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Vocabulary development: word building:

Exercise 1. Translate the original and derivative words:







to fail




to occur




to detect





to survive




to contribute




to execute




to employ





to navigate





to verify




Text Air incidents

On 19 July 1989 United Airlines Flight 232 experienced the failure of a rear engine while en route from Denver to Chicago. The failure occurred because a fatigue crack in the engine went undetected, resulting in the loss of all three hydraulic systems. In landing the plane, the pilots had no control of the aircraft’s rudder, leading edge flaps, slats or wing spoilers (to slow them down). Once on the ground, they had no steering, nose wheel or tail control, and no brakes. Despite of all these difficulties, 184 passengers and crew survived. This was because the surrounding communities were prepared to respond to a practised, organized, updated emergency plan. There were five factors that contributed to the degree of success: luck, communication, preparation, execution, and co-operation.

Not long ago, on 18 May 2005 a small two-engine An-24 carrying 52 people, most of them employers of Lukoil subsidiaries, crashed upon landing, killing 28 people in what has been initially described as a tragic result of pilot error. The Soviet – designed turbo–prop airlines crashed in the Artic village after its tail fell apart over the landing ground. As the plane slammed into the ground, a massive fire erupted on board which caused most of the deaths.

Five crew members were among the 24 people that survived the crash. The pilot and the navigator were both killed. Emergency ministry officials said that 10 out of the 24 survivors were in critical condition, but later their lives were no longer at risk. The black boxes for the flight have been discovered and while the cause of the crash can be established only once they are deciphered, experts say that the most likely cause was pilot error.

Survivors described a bump as the plane’s wing crashed against the ground, then fire spread through the cabin. Others remembered witnessing the plane’s landing gear hitting several mounds of sand before crashing. Many agreed that the aircraft had been flying unusually low. One of the versions more is that the pilots missed the landing strip, and flew over it again at a lower altitude. To these may be added that there is a long chain of middlemen making it nearly impossible to verify the technical safety of the craft.

Grammar study: learn grammar peculiarities of the text:

  1. Past Indefinite Active употребляется для выражения действия, совершившегося или совершавшегося в прошлом. Образуется это время с помощью прибавления к основе смыслового глагола окончания – ed (для правильных глаголов). Past Indefinite переводится на русский язык прошедшим временем глагола как совершенного, так и несовершенного вида.

Sample: the failure occurred – произошла поломка; the plane crashed - самолет упал.

  1. См. Grammar Study Section III, Part I.

Sample: surrounding communities – окружающие подразделения, plane carrying the people – самолет, перевозящий людей.

Кроме того, в тексте встречается другая – ing форма глагола – Gerund (см. пункт 2, Grammar Study, Part I, Introduction.).

Sample: landing gear – шасси;

landing strip – посадочная полоса.

В функции определения их нужно различать: Participle I означает свойство или состояние лица или предмета, совершающего действие, а Gerund – свойство предмета, предназначенного для совершения действия.

Ср.: writing student – пишущий студент

writing desk – письменный стол.

Exercise 2. Define the forms of the –ing words from the text and translate them into Russian:

resulting, landing, leading, steering, surrounding, carrying, killing, witnessing, crashing, making.

Exercise 3. Insert the proper words into the sentences:

  1. (При приземлении) the plane, the pilots had no control of the rudder.

  2. Despite of the difficulties, all the passengers (выживать).

  3. The Flight (упал) when experienced (поломка двигателя).

  4. (Поломка происходит) because of (усталостная трещина) in the engine.

  5. (Обслуживающие подразделения) were prepared to respond to (аварийная ситуация).

  6. There are several factors (способствующих) to success.

  7. A massive fire (возникать, разразиться) on board after slamming the plane into the ground.

  8. (Черные ящики) have been discovered and (расшифровывать).

  9. It is nearly impossible (достоверно установить) the technical safety of the craft.

  10. One of the versions is that the pilots (пропустили взлетную полосу) and flew over it again at a lower altitude.

Exercise 4. Translate into English:

  1. Причиной несчастных случаев может быть не только техническая поломка, но и ошибка человека.

  2. Причина происшествия из-за небрежности или невнимательности человека называется человеческим фактором.

  3. Поломки узлов самолета часто приводят к гибели людей.

  4. Такие мероприятия, как правильная организация полетов, техническое обслуживание и подготовка персонала, помогают избегать несчастных случаев.

  5. Только строгое соблюдение правил на воздушном транспорте может способствовать безопасности полетов.

Exercise 5. Read the text without dictionary:

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]