the text the author stresses (underlines, points out) that …

Then the author describes smth (suggests, states that) …

After that the author passes on to (description of, statement of, analysis of …}

At the end of the text the author comes to the conclusion (pays attention to the fact) that…

Text 1 Classification of Building Mortars

Building mortar is the name of a mixture containing a binding agent, water and fine aggregate acquiring a stone-like monolithic structure as a result of hardening. Prior to hardening a building mortar is called a building mix. Building mortars often contain different additions – dispersed (clay), hydraulic and surface-active.

By composition and properties building mortars are similar to concrete, but they contain no coarse aggregates.

Building mortars are intended for filling joints and as a binder in free-stone and brick masonry, for the preparation of decorative and protective plasters and production of small-size articles (brick, tile, etc.).

Building mortars are made with different properties and composition depending on application.