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1. Определите функцию местоимения "it" и слова-заместителя "one", переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. In a letter to the North Korean foreign minister the Commission made it clear it hoped "to follow up the issues that we raised in our discussions".

2. This organization remains a decisive guarantee of its member-states' sovereignty and security. It makes an important contribution to preserving stability in Europe and the world

3. It was Russia which made the first step towards the establishment of confidence among nations.

4. Diplomats say Morocco may now be ready for a negotiated solution but has yet to realize this would mean big compromises.

5. It was the Western allies, the US, Britain and France which divided Germany.

6. In Russia Chernobyl has changed the people's attitudes. There is a рге-Chernobyl era and a post-Chernobyl one.

7. Overpopulation is Japan's most serious problem and the one that is least discussed.

8. The American economy has become not only gigantic in size, but also one with high-quality indices.

2. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на средства создания безличности:

1. Outlining his country's strategy Moldova's president dismissed any thought that Moldova might one day seek to join NATO. "It will remain neutral", he said.

2. Russia's spokesman said yesterday that Moscow had received an interesting proposal and was ready to discuss it.

3. It is there, inside Israel's self-declared "security zone", five miles from the Israeli border, that the 600-strong Norwegian force has its headquarters.

4. He said it was clear that both the Eritrean People's Liberation Front and the Ethiopian Government want an end to the 28-year conflict.

5. One can't underestimate (недооценивать) the importance of our cooperation with the West if we want to take our economy to a new higher level.

6. The organization's commander-in-chief has urged the transformation of this alliance from a military-political grouping to a political-military one.

7. "Don't think this is the end of the US Marines because they are receiving a different type of resistance to the one they expected", he said.

8. He emphasized one thing - the UN should take control of Iraq after the war.

3. Переведите русские безличные предложения из спортивной публицистики на английский язык. Помните о различиях в средствах создания безличности и компрессии в русском и английском языках.

  1. А как сейчас форму поддерживаете?

  2. Что почувствовали, когда увидели, как на лед градом летят кепки?

  3. Разочарованы, что вас не было на поле?

  4. Но ходили сюда семьями.

  5. Даже о ничьей в одном из этих матчей не могло идти и речи.

  6. А пока придется поездить в Химки

  7. Впрочем, не совсем ясно, что в данном случае «вообще», а что - «в частности».

  8. И радостно за «Локомотив».

  9. Но надо же когда-то начинать! 

  10. Хотят играть и побеждать.

  11. Представить себе, что Константин Бесков мог работать в «Спартаке» 12 лет кряду.

  12. Хочется верить.

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