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2. Listening Exercises

You’ll hear 4 texts about the English towns of Salisbury, Caernarfon, Durham and Liverpool.

2.1.While listening focus on the essential characteristics of the towns: their having a cathedral, a market; their origin and inhabitants.

2.2. Check your understanding by choosing the right alternative.

1. a) All the towns are cathedral towns.

b) Caernarfon, Durham and Liverpool are cathedral towns.

c) Salisbury, Durham and Liverpool are cathedral towns.

2. a) Salisbury and Liverpool are not market towns.

b) All the towns are market centres for the surrounded region.

c) Salisbury, Durham and Caernarfon are market towns.

3. a) All the towns were started by Romans.

b) Only Caernarfon and Salisbury were started by Romans.

c) None of the towns were started by Romans.

4. a) All the towns are cosmopolitan.

b) Durham and Liverpool are cosmopolitan towns.

c) Only Liverpool is a cosmopolitan city.

2.3. Listen to each text separately and note down the information needed to answer the questions.


  1. Why is Salisbury called a new town?

  2. Why was the town moved to its present site?

  3. What is the most striking feature of Salisbury?

  4. When was the cathedral built?

  5. When was the spire added to the cathedral? What’s its height?

  6. What attracts tourists in Salisbury? Note down where the attraction is situated.

  7. Why is the city centre particularly pleasant?


  1. Why is the Welsh spelling of the town preferred?

  2. Where is the town situated?

  3. When was the present castle started and completed?

  4. Who was the first Prince of Wales?

  5. When was he invested as Prince of Wales?

  6. What is the population of the town?

  7. What adds to Caernarfon’s attractions?


  1. How far is Durham from Newcastle and from London?

  2. When and why was the Norman castle built?

  3. How did the University of Durham start?

  4. What is Durham surrounded by?

  5. What is the present population of the town?


  1. What is the city’s population?

  2. What is the population of the Merseyside conurbation?

  3. What is Liverpool famous for?

  4. What industries can be found here?

  5. What is the infamous page of Liverpool’s history?

  6. How does traffic get across the river Mersey?

  7. Why is Liverpool called the real capital of the Welsh and the Irish?

  8. What is Liverpool well-known for today?

  9. What plans are being made to attract tourism to Liverpool?

3. Language Focus

Translate into English using the words and phrases from the texts:

  1. Запас воды был ограничен, поэтому город перенесли на его нынешнее место.

  2. Самое впечатляющее в городе – это его собор.

  3. В центре города особенно приятно, так как движение транспорта осуществляется по кольцевой дороге, уходящей на восток от центра.

  4. Город занимает удобное положение в стратегическом и военном отношениях.

  5. Это один из сохранившихся замков (мостов, соборов), который представляет собой большую историческую ценность.

  6. Старая городская стена все еще в хорошем состоянии.

  7. Город Дурхэм расположен на излучине реки.

  8. Религиозные школы начали развиваться с 15 века и стали, наконец, университетом Дурхэма в 1832 г.

  9. В Ливерпуле построен “Музей Битлз” стоимостью в 1 млн. фунтов.

  10. Его слава в мире футбола так же велика, как и в мире поп-музыки.

  11. Ливерпуль быстро развивался в 18 и 19 веках как главный атлантический порт Великобритании.

  12. В течение многих лет переправиться через реку можно было только на пароме, позже было выстроено 2 туннеля.

  13. Ливерпуль известен остроумием своих жителей и высокими цифрами безработицы.

  14. Планируется превратить район доков в зону отдыха.