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  1. This causes the whole mixture to set and harden, forming a solid mass.

  2. The strength of concrete is very rapid in the early stages, but continues more slowly for an indefinite period amounting to years

  3. Water fit for drinking can be assumed to be free from harmful ingredients.

  4. Steel has great tensional, compressive and elastic properties, but it is no durable being exposed to moisture.

  5. Concrete loses its strength with age, or being subjected to high temperature.

  6. Architects considered reinforced concrete to be suited only to heavy and massive structures.

  7. Great potentialities of reinforced concrete appear to be in the hands of the creators of concrete buildings.

  8. This concrete doesn't crack when freezing.

  9. Collaborating with engineers they are developing new ways of using concrete.

  10. Built-in furniture is considered to be a valuable asset in small dwellings.

  11. Built-in furniture has the advantage of being fitted into an awkward corner, utilizing free floor space.

  12. Reinforced earth is a composite material, a combination of earth and reinforcements, the latter generally consisting of metal strips, which withstand high tensile stresses.

  13. Built-in furniture providing a considerable saving of space and materials, it is preferred by many.

  14. The built-in units being widely used in our modern houses, saves space and materials.

  15. The built-in units being widely used in our modern houses, prove their advantage over conventional furniture.