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  1. Precast concrete

Master the key terms and head words.

beam — балка, бимс storage — хранение, запас

compression — сжатие tank — бак, резервуар

decade — десятилетие tower — башня, вышка, опора pipe - труба

1. Read the combinations. Translate them from Russian.

beam system - балочная конструкция

compression stress — напряжение на сжатие

storage tank — питательный резервуар

pipe installation — укладка труб

pipe joint — стык труб

tank tower — водонапорная башня

111. Put down the corresponding verbs. Translate the words.

Model: joint — to join — присоединяться к

compression — to _____________________

installation - to_____________________

relation —to _________________________________________________________________________

combination —to__________________________

storage —to

usage —to

service —to

production —to

pre-pref. — заранее, предварительно pre-examine — исследовать заранее

2. Read the examples. Translate them from Russian.

(prestressing - предварительное напряжение

prestressed reinforcement — предварительно напряженная арматура

compressive stress — напряжение при сжатии

Read and translate the article.

Prestressed concrete is a relatively young product. It started to be widely used only during the last few decades, and is still gaining popularity. The reason of its popularity is its usefulness. The main good qualities of prestressed concrete are its high strength and durability. In prestressed con­crete, concrete is combined with steel. This combination is highly advan­tageous and serves the purpose of producing a compressed stress in the concrete as a building material. For this reason any member of beam is under constant compression and as a result has no cracks. In modern times this type of concrete serves as construction material for beams, for pipes, find columns, storage tanks, water towers and the like.

3. Answer the following questions.

  1. What good qualities does prestressed concrete possess?

  2. What metal is it combined with?

  3. What purpose does this combination serve?

  4. What constructions is prestressed concrete mostly used for?

We know concrete to be a universally used construction material, various, most popular kinds of concrete and their main properties are listed below. Read the tables. Translate the examples a) from English into Russian; b) from Russian into English.

Table 1. Types of Concrete

architectural concrete

архитектурный бетон

asphalt с


gas с.


gypsum с

гипсовый б.

gravel с

бетон из гравия

precast с

заранее отлитый б.

plain с

неармированный б.

prestressed reinforced с

напряженно армированный б.

TABLE 2. Properties of Concrete

high-strength concrete

высокопрочный бетон

waterproof с

водонепроницаемый б.

nailable с

гвоздимый б.

lightweight с

легкий б., теплый б.

cast-in-situ с

монолитный б.

poor quality с

б. низкого качества