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To pose a threat to; interstate wars; lethality; a dimension; communal disputes; to terminate; to trigger; a refugee flow; internal; humanitarian emergency; to exploit an opportunity; discontent; tight resources; to tend. To vow; disputed (territory/question); to accuse smb of smtb; to escalate (tensions); a foe; to mass troops; to put pressure on; to repulse; to claim (territory). Deterrence; cruise missiles; an objective; to expand one’s influence; governance; to determine; to adjust; conventional forces; to cast doubt on smth; an assessment; to be prone to miscalculation; WMD proliferation; unpredictable; sufficient; an estimate; resolution; to build up; superiority; transition.

Оказывать давление на кого-либо; клясться (давать обет); спорная территория; отразить (нападение); обвинить кого-либо в чем-либо; враг; сосредоточивать (стягивать) войска; претендовать на (территорию); усиливать напряженность. Поток беженцев; вызвать; измерение; мсжкультурные и религиозноэтнические разногласия; нехватка ресурсов; представлять угрозу; заканчивать; вну-гренний; гуманитарная катастрофа; перетекание (переход); летальность; использовать возможность; недовольство; межгосударственные войны; иметь тенденцию.

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Monitors: Military Presence May Deter Sri Lankan Voters

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — Jan 6, 2015, 1:54 PM ET


A monitoring group expressed concerns Tuesday that the military presence in the former war zone of northern Sri Lanka may lower voter turnout in the presidential election Thursday.

Pakiasothy Saravanamuttu from the Centre for Monitoring Election Violence said that concerns have been raised about the vote in the north in particular and about the deployment of security forces that could have "an adverse impact on the voter turnout."

Sri Lanka's military has been accused of intimidating opposition voters in previous elections and campaigning for President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Amnesty International also urged the authorities to ensure that the people's right to political participation is respected.

"Reports of a potential organized plan to obstruct voters on election day - allegedly orchestrated by the government through the military - is also a matter of grave concern," the group's Deputy Asia Pacific Director David Griffiths said in a statement.

Many violent incidents, most against the opposition supporters were reported during a month-long campaign period which ended on Monday. The incidents include shooting causing injuries, assaults and damage to property.

He has won two previous elections on a wave of popularity for ending a 25-year civil war after militarily defeating the Tamil Tiger rebels, who wanted an ethnic Tamil state in the island's north and east. An ethnic minority in Sri Lanka overall, Tamils are the majority in the former war zone in the north. Both Rajapaksa and opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena are from Sri Lanka's Sinhalese ethnic majority.

Rajapaksa is facing his biggest election challenge in the revolt led by Sirisena, his former health minister.

Calling the election two years early was seen as an attempt by Rajapaksa to prevent defeat if the poll was held on schedule.

Sirisena defected from Rajapaksa's government a day after the election was announced because he said Rajapaksa was abusing his power and taking the country toward autocracy.

An ultranationalist Buddhist party, the country's largest Muslim political party and its main ethnic Tamil political party are supporting Sirisena. The main opposition United National Party and 26 lawmakers who defected from Rajapaksa's government also support Sirisena.

Mexican Army Kills 9 in Michoacan Confrontation

MEXICO CITY — Jan 6, 2015, 1:10 PM ET

By ALBERTO ARCE Associated Press

The federal security commissioner for the western state of Michoacan says nine civilians have been killed in two clashes between the army and armed civilians.

Alfredo Castillo says the confrontations in the town of Apatzigan began Tuesday morning when the army tried to take control of city hall, which had been held for days by civilians.

Castillo says in the first clash, one civilian was killed and authorities detained 44 people with 13 long-barreled guns and 23 vehicles.

He says that soldiers were attacked by armed men as they were transporting the seized vehicles, and eight civilians died in that confrontation.

Palestinian Behind Killings That Sparked Gaza War Sentenced

JERUSALEM — Jan 6, 2015, 1:16 PM ET

By IAN DEITCH Associated Press

A Palestinian convicted of masterminding the kidnapping and killing of three Israeli teenagers, which sparked a chain of events that led to last summer's Gaza war, was sentenced to life in prison by an Israeli court on Tuesday.

The military court handed Hussam Qawasmeh three life sentences, one for each teen. The 40-year-old resident of the West Bank town of Hebron admitted to masterminding the kidnapping and to receiving funds from Hamas, the Islamic militant group that rules Gaza, in order to commit attacks, the military said.

The two Palestinians Israel accused of killing the teenagers were shot dead in a firefight with Israeli forces in September.

Eyal Yifrah, 19, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Naftali Fraenkel, a 16-year-old with dual Israeli-American citizenship, were abducted and killed in June while hitchhiking home in the West Bank.

Israel launched an extensive search operation and arrested hundreds of Hamas members in theWest Bank. Hamas escalated rocket fire on southern Israeli cities, prompting a military response that escalated into a 50-day war.

More than 2,100 Palestinians and 72 Israelis were killed in the fighting, which devastated large parts of Gaza, leaving tens of thousands homeless. On the Israeli side, attacks through tunnels led to the evacuation of border communities and rocket fire -- which reached major cities -- damaged several homes and ground daily life to a halt.