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In this method of administration, vapours, or gases are taken into the nose or mouth and are absorbed into the blood stream through the thin walls of the air sacks in the lungs (alveoli).

Topical Application

This is the local external application of drug on skin or mucous membranes of the mouth or other surfaces. It is commonly used to accelerate the healing of abrasions, for antiseptic treatment of a wound, and as an antipruritic (against itching). Lotions are used most often when the skin is moist, or “weeping”, and ointments and creams are used when the lesions are dry.

III. Устная речь. Ситуационные задачи:

    1. Пациент обращается к фармацевту с просьбой уточнить сведения о препарате – показания к применению, противопоказания, побочное действие, дозировку, взаимодействие с др. препаратами. Проконсультируйте пациента на основе содержания аннотации.

    2. Пациентка получила рецепт на препарат, в котором указано: «В таблетках - принимать перорально, в форме мази – местное нанесение». Она обращается за консультацией к фармацевту, что означает термин «пер-орально» и какую форму препарата ей выбрать. Опишите достоинства и недостатки каждого способа применения, используя следующие опоры:

This type of administration is accomplished by…

The advantages of it are…

There are some disadvantages of this type of drug administration, such as…

I would recommend you….

IV. Oзнакомление с вариантом проверочной работы № 2

(см. раздел Контрольные задания)

Тема 3.4. Экология и её влияние на здоровье человека. Здоровый образ жизни. Занятие 7.

Этапы занятия и рекомендуемая продолжительность тренировки видов речевой деятельности:

I. Изучающее чтение.

Задание 1. Изучите новую лексику.

  1. life threatening – угрожающий жизни

  2. to poison – отравлять

  3. the fastest-spreading disease – быстрораспространяющаяся болезнь

  4. energy consumption – потребление энергии

  5. deforestation – гибель леса

  6. ozone depletion – истощение озонового слоя

  7. greenhouse effect – парниковый эффект

  8. nuclear wastes – ядерные отходы

  9. fertilizer – удобрение

  10. on the brink of extinction – на грани исчезновения

  11. to breathe – дышать

  12. invention – открытие

  13. to vanish – исчезать

Задание 2. Прочтите и переведите текст

Environmental protection.

What is the environment? The environment is everything around us.

People have always polluted their environment. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem as people lived in uncrowded rural areas. With the development of overcrowded industrial cities which emit huge amounts of pollutants into small areas, the problem has become urgent. Automobiles and other new inventions make [pollution steadily worse. Since the late 1960’s people have become alarmed with the danger of pollution.

The poisoning of the world’s land, air and water is the fastest-spreading disease of civilization. Overpopulation, pollution and energy consumption have created such planet-wide problems as massive deforestation, ozone depletion, acid rains and the global warming caused by greenhouse effect. The seas are in danger. They are filled with industrial and nuclear wastes, chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

The Mediterranean Sea is nearly dead; the North Sea is the following; the Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. If nothing is done about it there will be no living organisms left in the seas.

Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies forever, many flowers become rare and vanish. One million species living today may become extinct within twenty years.

Air pollution in some big industrial cities is so great that just breathing the air is life threatening. For example in Cairo it is equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. The same holds true for Mexico City and 600 cities of the former Soviet Union.

Tons of harmful substances emitted by industrial enterprises create dangerous situation for the life on the planet.

People are beginning to realize that many environmental catastrophes such as Chernobyl disaster present global danger. They join and support various international organizations and green parties. So the governments should clearly realize the disaster threatening the natural world. It’s high time for the people of the world to unite their efforts in saving the planet – our mutual home.

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы

  1. When have people become alarmed with the danger of pollution?

  2. What are planet-wide problems?

  3. Why are the seas in danger?

  4. What are the main reasons for the greenhouse effect and acid rain?

  5. What are the harmful effects of pollution?

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами

  1. People have always … their environment (defended, polluted, developed).

  2. The seas are filled with … (fish, nuclear wastes, grass).

  3. Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect … forever (grows, remains alive, dies).

  4. People are beginning … that environmental problems are not local (to forget, to realize, to remember).

  5. Tons of harmful substances … dangerous situations for the life on the planet (stop, create, change).