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1.4. Go through the list of words and clear up any difficulties.

Yuppie [] - a Young Urban Professional молодой человек, ориентированный на материальные ценности в жизни

rate - скорость, темп, количество

brewer [] - пивовар

floorboard - доска пола

ale - эль, пиво

school of thought - взгляды, которых придерживается определенная группа людей

trendy (coll.) - модный

sophisticated [] - утонченный, изощренный

current - современный, нынешний

belatedly [] - с опозданием

overtake [] - обгонять

attribute sth. to sth. [] - объяснять что-то чем-либо

accentuate [] - подчеркивать, выделять

stick to sth - придерживаться чего-либо

catch on to sth - осознавать

1.5. Read some of the sentences from the interview and see if you understand them.

  1. “Britain now is drinking wine at an ever-increasing rate, at the expense of beer and hard spirits”.

an ever-increasing rate. Does this mean:

- increasing a lot ?

- increasing all the time ?

at the expense of beer. Does this mean:

- less beer is drunk ?

- wine is cheaper ?

2. “They’re getting a new look, the sort of trendy, Yuppie kind of look”.

If people are trendy Yuppies. Does this mean:

- very intellectual and socially aware ?

- fashionable and materialistic ?

2. Listening Exercises

The British are traditionally regarded as a nation of beer-drinkers. But now all this is changing, says Chris Foulkers, an editor of wine books at a London publishing house.

2.1. Listen to an interview with Chris and state the general topic of his talk:

a) The role of wine bars and pubs in social life in Britain

b) The difference between wine bars and pubs in Britain

c) The latest trends in British drinking habits

2.2. Choose the right alternative to make the following statements true about the text.

  1. British people are becoming more cosmopolitan / nationalistic nowadays.

  2. Wine bars and pubs are different / similar places.

  3. Pubs are increasingly serving alcoholic / non alcoholic drinks.

  4. The British have been rather quick / slow to catch on to the fact that you’ll crash your car if you drink too much.

2.3. Listen to the interview another time and focus on the peculiarities between wine bars and pubs mentioned by Chris Foulkers. Fill the necessary information on the grid.


Wine bars

1. You go to them for different reasons

2. People going to pubs / wine bars

3. Drinks served

2.4. Listen to the recording again and explain:

  1. Why is Britain now drinking wine at an ever-increasing rate?

  2. Why are British people becoming more sophisticated?

  3. Why does Chris think that it’s a good thing for pubs to stay open all day long?

  4. Why is the old-fashioned kind of pub the most successful in Britain?

3. Language Focus and Auditory Memory Check

3.1. In each pair of sentences given below choose the one from the recording.

1. a) ... the image of Britain as a beer-drinking country is out of date.

b) ... the image of Britain as a beer-consuming country is no longer true.

2. a) Pubs are nice places where you can eat or drink in a relaxed atmosphere.

b) Pubs are good places where you can eat or drink totally casually.

3. a) ... a lot of the interest in wine has much in common with the interest in cooking.

b) ... a lot of the interest in wine is in parallel with the interest in cooking.

4. a) ... in the summertime pubs won’t close until late in the evening.

b) ... in the summertime, when pubs will be able to stay open all day long.

5. a) It’s belatedly been realised that you can’t drink and drive.

b) It’s been finally understood that drinking and driving don’t combine.

6. a) But the British public ... apart from a few youngsters, ... stick to that old-fashioned kind of pub.

b) But the British public ... except for a few youngsters, prefer the pubs of the old time.