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Тема 7. «Виды коксования и их особенности. Свойства кокса». Module 10

Task 1. Remember the following words and word combinations

coking chambers – камеры коксования

charcoal – древесный уголь

convert – превращать, преобразовывать

flux – плавить, расплавлять (течение, поток)

by-product – побочный продукт

reducing atmosphere – восстановительная атмосфера (газовая среда)

fraction – фракция, класс крупности

volatile – летучий

discovery – открытие

burn – сжигать

waste products – отходы

coke oven – коксовая печь

blast furnace – доменная печь

take place – происходить

sole – нижняя часть

blend – составлять шихту

access – доступ

turn into – превращаться waste products – отходы

Task 2. Read the text and find the equivalents to the following word combinations

содержание углерода, при сжигании, летучие вещества, содержащиеся в угле; значительное количество теплоты, примеси, которые сжигаются; отходы сгорания, природный уголь, входящий воздух, конечный продукт, уменьшать цены, восстановление утраченного тепла, очищенное топливо, выделять очень маленькое количество дыма, метод переработки угля, компонент, подходящий для производства железа, использовать для отопления

History of coke production in the world

Coke is carbonized coal, a product produced by baking coal in a heated oven. By using a process that allows the impurities in the coal to be burned off, while not allowing the carbon content of the coal to burn, the coal is turned into coke. The impurities burned off were actually the volatile matter contained in the coal, such as tars, oils and gases. When burned, coke generated an intense amount of heat but produced very little smoke, qualities that made it an ideal fuel for use in producing iron and steel. The origins of coke-making can be traced back to the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution, in the early years of the 17th century. This was the era that saw Sir Henry Platt propose a method of coal processing, derived from the then common wood pyrolysis – heating of wood in kilns with limited air access in order to produce charcoal. The product of coal pyrolysis was at first used only for heating and in selected food industry processes (e.g. in beer brewing), since this refined fuel did not yield combustion waste products that could spoil the final

the workers employed at the Quinnimont coking operating, circa 1906 the "quench station".

product. At first, coke was manufactured in primitive kilns (печь для обжига и сушки).

Abraham Darby discovered in 1709 that coke is an excellent reducing agent suitable for the production of iron. Natural coal was unsuitable for this purpose inter alia (в числе других)because of the

waste products of its combustion. Darby's breakthrough was one of the key discoveries behind the onset of the Industrial Revolution as it cut the costs of iron and steel production. The original primitive kilns were replaced with more sophisticated coke ovens of various designs.

The basic prototype of the modern coke oven was developed in 1940. The early ovens were approximately 12 m long, 4 m high and 0.5 m wide, and fitted with doors on both sides. The incoming air was preheated with hot combustion gases. Recovery of waste heat enabled the production of higher temperatures and increased the speed of the coking process. Since 1940, the process has been mechanised, and perfected with structural materials. The modern systems can contain coking chambers up to 20 m long and 8 m high.

from http://www.koksovny.cz/en/we-produce-coke/history-of-coke-production-in-the-world

Task 3. Answer the following questions

1. What is coke?

2. How is coke made?

3. What volatile matters are burnt off when coke is produced?

4. What is hydrolysis?

5. How was coke produced at first?

6. What did Abraham Darby discover?

7. Why is natural coal unsuitable for the production of iron?

8. When was the basic prototype of the modern coke oven developed?

Task 4. Read the text and translate it and a scheme of the coke-making process below

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