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A) Состав материи, состав веществ, очистка веществ, происхождение материи, держать над огнем, шипеть, превращаться в другие вещества, научный подход, ценные свойства, искусственные вещества, получать масла из растений, созданные человеком, улучшать химические технологии, несколько элементов, очищение жидкостей, становиться коричневым.

B) продолжает увеличиваться, в зависимости от атомного номера, относительный атомный вес, показывать значительное сходство, основная сетка элементов, повторение характерных свойств, некоторое количество свободных мест, успешно завершиться, опубликовать исследование (диссертацию)

C) в отсутствии кислорода, мгновенное изменение химического состава, повышающаяся температура, органические вещества, безопасно удаляемые вещества, основная проблема производства металлургического угля, деструктивная дистилляция, присутствие воздуха, удаление летучих продуктов, плотные образцы угля, превращение подземных органических веществ в ископаемое топливо, последующее производство древесного угля, внедрение технологии смешивания угля, важный источник углеводородов, процесс превращения, термическое разложение, закрытый сосуд, смешанные образцы угля, прочная фракция, исходный материал

D) содержание углерода, при сжигании, летучие вещества, содержащиеся в угле; значительное количество теплоты, примеси, которые сжигаются; отходы сгорания, природный уголь, входящий воздух, конечный продукт, уменьшать цены, восстановление утраченного тепла, очищенное топливо, выделять очень маленькое количество дыма, метод переработки угля, компонент, подходящий для производства железа, использовать для отопления

E) уголь, который нужно сжечь; при помощи сжигания угля; сожженные примеси; летучие вещества, содержащиеся в угле; для производства стали; коксованный уголь; разработанный на основе пиролиза древесины; поначалу использовавшимся для отопления, очищенное топливо; подающийся внутрь воздух; камера коксования, подожженные газы, при сжигании, естественная тяга

Answer the following questions

1. How can chemistry be classified?

2. What does analytical chemistry deal with?

3. What is the subject of biochemistry?

4. Why is organic chemistry devoted to one element only? Why it is so important?

5. What does physical chemistry deal with?

6. What are bio- and cosmo-chemistry? What do they deal with?

7. When did modern chemistry appear? What was it connected with?

8. Who are the fathers of modern chemistry? What is their contribution to chemistry?

9. What is spectroscopy?

10. What is the periodic table?

11. What is the main principle of the elements presentation in the periodical table?

12. What is the “standard form” of the table?

13. When was the number of elements in the table kept increasing?

14. Who came to the same conclusion as D. I. Mendeleev?

15. How were the elements grouped in 1869? What was the following step?

16. What is pyrolysis?

17. How was the word “pyrolysis” formed?

18. Where is pyrolysis occurred?

19. What is pyrolysis used in chemical industry for?

20. How may specialized uses of pyrolysis be called?

21. What cooking procedures involve pyrolysis?

22. What is the difference between pyrolysis and combustion or hydrolysis?

23. What is the main difference between early and recent researches on the thermal decomposition of coal?

24. What is a “solution”?

25. How is a substance dissolved in another substance called?

26. What does “concentration” mean?

27. What properties do solutions have?

28. What types of solvents were mentioned in the text?

29. What does the term “homogeneous” mean?

30. What types of solutions were mentioned in the text?

31. What solution can be called saturated?

32. What can significantly change the point at which a solution can become saturated?

What is carbon? What is its symbol and atomic number?

33. When was carbon discovered? What forms were discovered first?

34. Why was it named “carbon”? What is the origin of the name?

35. How abundant is carbon on Earth?

36. What properties does carbon have?

37. What is “allotropes”?

38. How many allotropes does carbon have? What are their main properties?

39. What is the difference between diamond and graphite?

40. Why is carbon so unique?

41. Who started the investigation of carbon and what were their contributions?

42. Why is carbon so useful for industry?

43. What is coke?

44. When and where was first coke produced?

45. What can coke be made from?

46. What does the resulting product of coke consist of?

47. What is coke produced from coals like?

48. How is coke coal produced?

49. How is natural coke made?

50. What is beehive coke oven?

51. How many ovens can a battery consist of?

52. How is coal introduced into the beehive coke oven?

53. What is air initially supplied for?

54. How does carbonization proceed?

55. Why aren’t by-products recovered?

56. What can slag be used for?

57. How many types of coke-making are mentioned in the text?

58. What is the main difference between these two types?

59. How is coal carbonized for by-product coke-making? What is the name of this process?

Compare with your translation and analyse (p.62 ex.5)


It is therefore the primary object of the present invention to provide a improved method of producing cokes, in which the optimum conditions for the coking reaction suited for various raw material oils are established.

It is another object of the present invention to provide an improved method for producing cokes by blowing a non-oxidizing gas into the raw material oil charged in a coking drum.

It is still another object of the present invention to provide a method for producing cokes, in which the raw material oil is heat-treated or reformed prior to the coking operation.

It is a further object of the present invention to provide a method for producing cokes comprising two steps, namely reforming of a raw material oil and coking of the thus reformed oil in a single coking drum under introduction of a non-oxidizing gas as a heating medium and as an agitating medium for the oil to be coked. The two step operation in a single coking drum under introduction of a heating gas is distinct from the conventional operation of the delayed coking method.

The foregoing objects as well as the details of the present invention will become more apparent from the following description when read in connection with the drawing and the preferred embodiments thereof.

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