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III. Переведите предложения с герундием, обращая внимание на предлог.

1. On reading the article he decided to translate in into Russian. 2. You can master English by reading books and newspapers every day. 3. By doing nothing we learn nothing. She left the room without saying a word. 4. We spoke about difficulties of reading such text without consulting the English-Russian dictionary. 5. After testing the motor they wrote down the results.

NOTE: Если предложение начинается словом с окончанием -ing, следует помнить, что оно может быть герундием в функции подлежащего (если за ним следует глагол-сказуемое) или причастием в функции обстоятельства (если за ним следует подлежащее)

Герундий перед глаголом

Причастие перед подлежащим

Testing the motor was necessary.

Испытать мотор было необходимо.

Испытание мотора было необходимо.

Testing the motor, he saw …

Испытывая мотор, он увидел…

Exercise IV. Определите, каким членом предложения является Ving

форма в предложении (подлежащим или обстоятельством.

1. Applying the method will give the results desired. Applying the method

the technologists will get the results desired.

2. Producing power is dependent on the fuel and machinery available.

Producing electricity by means of generators we get low efficiency.

3. Making use of radioactive isotopes biologists can… Making use of radioactive isotopes opens up…

Exercise IV. Переведите фразы и предложения, обращая внимание на функции герундия и причастия и способы их перевода.

  1. Making an experiment with a new substance showed…

Making an experiment with a new substance, the student…

  1. Carrying out observations will give …

Carrying out observations, the astronomers…

3. He is producing new tools for …

Our aim is producing new tools for …

4. The scientist is completing a series of experiments in …

The task is completing a series of experiments in …

5. (While) describing the process the researcher … In describing the process researcher …

6. Our scientists are investigating new kinds of … The purpose of this research is investigating new kinds of …

7. Having investigated the phenomenon, the scientists … After having investigated the phenomenon the scientists …

Exercise V. Выберите правильный перевод выделенной глагольной формы.

1. Increasing pressure we decrease gas volume. 2. Increasing pressure

leads to the decrease of gas volume. 3. The increasing pressure was measured precisely.

а) увеличение; б) увеличивающееся в) увеличивая

4. When discussing the design the engineers suggested a few improvements. 5. Discussing the design will take much time.6. The engineers discussing the design suggested a few improvements.

а) обсуждающие; б) обсуждая (при обсуждении) в) обсуждение

7.Testing engines should be carried out on a special stand. 8. The mechanic was testing the engine for a few hours. 8. The designers found serious defects in testing the engine.

а) при испытании; б) испытывал; в) испытание