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Hotel 1

L: Lancaster Hotel.

HВ: Hello. My name is Hilary Beacham from Compact Systems. I'd like some information, please.

L: Sorry. You'll have to speak up: it's a very bad line.

HВ: OK. Can you tell me if you have any single rooms available on the 5th, 6th and 7th May?

L: Sorry. I didn't quite catch those dates.

HB: The 5th, 6th and 7th May.

L: Yes, we still have rooms for those dates.

HВ: And does every room have a telephone?

L: Oh yes.

НВ: And the location is very important. Are you near Lancaster Road?

L: Well, we're actually in Lancaster Road. Number 16.

HB: (writing) 60 Lancaster Road.

L: Excuse me. Not "60" - 16.

НВ: 16 - thank you. And the next question is: do you have any meeting rooms?

L: Can you repeat that please?

HB: Meeting rooms. Do you have any?

L: We do. I'll just check that we have one available for those dates ... Yes, we do.

HB: Good.

L: Is there anything else?

HB: Oh, yes. Is there a restaurant in the hotel?

L: Did you say "restaurant"?

HB: That's right.

L: No, I'm afraid not; just a snack bar. But there are a number of excellent ones just round the corner.

HB: OK. Thanks very much. Goodbye.

L: Goodbye.

Hotel 2

G: Goodwood Hotel.

HB: Hello. I'd like some information, please.

G: Go ahead.

HB: Do your rooms all have telephones?

G: They do, yes.

HB: And is there a meeting room available?

G: We do have a meeting room. I'd have to check that it's available for the dates you need.

HB: The 5th, 6th and 7th May.

G: Let me see. Yes, that's fine.

HB: And do you have a restaurant?

G: No, I'm afraid not.

Hb: Oh, I see. And where is the hotel?

G: We're in Burton Road.

HB: Is that near Lancaster Road.

G: Not really. We're actually about two miles from Lancaster Road. What days did you say you wanted to book?

HB: 5th, 6th and 7th, but...

G: The 5th ...

HB: ... 6th and 7th.

G: I'm sorry. We're actually booked solid for those dates.

HB: OK. Thank you.

G: Goodbye.

HB: Bye.

Hotel 3

X: Hello.

HB: Good afternoon. Is that the Burberry?

X: I'm afraid you've got the wrong number. This is 659 1033.

HB: Oh, sorry. 6-5-9 1-0-2-3

B: The Burberry Hotel. Good afternoon.

HB: Good afternoon. Can you tell me if you have a single room for the nights of the 5th, 6th and 7th May?

B: I'll just check for you. Yes, we can certainly fit you in for those dates.

HB: And where is the hotel exactly?

B: In Tregarron Road.

HB: Can you spell this, please?

B: Certainly. T-R-E-G-A-R-R-O-N.

HB: Thanks. Is that near Lancaster Road?

B: Yes, it's just of Lancaster Road.

HB: And do the rooms have telephones?

B: Yes.

HB: And do you have any meeting rooms?

B: We do, yes.

HB: Is one available on those dates?

B: I'll just check ...Yes, we have one free for all those dates.

HB: And are there any restaurant facilities?

B: We do have our own restaurant facilities, yes.

HB: Thank you. That's all I need to know. Good-bye.

B: Good-bye.


Hotel 1

Hotel 2

Hotel 3






IV. Read the letter and find out equivalents to the Russian sentences given below:

Southern Exporters Ltd.



Dear Sirs,

We thank you very much for your enquiry and we are enclosing with this letter our current catalogue which gives detailed information about our tyres.

We have achieved impressive results in factory and track tests of our tyres. The tyres are very reliable. Please also note the safety and fuel econo­my of our product.

With regard to discounts, we are allowing 25% off list prices for orders of over CanD 3,000.00.

You will see that our prices are quoted c.i.f. Western European ports.

Our usual terms of payment are cash against documents.

We would like once again to draw your attention to our competitive prices and the high quality of our goods. We will be pleased to supply any further information you require.

Yours faithfully,


1. Мы получили Ваш запрос.

2. Прилагаем наш каталог.

3. Обратите внимание на экономичность товара.

4. Что касается скидок ...

5. Наши условия платежа – наличные против документов.

6. Конкурентноспособная цена.

7. Высокое качество товара.

8. Предоставить любую необходимую информацию.

V. Act out dialogues on the basis of the following assignments:

1. Meet Mr. Green. Ask him about the purpose of his visit to Moscow.

2. Receive your friend at your office. He is interested in your everyday work in the company.

3. Meet your foreign partner at the airport. Speak about his flying and going through the customs.

4. Make a call to a Lancaster Hotel and reserve a room.

5. Invite your foreign partner to the best restaurant and advice him to taste some Russian traditional meals.

6. Go to the department Store in Oxford Street and ask the shop-assistant to help you to choose a present to your wife (children).

7. You are in Trafalgar Square. Ask the passer-by about the way to the Bank of England.