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3. Language Focus

Listen to the recording again and write down the sentences with adjectives and numerals in their comparative degree. You should find five.

4. Follow-Up Activities

4.1. Tape Dictation

Listen to one of the speakers and write down exactly what he says.

4.2. Write a passage about the things you like and the things you might criticize concerning public transport where you live.



Text Title: What’s on at the cinema?

Cassette: From Think First Certificate, by J.Naunton

1. Pre-Listening Vocabulary

1.1. Go over the list of words below and clear up any difficulties.

patron [] - кинозритель

guts - кишки, внутренности

trailer - анонс о кинокартине

star - играть главную роль

grab (coll.) - схватить, прихватить

Paul Hogan []

Raw Deal

Dundee []

Criterion cinema

1.2. Copy the chart below:



name of film

kind of film





name of film

kind of film





name of film

kind of film




adult –

children –

2. Listening Exercises

2.1. Jeff and Emma are flatmates. Emma is ringing to Criterion cinema to see what’s on. Listen to the recorded message twice and fill in the chart.

2.2. Now you are going to hear Emma and Jeff discussing what to do this evening. Listen to them and choose the correct answers.

1. Jeff and Emma live

a) in the suburbs of London

b) in the centre of London

2. Jeff and Emma

a) have already seen Raw Deal

b) don’t like violent films

3. Which statement is true?

a) Jeff saw “A Room with a View” more recently than Emma.

b) Jeff doesn’t want to see “A Room with a View” again.

4. Which statement is false?

a) Emma didn’t like “Crocodile Dundee 1”.

b) Jeff liked “Crocodile Dundee 1” more than Emma.

5. They are having their conversation at

a) 7.10 p.m.

b) 7.30 p.m.

3. Language Focus and Auditory Memory Check

3.1. Look at these groups of sentences. Choose the sentences used in the recording.

1. a) This is the Criterion cinema giving you details…

b) This is the Criterion cinema bringing you details…

2. a) This wonderful comedy is on at …

b) This wonderful comedy has performances at …

3. a) This is the end of the recorded announcement.

b) This is the end of the recorded message.

4. a) Do you fancy a movie?

b) Would you like to see a movie?

5. a) I don’t feel like going all the way into town.

b) I’m not in the mood to go all the way into town.

6. a) Oh, I would too, but not just now.

b) Oh, I would too, but not just yet.

3.2. Give the synonyms from the recording for the following word combinations. Listen to the recording again if necessary.

  1. the very best films which are on now

  2. playing the leading role

  3. the choice of films on TV is poor

  4. what’s on at the local cinemas

  5. not to like the film

  6. too much violence

  7. not long ago

  8. Don’t worry.

  9. to get some food quickly because you are busy

4. Follow-Up Activities

4.1. Roleplay the conversation between Jeff and Emma. Make use of ex. 2.1. and ex. 2.2.

4.2. Make up a conversation between two flatmates discussing what to do this evening.


Text Title: Finding out what’s on

Cassette: From Task Listening, by L.Blundell, J.Stokes

1. Pre-Listening Tasks

1.1. Go through the following names. They will help you to understand the recording.

Walton Street Cowley Road

Annie Hall George Street

the Odeon

1.2. Copy the chart below.


The Continental screen 1

The Continental screen 2




2. Listening Exercises

2.1. You are going to hear Dick, Diana and Mary talking about films. Listen to their conversation and answer the question:

What film are Dick, Diana and Mary going to see?

2.2. Listen to the recording once more and fill in the chart. Note that the name of the cinema has been filled in for the first two films.

2.3. Listen to their conversation again and answer the questions below:

  1. Where are Dick, Diana and Mary going to meet?

  2. At what time?

  3. Where can Ray meet them if he can’t make the pub?

  4. At what time?

3. Language Focus

3.1. Listen to the recording and note down the sentences giving the information about the films which are on at the cinemas. There are three of them in all.

3.2. Translation

  1. Он сказал, что если мы пойдем в кино, то он обязательно пойдет с нами.

  2. 1 фунт за вход.

  3. Я бы посмотрел что-нибудь другое.

  4. Там, действительно, дешевые билеты.

  5. Мы могли бы выбрать сеанс.

  6. Это, должно быть, хороший фильм.

  7. В фильме много сцен насилия.

  8. А что, если он не успеет в пивную к 6 часам?

4. Follow-Up Activity

Write a short message for Ray. Use ex. 2.3.



Text Title: An extract from Pygmalion by B. Shaw (Part 1)

Cassette: From Headway Advanced, by J. and L.Soars;

songs from the musical My Fair Lady:

“Wouldn’t It Be Loverly”, “The Rain in Spain”

1. Pre-Listening Tasks

1.1. Read the following background to the play.

The play was written by G.B.Shaw (1856-1950) in 1913. On Greek mythology, Pygmalion was a king who fell in love with the statue he had sculptured and which his prayers had brought to life. The play was set in London. Later the musical was written by Alan Jay Lerner (words) and Frederic Loewe (music). It was first performed in New York in 1956 and named “My Fair Lady”. Have you seen the film version of the musical?

1.2. Study the meaning and pronunciation of the following words.

1.2.1. The song “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly”

budge - пошевелиться, сдвинуться с места

creep (crept) - ползти, незаметно надвигаться

1.2.2. The song “The Rain in Spain”

Hartford []

Hereford [] - географические названия

Hampshire [

hurricane [] - ураган

soggy [] - сырой

blasted [] - проклятый

1.2.3. An extract from the play

lingo [] - малопонятный жаргон

cylinder [ - цилиндр (использовался для записи голоса в то время)

baggage [] - (грубо) распутница

guinea [] - гинея

shilling - = 5 pence (1/20 of a pound)

crown [] - = 5 shillings

broomstick - палка от метлы

duchess [] - герцогиня

flattery - лесть

guttersnipe [] - беспризорница

folly [] - глупый, безрассудный поступок

face (coll.) (have the face to do sth) - наглость, нахальство

jott down - записывать вкратце

chuck - бросать, отказываться от …

snivel [] - хныкать

saucy [] - (диал.) презрительный, пренебрежительный

genteel [] - вежливый, благовоспитанный

draggle-tailed [] - измызганный, зашарпанный