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III. Определите без словаря значения следующих словосочетаний:

soil classification; soil scientists; important role; mapping of soils; large diameter; soil horizons; geological material; soil-forming factor; soil map; profile class

IV. Употребите глагол, стоящий в скобках, в нужном времени:

1. The dean was sure that the students of Land Use Planning faculty (to take part) in the meeting. 2. He knew that you (to be writing) the report for the conference on the problems of geodesy. 3. My friend told me he (to hear) the previous week that our chair (to be preparing) for the conference and that it (to be held) at the end of the next month. 4. Galileo proved that the Earth (to move) round the Sun. 5. The teacher said that the students of this group (to be) good at geodesy. 6. The student said that he (to become) a good specialist in soil science.

V. Закончите следующие предложения, используя текст:

1. Soil properties are well correlated with the... . 2. The sizes of particles in sandy soils are... . 3. Clay soils are called... . 4. Sandy soils are called... . 5. The categories of natural drainage are... . 6. Classifications emphasizing pro­perties indicating the nature and extent of physical, chemical and biological processing in soils are called... . 7. Soil-forming process usually leads to the development of... . 8. Soil series are named after... .

VI. Объяcните на английском языке значения следующих слов и cловосочетаний:

soil mapping; soil properties; ecologist; permanent physical properties; cultivation methods; "heavy" soils; "light" soils; soil horizons; parent material

VII. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. Запишите вопросы в тетрадь:

1.Soil surveys show the distribution of soil classes on maps. 2. Soil classification and mapping play an important role in cadastral survey. 3. Most of us can make some sort of soil map of the familiar area. 4. The land use planner or ecologist concerns himself with a wide range of soil properties. 5. Soils are formed by physical, chemical and biological processes. 6. Soil series are commonly used as mapping units on detailed soil maps. 7. Stoniness refers to the proportion of particles of a diameter larger than 2 mm.

VIII. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова.Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. In ... soils the size of particles change from 0.06 to 2 mm in diameter. 2. What is the ... of particles in silty soils? 3. Sandy soils are ... "light" or coarse texture. 4. Soils may be excessively well, moderately well, imperfectly, poorly and very ... drained. 5. Soils are formed by physical, chemical and ... processes. 6. The sequence of soil layers is technically ... soil horizons. 7. The nature of the geological material from which the soil has formed is often a ... indicator of its properties. 8. Soil surveys ... necessary for land cadastre.

Iх. Переведите с русского языка на английский:

В техническом отношении метод В. В. Докучаева вклю­чал: 1) разработку естественной классификации почв; 2) оп­ределение геологических свойств почв; 3) установление химического состава; 4) определение физических свойств почв.

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