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2.3. Listen to the text again and focus on the right action you have to take when an accident happens. Complete the following sentences.

  1. If the person is bleeding …

  2. If someone isn’t breathing …

  3. In case of an accident medical help must be sought and someone must decide whether …

  4. If it is a minor burn the best thing to do is …

  5. You should keep the burnt place under cold water for about ten minutes and it …

  6. If it is a bad burn, what we call a third-degree burn, don’t … .

  7. Cover the burn very lightly with … and go … .

  8. If any bones are broken, the injury could be made much worse by …

3. Language Focus

3.1. Translate the following sentences using the language of the interview and then compare your translation with the recorded text.

  1. Считаете ли вы, что знать мало – это опасная вещь? Если мы не знаем наверняка, что делать, действительно ли лучше ничего не делать? Это несомненно интересные и важные вопросы.

  2. Первая помощь очень важна, и могут быть спасены жизни людей, если будут предприняты правильные действия.

  3. Многие из нас холодеют от ужаса и впадают в панику, когда сталкиваются с кризисной ситуацией. Поэтому почему бы не научиться оказывать элементарную первую помощь?

4. Follow-Up Activities

Write a passage:

  1. giving some general advice on the subject of burns;

  2. recalling the three most important things you should do at the scene of a car accident.



Text Title: Down the pub

Cassette: From English Super Plus 2, by H.Sommers, V.Vermes

1. Pre-Listening Exercises

1.1. Read the information below.


The pub (or public house) is an important part of British life. Many pubs are hundreds of years old. All pubs have a name, not just an address. The signs outside pubs always have a picture to go with the name.

Popular pub names are: The Fox and Grapes, The Eagle, The King’s Head, The Green Man. If you come to Britain, see how many pub names you can find. In many pubs you can have a simple meal at lunch time – like sandwiches, or a pie, or sausages and chips, or a salad. People often go to a pub just to meet their friends and talk over a drink. You can often play games there, like darts or billiards.

There are no waiters or waitresses in pubs. You must go to the bar to buy your drinks or food and carry them to your table.

Wine bars are new in Britain. In 1970 there were very few wine bars, but now they are very fashionable. You can have a snack or a good meal in a wine bar at lunch or dinner time. They are very popular with young people. Usually there are waiters or waitresses in a wine bar.

1.2. Answer the following questions:

Where would you like to go? Why?

1.3. Read the menu given below and say if it is a pub or a wine bar.


Onion Soup & Garlic Bread £2.50

Vegetarian Crepes £3.75

Coq au Vin £ 6

Crab Salad £5.50

Salmon, Monkfish & Lemon Sole £6.25

Moussaka £4.75

Hungarian Goulash £4.50

Kidneys in Wine £5.25

Selection of Vegetables £1.75

Green or Mixed Salad £1.25

Cheese & Biscuits £2.50

House Wine (bottle)

Red / White £6.50