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III. Работа над грамматикой.

Прошедшее простое время - Past Simple – глаголов to be, to have и конструкции there + be

Задание 1. Прочтите информацию на стр 109-110 учебника.

Задание 2. Выполните упр 1- 7 на стр 110-112 учебника

Занятие 6

Этапы занятия:

I. Ознакомительное чтение a higher educational medical establishment in Russia.

There are a lot of medical educational establishments in our country ranging from a medical college, institute or academy to medical university. They differ in the number of faculties, courses and teaching facilities but their structure, application requirements and the curriculum are much alike.

Those who want to enter a medical university should have considerable academic achievements at school and a confidential report from school authorities. Usually it is necessary to take written or oral examinations in Biology, Chemistry and Russian Literature. Sometimes an interview is required. If one succeeds, he/she becomes a student of the university.

The course of studies varies from five to six years. The courses are mainly full-time but there are also part-time courses (as for pharmacists).

The structure of a higher educational establishment is the same for all the universities. A university is headed by a rector and pro-rectors. A dean and a deputy dean are at the head of a department (faculty). A head of the chair (mainly a professor) is in charge of the chair. The staff of a chair includes professors, assistant professors, lecturers, senior instructors, instructors, senior and junior research associates. Post-graduate students participate in the scientific work of the chair.

The most common forms of teaching process are lecture, seminar, laboratory work, case study (presentation) and practical training. The most hard-working and enthusiastic students join scientific societies.

Every term (year) is concluded by the finals (credit tests and exams). At the end of the study the students take State Examinations and get the Diploma. After that they are to choose between the following opportunities – to start their practice (being licensed by a corresponding licensing board) or to enter a post-diploma course.

Задание 1. Произнесите слова за диктором, запомните их значения.

To range - выстраиваться по рангу, степени значимости

facility - средство, возможность, приспособление

application requirement - требования для поступления (к поступающим)

curriculum - учебный план

applicant - абитуриент

interview - собеседование

full-time course = очное обучение

part-time course = заочное обучение

dean - декан

deputy dean - заместитель декана

chair - кафедра

senior instructor - старший преподаватель

junior research associate - младший научный сотрудник

case study (presentation) - решение клинической задачи, обсуждение

клинического случая

enthusiastic - увлеченный

credit test - зачет (форма контроля)

Задание 2. Задайте 10 вопросов (различного типа) к тексту таким образом, чтобы ответы освещали основное содержание текста.

Задание3. Дополните предложения по смыслу:

  1. A person wishing to become a student and taking entrance exams is a …

  2. A person who studies at the faculty of ………. is a future ………

  3. The head of a …….. is a ………… .

  4. One who delivers lectures is a ………….

  5. One who conducts practical classes is a ……………

  6. A graduate who enters the internship course becomes an …………

  7. A graduate who enters the clinical residency course becomes a ………….

  8. A person who enters the post-graduate course becomes a …………….

Задание 4. Выберите необходимую по смыслу форму глагола – сказуемого, составьте предложения:


The University

Each department

A dean

Each chair

The head of the chair

A hospital

A chief doctor

to head

to be headed

to supervise

to be supervised

to be responsible for

the University.

by the rector.

by a dean.

a faculty.

by a head of chair.

The work of the chair staff.

by a chief doctor.

a hospital.