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Extract 6

How can this day have gone so wrong already and I haven’t even sat down yet?

I dump my bag and jacket at my desk, hurry back down the corridors to the lifts, and press the Up button. A moment later, one pings in front of me, and the doors open.

No. No.

This is a bad dream.

Jack Harper is standing alone in the lift, in old jeans and a brown cashmere sweater.

Before I can stop myself I take a startled step backwards. Jack Harper puts his mobile phone away, tilts his head to one side and gives me a quizzical look.

“Are you getting into the elevator?” he says mildly.

I’m stuffed. What can I say? I can’t say “No, I just pressed the button for fun, haha!”

“Yes,” I say at last and walk into the lift with stiff legs. “Yes I am.”

The doors close, and we begin to travel upwards in silence. I’ve got a knot of tension in my stomach.

“Erm, Mr Harper,” I say awkwardly, and he looks up. “I just wanted to apologize for my… for the, um, shirking episode the other day. It won’t happen again.”

“Emma, can you keep a secret?”

“Yes,” I say apprehensively. “What is it?”

Jack leans close and whispers, “I used to play hookey too.”

“What?” I stare at him.

“In my first job,” he continues in his normal voice. “I had a friend I used to hang out with. We had a code, too.” His eyes twinkle. “One of us would ask the other to bring him the Leopold file.”

“What was the Leopold file?”

“It didn’t exist.” He grins. “It was just an excuse to get away from our desks.”

“Oh. Oh right!”


The doors open, and my stomach gives a lurch.

Connor is standing on the other side.

As he sees Jack Harper his face lights up as though he can’t believe his luck.

“Hi there!” I say, trying to sound natural.

“Hi,” he says, his eyes shining with excitement, and walks into the lift.

“Hello,” says Jack pleasantly. “Which floor would you like?”

“Nine, please.” Connor swallows. “Mr Harper, may I quickly introduce myself?” He eagerly holds out his hand. “Connor Martin from Research. You’re coming to visit our department later on today.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Connor,” says Jack kindly. “Research is vital for a company like ours.”

Connor gives me an excited grin.

“You’ve already met Emma Corrigan from our marketing department?” he says.

“Yes, we’ve met.” Jack’s eyes gleam at me.

“How are we doing for time?” says Connor. He glances at his watch and in slight horror, I see Jack’s eyes falling on it.

Oh God.

“…I gave him a really nice watch, but he insists on wearing this orange digital thing …”

“Wait a minute!” says Jack, dawn breaking over his face. He stares at Connor as through seeing him for the first time. “Wait a minute. You’re Ken.”

Oh no.

Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh–

“It’s Connor,” says Connor puzzledly. “Connor Martin.”

“I’m sorry!” Jack hits his head with his fist. “Connor. Of course. And you two – ” he gestures to me “–are an item?”

Connor looks uncomfortable.

“I can assure you, sir, that at work our relationship is strictly professional. However, in a private context, Emma and I are… yes, having a personal relationship.”

“That’s wonderful!” says Jack encouragingly, and Connor beams, like a flower blossoming in the sun.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll be very happy together,” Jack Harper says to Connor. “You seem very compatible.”

“Oh we are!” says Connor at once. “We both love jazz, for a start.”

“Is that so?” says Jack thoughtfully. “You know, I can’t think of anything nicer in the world than a shared love of jazz.”

He’s taking the piss. This is unbearable.

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