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3. Language Focus

Do the following translation. Use the words and word combinations given in the box below.

to do sth in the way of ... extra exercises dieting

to do all this worrying ... weather permitting

  1. Я не думаю, что люди должны беспокоиться об этом и о диете, потому что если люди едят много, значит им приходится много работать.

  2. Мы придерживаемся сбалансированной диеты из мяса и овощей, не слишком много углеводов.

  3. Мы не часто употребляем в пищу консервированные или замороженные продукты.

  4. Мы сами готовим для себя мясо и овощи.

  5. Если погодные условия позволяют, я плаваю в море круглый год.

  6. Я отказываю себе в некоторых вещах.

  7. Я не занимаюсь никакими дополнительными физическими упражнениями. Хорошо было бы, если бы я это делала.



Text Title: Triathlon

Cassette: From Progress to Proficiency, by L.Jones

1. Pre-Listening Vocabulary

Go over the list of words. Make sure there are no difficulties in understanding their meanings.

triathlon [] - триатлон

novice event [] - начальный вид спорта

resting heart rate - частота пульса в состоянии покоя

ethics - этика

put across - придерживаться чего-либо, проводить что-либо

pit oneself against smb - противопоставлять себя кому-либо

indulge in smth - увлекаться чем-либо

gruelling [] - изнурительный, тяжелый

well-toned - находящийся в хорошем состоянии, обладающий нормальным тонусом

sedentary [] - малоподвижный, сидячий

circuit [] - цикличный

2. Listening Exercises

2.1. Listen to the recording and identify the speech variety:

  1. speaking in public

  2. giving an interview

  3. talking to radiolisteners

  4. sharing impressions with a friend

2.2. State the subject-matter of the recording:

  1. giving advice to beginners in sport

  2. talking about one’s sport and one’s attitude to it

  3. describing one’s sport routine

2.3. State the presenter’s role in the recording:

  1. to ask the speaker questions about sport in her life

  2. to highlight the most essential points from the speaker’s talk

  3. to ask the speaker to clear up some of the ideas he has not grasped

2.4. Give answers to these questions.

1. Is the speaker a professional in sport or does she have a job?

2. Is she fond of her sport? Yes/No

3. Is she a happy woman? Yes/No

2.5. Listen to the recording again. Focus on the presenter’s questions so as to make corrections in the outline below: in the number of questions, their order, their wording.

1. How much time does she spend training each week?

2. What exercises does she do to keep herself in good form?

3. What is her attitude to sponsors?

4. What actually is a triathlon?

5. What is the core satisfaction of any sport?

6. How does she find enough time to do her job and take part in her sport?

7. What are the satisfactions of the sport?

2.6. Listen to Part 1 of the recording and note down:

  1. the name of the speaker;

  2. the year she began taking part in her sport

  3. the three events a triathlon includes

2.7. Listen to Part 1 and:

1. match the events in the left-hand column with their characteristics in the right-hand column.


terribly difficult to do

novice event enormous fun

real enjoyment

other events more gruelling


not terribly difficult to do at all

2. note down the period of time the different events take.

2.8. Listen to Part 2 of the recording. In the list below tick the words indicating the benefits which according to the speaker, come with the training.

develops a well-toned body leads to a drop in your heart

develops your lungs rate

develops your heart helps to lose weight

develops your back gives you more energy

develops your legs and arms helps you become stronger &


2.9. Listen to Part 2 again. Choose the right answers.

1. How does the training improve your outlook on life?

a) you see your goals in life more clearly

b) you feel much more confident about life

c) you start thinking that you must be more active in life

2. What important ethic do triathlon sportsmen put across in their sport?

a) you take part in the triathlon to be the best

b) everybody who takes part in it is a winner

c) you can’t win if you don’t believe in it

2.9.1. Listen to Part 3 and note down the relevant information from the recording to answer these questions.

1. What does she like about sponsorship?

2. What kind of sponsorship is she against?

3. Is she the only one who feels like that or is everybody pretty much of the same opinion?

2.9.2. Listen to Part 4 of the recording and answer the questions below choosing the right variant.

1. What is her attitude to people who think that life is perfect?

a) She likes optimists.

b) They make good company.

c) They are living in a dream world.

2. What makes her feel that she is not wasting her time?

a) teaching students

b) encouraging other women to come into sport

c) both teaching and sport

2.9.3. Listen to Part 4 again paying attention to what the speaker teaches and who she teaches.

2.9.4. Before listening to Part 5 copy the charts below.

N 1 N 2

the olimpic distance


times a week










Now listen to the description of her sport routine and fill in the details.

2.9.5. Listen to Part 5 again. Combine the words from the left-hand column with those in the right-hand column to produce word-combinations used by the speaker to describe her sport routine.

steady trial

time sessions

interval rides

circuit run

tempo training


2.9.6. Listen to Part 5 and answer the 2 questions.

1. What exercises does she do besides swimming, bicycling and running?

2. How careful is she about what she drinks and eats?

3. Language Focus and Auditory Memory Development

3.1. Complete the following sentences from the recording choosing the right intensifier from the box below. One of them can be used more than once.

quite many more pretty much absolutely

that much more never ever clearly

quite so very too

  1. ... when you’re resting, your heart isn’t working ___ hard.

  2. ... you have a positive self-image and you feel ___ confident about life.

  3. ... you can put on a wonderful event and ___ people benefit.

  4. I feel ____ strongly about this, I would ___ allow myself or I would strongly discourage...

  5. And fortunately I think everybody is ___ of the same opinion as I am.

  6. In contrast to an event that takes me ten hours I ___ don’t need to train ___ long.

  7. .... when I’m running ___ hard so I’m a bit breathless but not ___ flat out...

  8. ... eat all the right foods, nothing ___ processed.

3.2. Listen to each part of the recording separately and note down: a) the synonyms for the given words and word combinations (see List 1); b) the English equivalents for the Russian expressions and word combinations below (see List 2).

List 1

Part 1 1. to do one’s sport

2. a hard event

Part 2 1. to drop 4. to feel positive about sth

2. advantage 5. the races are the best

3. to be sure of sth 6. well-grounded, solid marker

in one’s mind

Part 3 1. real, true sponsorship

2. to be very certain of sth

Part 4 1. to suppose

2. to stimulate

3. to keep sth in mind

Part 5 1. about 2 hours

2. to be completely exhausted

3. to keep one’s body well-toned

List 2

Part 1 1. взгляд на жизнь

Part 2 1. развивать верхнюю часть тела/нижнюю часть тела

2. люди, ведущие малоподвижный образ жизни

3. главное удовлетворение

4. первым пересечь линию финиша

Part 3 1. деньги движут миром

2. проводить соревнование

Part 4 1. в жизни все уравновешено

2. делать вклад во что-либо

Part 5 1. проводить серию тренировок с перерывом между ними

2. неизбежно, неумолимо

3. все время дающая о себе знать травма

4. подвергшийся длительной термической обработке