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Exercise 5. Divide the text into the meaningful parts and give the title to each

of the, taking into account:

  1. circumstances which can entail emergency;

  2. the parts of emergency management;

  3. the steps of emergency plan;

  4. key questions of emergency management;

  5. the recovery period of hazard.

Exercise 6. Answer the questions:

  1. What circumstances may cause an emergency situation?

  2. How is it possible to mitigate threats of emergency?

  3. What are internal and external threats?

  4. What are the stages of mitigating the hazard?

  5. What is it necessary to undertake under emergency conditions?

  6. Can be the recovery stage fully realized?

Checklist for Introduction:

  1. How is Infinitive in the function of adverbial modifier translated into Russian?

  2. How are the derivative words formed?

  3. What are the ways of mitigating the emergency consequences?

  4. What is emergency management?

Section I

Grammar: Functions of Participle I.

Word-formation: suffixes –tion, -ing.

Speaking: Earthquake phenomenon.

Learn the pronunciation and meaning of the words:

to hit

ударять, поражать, настигать



величина, размер (в землетрясении – сила, балл)



потеря, гибель

to flee (fled, fled)

бежать, спасаться бегством, покидать



сотрясение, толчки

to devastate


опустошать, разорять




to cancel

отменять, аннулировать


тревога, сигнал тревоги

to be on the alert

(to put on alert) быть наготове

to warn








Vocabulary development: word building:

Exercise 1. Translate the original and derivative words:








to devastate





to evacuate





to tide





Text Earthquake Hits Indonesia and Solomon Islands

Up to 2000 people are feared dead on Indonesia’s Nias island of the west coast of Sumatra following at 8.7 magnitude earthquake that struck overnight. The shock came just before midnight destroying most of the buildings on the island. Death toll estimates vary widely from about 200 to ten times the original number.

Ten of thousands of people in Malaysia, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka had fled their houses in panic at the first tremors, fearing a repeat of last year’s devastating tsunami that killed over 200000 people. People grabbed small bags of clothes as they fled their tents and homes. Many were crying and jumping into cars and onto motorbikes and pedicabs to head for higher ground, the associated press reported.

Governments from Malaysia to Sri Lanka ordered mass evacuations of their coastlines. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii said the quake had the potential to cause a “widely destructive tsunami” and authorities should take “immediate action” including evacuating coastline within 600 miles of the epicenter. However, before dawn, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India had cancelled the alerts.

UN Emergency Relief Coordinator told reporters a few hours after the quake that the UN offices throughout the area hit by last year’s tsunami were immediately put on alert and the government acted appropriately in warning the people. He said that although no tidal wave was reported this time, the shocks were a wakeup call for an effective early – warning system.

Another report said that a strong 6.7 magnitude earthquake in the Solomon Islands caused panic in the capital. The quake struck at a depth of just 1.8 kilometers below the sea and 73 kilometers southwest of Honiara, the capital of the Pacific island. They said there was violent shaking for nearly a minute when the quake struck at 7.39 pm. The houses were shaking, people were shouting, there was a bit of panic. Most of the families moved away from the coastline in the capital in the immediate aftermath of the quake.

The western Solomon Islands were hit by a massive 8.0 – magnitude earth-quake and tsunami not long ago, leaving more than 50 dead and thousands displaced.

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